🐳 Featured Group: Gameplay feature: House ownership

Democracy 3

Moby ID: 72163

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Main menu. The mod button allows you to easily enable or disable mods.
Starting a new game. You can pick between six countries, each with its policies and beliefs.
All games are played in a two-party system. The party names are randomly selected, while other parameters are country specific. However, all can be adjusted or changed.
Main game screen. You can see all of your policies (white), data (blue), special situations (red and green) and a demographic breakdown by ideology/interest group (middle).
All items in the main screen are interconnected. Hovering over an item shows what affects it, how (green is positive effect, red is negative) and to what degree.
Special situations may develop suddenly, can be good or bad, and have unexpected effects. Clicking any item will show its numeric cause/effect relationship with other items
You are free to choose from a variety of policies, each with its own costs, benefits and popularity among voters. You need political capital to implement any policy.
Adjusting an existing policy requires less political capital, but it usually takes longer to reach its desired level (though a minister's effectiveness may reduce the time and increase the benefits).
You gain political capital from your ministers, who draw theirs from the support of their constituency. Having a cabinet that reflects your ideology is key to success.
The polling screen gives you a better breakdown of your popularity with different groups, as well as the effect your policies or situations have on the voters.
It is also important to keep a close eye on your budget, or your country may enter an unstoppable debt spiral.
Each turn you receive a quarterly report which singles out several items of particular importance.
Random events may pop up from time to time. Some of them are beyond your control, but others are a response to your policies.
From time to time you'll be asked to make an important decision. It force you to choose which group of voters you want to pander to.
You need to keep an eye on your rival party. Both the general popularity and the eagerness of activists are important to winning an election.
When some voter groups feel marginalized they may form a terrorist group which will try to assassinate you. High funding to your secret services will reduce the risk.
The people chose... wisely.
Outstanding accomplishments deserve an achievement award.
There are many achievements to be won.
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