Alone in the Dark 2

aka: AITD2, Alone in the Dark: Jack is Back, Alone in the Dark: One-Eyed Jack's Revenge
Moby ID: 907

Descend Into the Terrifying Depths of the Ultimate 3-D Virtual Mystery

Become the elusive detective, Edward Carnby, embarking on a super-sleuthing quest to rescue a kidnapped child. One-Eyed Jack, ringleader of the wretched, Commands his legion of immortal pirates to thwart Carnby’s every move. Mazes, trapdoors and secret passageways loom in the shadows as the mystery deepens. Nerves of steel and quick thinking are the only solution to keep the terrifying depths of disaster at bay!


Back of Box - Playstation (US)

Descend into the Terrifying Depthsof the Ultimate 3-D Virtual Mystery

You are the elusive detective of the macabre, Edward Carnby. A kidnapped child depends on your super sleuthing skills and your astonishing ability to outwit bands of ruthless gangsters, smugglers and pirates. One Eyed Jack, their nefarious leader, would give his remaining eye to see you permanently retired. Are you ready for the challenge of your life?

Steel nerves and quicksilver thinking are your trademarks, so without hesitation you set out to rescue young Grace Saunders, the missing girl. Your razor sharp instincts lead you to the one place that no one in their right mind would go .... One Eyed Jack's infamous hideout known as Hell's Kitchen - a forbidding mansion that resonates with venomous evil.

Perched high above the unforgiving and twisting sea, Hell's Kitchen glares down at you, daring you to come closer. "One Eyed Jack is in there," you whisper under your breath. "And that little girl needs my help, if she's going to get out alive ...." You begin to scale the sheer cliffs, your fate cast aside as you realize that you are alone .... and in the dark again.

  • Little Grace Saunders, the kidnapped child, descending into the clutches of evil.
  • Death defying perils await you at every turn!
  • Depending on your location in each scene, you will view the action from a variety of angles.
  • Fearlessly, you outsmart One Eyed Jack's battalion of bloodthirsty braisers.
  • Once inside Hell's Kitchen, the options for adventure are virtually limitless!
  • Deep in the garden maze, you must master baffling obstacles.
  • Just when you think you're close, Grace is whisked away by One Eyed Jack's thugs.
  • Every shadow hides a manslayer with one thing on his mind - your demise!


Back of Box - DOS (US)

Alone in the Dark’ 2

Descend Into the Terrifying Depths of the Ultimate 3-D Virtual Mystery

You are Edward Carnby, the elusive detective of the macabre. A kidnapped child depends on your sleuthing skills, your steel nerves, and your quicksilver wits – without hesitation, you set out to rescue young Grace Saunders.

Your razor sharp instincts soon lead you to the one place that no one in their right mind would go, a forbidding mansion that resonates with venomous evil: the infamous bandits' hideout known as Hell's Kitchen. Their nefarious leader, One-Eyed-Jack, would give his remaining eye to see you permanently retired.

  • The Award Winning Classic

Computer Game Review –

"Golder Triad Award"

Computer Player –

"Best Adventure Game"

Strategy Plus –

"Best Animated Adventure Game"

  • Over 50 hours of game play.

  • Full interaction with terrifying ghosts.

  • Over 70 new characters and hundreds of detailed 3D objects.

  • Mazes, trapdoors and secret passageways increase the thrill and challenge.


Back of Box - 3DO

CANRBY looked up. The threatening face of HELL'S KITCHEN, an old mansion high on the cliff top, overhanging the Pacific's treacherous waves, loomed down on him. All those long hours spent on the firing range and unarmed combat would certainly not go to waste now.

Ever since CARNBY was ALONE IN THE DARK in DERCETO, his colleagues have started calling him "Supernatural Private Eye". The saga continues!

Christmas Eve 1924, CARNBY's thoughts are with poor little GRACE, an innocent 8-year old child recently kidnapped by a gang of bootleggers. Come what may, he has to save her from the evil clutches of ONE EYED JACK.

Mazes, trap doors, secret passageways, deadly gangsters, blood-thirsty pirates, ghost ships, ruthless smugglers... These kind of encounters can be so fatal when you're alone,



Back of Jewel Case - DOS (UK)

Mit Piraten und

Galgenvögeln ist nicht gut Kirschen essen!


Sein Freund Stryker ist unter mysteriösen Umständen während eines Auftrags über eine Kindesentführung verschwunden. Für Carnby liegt die Lösung dieses Rätsels in Hells's Kitchen, dem unheimlichen Unterschlupf von One Eyed Jack, einem gefürchteten Gangster. An diesem Weihnachtsabend 1924 beschließt er, das stattliche Haus, das über einer steilen Feldwand steht, zu durchsuchen. Doch in Hell's Kitchen ist man gewohnt, ungebetene Gäste mit MP-Salven zu empfangen. Mit Alone in the Dark 2 erleben Sie die Rückkehr von Edward Carnby und ein atemberaubendes Abenteuer, in dem Prohibition, Voodoo-Kult, Geisterschiff und Reise durch die Zeit zu einem packenden Szenario versponnen werden. Noch immer keine Angst im Dunkeln? Na dann willkommen in Alone in the Dark 2. Doch seien Sie auf der Hut, sonst könnten die Weihnachtsglocken einen Trauermarsch läuten.


