Alone in the Dark: Illumination

Moby ID: 74031

Releases +


Jun 5, 2015 Release
Published by: Atari Europe S.A.S.U.
Developed by: Pure FPS
Distributed by: Valve Corporation
Additional Graphics by: Section Studios, Inc., Core 3D
Motion Capture by: House of Moves, Inc.
Game Engine by: Epic Games, Inc.
Testing by: 2 Strong Testing, GlobalStep LLC
Countries: flag Worldwide
Comments: Steam release
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Oct 4, 2018 Release
Published by: THQ Nordic GmbH
Developed by: Pure FPS
Distributed by: Valve Corporation
Additional Graphics by: Section Studios, Inc., Core 3D
Motion Capture by: House of Moves, Inc.
Game Engine by: Epic Games, Inc.
Testing by: 2 Strong Testing, GlobalStep LLC
Countries: flag Worldwide
Comments: Steam release
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Releases contributed by Plok, Sciere.