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Fables & Fiends: The Legend of Kyrandia - Book One (DOS)


The Good
Beautiful imagery, good dialogue, excellent music and feelings of nostalgia...

Also combine this with wit and a perfect fairy tale story and you're onto a winner, no problems there at all. Very playable even today 23 years later - I'd know, I played this 23 years ago when I was a very young child, and I played it earlier tonight!

The Bad
It's so, so, so hard! There is a particular sequence which involves a cave which, with one mistake, will set you back around 30 minutes or even kill you - and yes, this game will let you die with great ease and without a second thought. It's incredibly difficult and I've never actually been able to finish it!

The Bottom Line
Give it go - if nothing else, very nostalgic and something different. I personally prefer games like the Monkey Island series where it's all a bit more tongue-in-cheek and you're not going to die, but this game is a challenge which can be enjoyed, even if you find yourself dead many times during the process.

By Quackbal on August 2, 2015

Actua Soccer: Club Edition (DOS)

Quirky and buggy...

The Good
Fun to play like all Actua Soccer titles - fast paced and arcade style. Many tricks can be learnt and also all historical data is correct as of its time (1996/97)

The Bad
... Very buggy! Poor commentary (but good for the time, I guess!) and very linear once you've worked out the various tricks to score goals!

The Bottom Line
Was fun in the day - worth a play for nostalgia!

By Quackbal on October 7, 2014

Lotus: The Ultimate Challenge (DOS)

Not what it may seem...

The Good
I've always loved the music (albeit not as much on DOS, Amiga wins by far here) and the variety of different scenarios you can race in - It is truly an endless selection of possibilities ...

The Bad
... Which leads me to my issues with this game. It gets boring very quickly and there is no flexibility or tools for the user as to the design and layout of the circuits and it is just random. The AI is non existent and I just found myself finding this game a tad repetitive after a few minutes of play!

The Bottom Line
Worth a play for the nostalgia... always been a fan! Big replay factor? Probably not.

By Quackbal on March 20, 2013

Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold (DOS)


The Good
I liked the gameplay! It is Wolfenstein 3D with a science fiction theme and makeover, and when I was a kid I sometimes got bored of Wolf3D - so therefore Blake Stone was a good option as if you know how to play one, you can play the other!

I liked the features such as Food Units and Informants (bad guys who actually help you) and also found the music really catchy. The HUD was also easy to use and understand and contained many advanced features such as attacking information and a dialogue box for communication. None of this was in Wolf 3D, which is why this was a breath of lovely new air!

The Bad
The AI was pretty poor, in my opinion, with enemies just pointing and firing instead of engaging any tactics. The graphics were also extremely pixelated and horrible! What the title is referring to as 'tragic' is in fact the timing of Blake Stone's release - a mere five days before Doom! Of course, this game was crushed by Doom and that was that - it is extremely frustrating though, because this game had potential and due to the daft timing of it's release, fell down into the pit of gaming blackness and never returned.

The Bottom Line
This game is fun to play, the last real milestone of the pre-Doom FPS era - after this, everything changed. So, like Wolfenstein 3D, regardless of the awful release time, Blake Stone is truly part of history.

By Quackbal on April 26, 2007

Overlord (DOS)

They did their best...

The Good
This game had good intentions; you certainly feel that you are a fighter pilot in World War II. The sense of realism is there and the graphics aren't bad either.

The Bad
Unfortunately, it just wasn't executed well enough. The missions are far too linear, with similar objectives each time (albeit a wide possible range, but often it only chooses from 2 or 3 types). The game is over very quickly and the enemy AI is rather poor.

The Bottom Line
This game is OK - could have been good, but it remains OK. Rather unknown nowadays and in my opinion only worth it if you come across it in a bargain bin.

By Quackbal on April 26, 2007

SkyRoads (DOS)

A novelty.

The Good
As the title says, this game is something different. The music's satisfactory and the backdrops are very well done - it is a game of good replay value and is, excuse the poor example, similar to newspaper crosswords; something you just HAVE to keep trying until you get right. This makes the game addictive - and that is usually a good thing!

The Bad
Although it has plenty of levels, I would have liked to have seen more - more expansion packs should have been released to allow a higher variety; perhaps even the ability to create tracks!

The Bottom Line
A nice little game which can provide you with amusement (and gritted teeth on the later levels) - Give it a go!

By Quackbal on April 26, 2007

Chuck Yeager's Air Combat (DOS)

My definition of "early air combat game".

