Aldo's Adventure

Moby ID: 9468


Custom number of barrels

By default, a maximum of eight barrels can be moving across the levels at once. However, the limit can be set by appending the number as a command-line parameter when starting the game, e.g. launching it as "aldo 6" to have at most 6 barrels on screen at once. Although reducing the number of barrels makes the game considerably easier to play and achieve high scores in, the reason the game gives for offering the option is one of performance. The number of barrels should be reduced if the computer the game is played on can't handle updating all 8 barrels at a fluid frame rate. While the instructions state that the number cannot be reduced to less than 4, it can actually be lowered down to a single barrel.

Level sequence

The game contains ten levels in total in version 1.0, and 12 in version 1.1. However, after beating the last levels, they are all repeated in sequence with a changed color palette, until the player runs out of lives. Each time a level is played, the initial time limit is lowered.


David and Benjamin Ibach are a father and son, who used the development of the Aldo games as a way to spend time together.

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Trivia contributed by Daniel Saner.