Flashbacks, Großaufnahmen und Spezialeffekte für mehr als 50 Spielstunden, 3D-Animationen der Figuren und Gegenstände in Echtzeit. Mehr als 230 animierte Kulissen. Ergreifender Realismus und Flüssigkeit der Animation dank eines optimierten Programmotors. Kinoartige Ansichten, mit verschiedenen Blickwinkeln je nach Position der Figur.


Printed advertisement - PC Player 04/94

Esward CARNBY erhob die Augen zu HELL'S KITCHEN, welches mit seinen imposanten Mauern die Felswand überragte, an der sich die Brandung unermüdlich brach. Im Laufe seiner Erkundung würde sich sein langes, hartes Training im Nahkampf und im Umgang mit Feuerwaffen sicher bezahlt machen.

Seit dem Fall DERCETO nennen ihn seine Kollegen nicht zu Unrecht „Detektiv des Unergründlichen“

Aber in dieser vorweihnachtlichen Zeit dachte CARNBY zuallererst an GRACE, dem achtjährigen Mädchen, das von einer Schmugglergang entführt wurde. Es galt, sie um jeden Preis aus den Klauen des unerbittlichen ONE EYED JACK zu befreien.

Irrgärten, Falltüren, Geheimgänge, Geisterschiff, gemeine Gangster, gewissenlose Schieber, blutrünstige Piraten... Solche unliebsamen Begegnungen können einem leicht zum Verhängnis werden, besonders wenn man allein ist.


50 Spielstunden

70 Figuren

210 Kulissen

600 3D-Objekte

1500 Animationen


Back of Box - CD-ROM release - DOS (Germany)

CARNBY looked up.

The threatening face of HELL'S KITCHEN, an old mansion on a cliff top, overhanging the Pacific's treacherous waves, loomed down at him. All those long hours spent on the firing range and unarmed combat would certainly not go to waste now.

Ever since CARNBY was ALONE IN THE DARK in DERCETO, his colleagues have started calling him “Supernatural Prive Eye”.

The saga continues!

Christmas Eve 1934, CARNBY's thoughts are with poor little GRACE, an innocent 8-year old girl recently kidnapped by a gang of bootleggers. Come what may, he has to save her from the evil clutches of ONE EYES JACK.

Mazes, trap doors, secret passageways, deadly gangsters, blood-thirsty pirates, ghost ships, ruthless smugglers... These kind of encounters can be so fatal when you're alone


50 Hours of play

70 Characters

210 Backgrounds

600 3D-Objects

1500 Animations


Back of Box - 3,5'' floppy re-release - DOS (United Kingdom)

Edward Carnaby, l'astuto detective sempre implicato in vicende sinistre è di nuovo alle prese con criminali misteriosi che hanno rapito una bimba di 8 anni. - Tutto in italiano -


Italian distributor's website (PC version)

In the sequel to the internationally acclaimed Alone in the Dark, game players once again assume the role of Edward Carnby, elusive detective of the macabre. This time you embark on a super sleuthing quest to rescue a kidnapped child. One Eyed Jack, ringleader of the wretched, commands his legion of smugglers, gangsters and pirates to thwart Carnby's every move. Mazes, trapdoors and secret passageways loom in the shadows as the mystery deepens. Nerves of steel and quicksilver thinking are the only solution to keep the terrifying depths of disaster at bay!

  • frightfully eerie soundtrack
  • 70 enigmatic characters
  • 15 perplexing and challenging levels
  • hundreds of detailed 3-D objects
  • 50 hours of gamplay

Technical Requirements: CD-ROM version

  • IBM PC AT 100% compatible, 386 DX33 minimum
  • DOS 3.0 or higher
  • Windows 3.1 or higher
  • 256 HB EMS (expnded)
  • 2 MB RAM (more than 560K free conventional memory)
  • CD-ROM drive (150 K/sec. minimum)
  • MSCDEX 2.2 or higher
  • VGA 256 color graphics card
  • Hard disk -- 18 MB free
  • Sound Blaster or 100% compatible sound card

3 1/2" HD (1.44 MB, 9 disks)

  • IBM PC AT 100% compatible (386, 486 - 25 Mhz minimum)
  • DOS 3.0 or higher
  • 256 HB EMD (Expanded)
  • Hard Disk - 14 MB free
  • 2 MB RAM (more than 560KB free conventional memory)
  • Sound Blaster, Adlib and Sound Source compatible card
  • VGA 256 color graphics card
  • Mouse with corresponding driver.


I*Motion's website

Contributed by Patrick Bregger, Havoc Crow, Jeanne, jean-louis, UV, karttu.

Know of a missing ad blurb? Contribute.