The Good
I'm a huge fan of air combat games and flight simulators - as I am training to be a pilot (hobby, not career) and I can safely say that this is a brilliant game. The main aspect of its brilliance is the sheer customizability included. You can make your own missions with a large amount of different parameters, aircraft, etc. Also the historical missions are very good and definitely make a great attempt to capture Chuck Yeager's experiences with help from the man himself; which brings me onto the fact that the game has accurate physics, due to Yeager's input on the subject.

The Bad
What I didn't like were the graphics - OK, this is a 1991 game, but still not a huge fan of the blocky textureless planes we have and I also find the sound to be quite depressing - Either internal PC speaker drones which are arguably BETTER than the sound blaster racket that you could get. Also would like there to be more planes - half of the aircraft you see in Chuck Yeager's Air Combat are not playable!

The Bottom Line
Good game for its time and this is my definition of "early air combat game" - It paved the ground for all the upcoming games based on this genre, and is still a great game to experience now, 15 years later! Get it!

By Quackbal on September 4, 2006

Duke Nukem 3D (DOS)

Parallel to Quake - and pretty much the last good 2.5D game.

The Good
I liked the wit. It's typical Duke Nukem, and it is refreshing to play a game with a down to earth hero. His one-liners always made me chuckle, and it added an air of Hollywood into the game!

Graphics are pretty good for '96, probably just over Dooms '93 level (but remember that was insanely ahead of its time) and the environments are believable, and weapons are very good - futuristic but fun to use, and definitely add to the players interest. The graphics were good enough for me to enjoy those strippers' looks... ;)

I love the gameplay - It is pretty much your typical FPS - but it has less bad features and more good ones than many - For example, you can use items like the jetpack which are executed perfectly, and of course Duke's interactivity with the player sets this game above Quake, and even Doom in that respect.

The music consists of midi tracks, but they are very well done and catchy - Some levels use a form of ambience, and others use a very "on the go" type of tune depending on what sort of level it is; I think the music was done very effectively in this game. The sound is also pretty good - with background sounds in effect, and the same format of enemy sounds as found in Doom ("wakeup" sounds, "active" sounds, etc) which can cause the player to shake in fear! There are a good number of levels to play here - I never got bored playing this game. Sounds great, huh? Well there are some problems ...

The Bad
... yes, you heard me! There are some problems. Mainly, similar to Doom II, there is a poor storyline which is never really followed by the player. Also, obviously it is 2.5D, which means sprites are used for the characters, which can look poor when looking at dead bodies on the rotating security cameras in the game - as they bodies spin with the camera. This is something that has been a problem since Doom, and 3D Realms were very aware of it. Also, I can't say much for the mouselook feature in this game - tends to give one a bit of a headache using it, although that may just be me...

The Bottom Line
This is a good game, and worth getting if you want a complete "old school FPS" collection. As with Doom, it is an adrenalin pumping game with good graphics and admirable gameplay.

By Quackbal on September 4, 2006

Star Wars: X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter (Windows)

Good for what it was designed for

The Good
I liked the graphics, improved engine, sound - it is all very good and lived up to my expectations. The multiplayer is brilliant and I have had many hours of fun out of it with my friends or over the internet. It is a near flawless engine for multiplayer gaming and can give you a lot of amusement and strategy.

The Bad
I didn't like the lack of single player support - Although people tend to forget that this game is designed for multiplayer, not single player - and if you want to play on your own, play the original X-Wing or TIE Fighter games.

The Bottom Line
I like it - many people don't, but I do - It is designed as a multiplayer game, so if you want some fun over a LAN in a Star Wars environment with simple goals - play this.

By Quackbal on September 3, 2006

Desert Storm Command Deluxe (DOS)

Repetitive game.

The Good
The graphics are pretty good - the scenery is actually very good for its time, but bare in mind it is static scenery and some of it is just compilations of photographs.

I also liked the music, as it suits the action very well, and sounds nice for the time of release.

The Bad
Unfortunately, it's just plain boring. I could have perhaps 15 minutes of fun playing this game - after that point, as hard as it gets, I'm just sitting there yawning and thinking about other things - this game does not grip you at all, and the simplicity of gameplay does no favours for this games credit.

The Bottom Line
Not really worth it - Repetitive game with a repetitive theme. Try something else.

By Quackbal on September 3, 2006

Worms: Armageddon (Windows)

So frustrating! Ahhhh!

The Good
I'm cringing while writing this - I LOVE the new features, including the new weapons, new utilities and the upgraded engine. Don't get me wrong, they are brilliant - but ...

The Bad
... MOST OF THEM ARE LOCKED AWAY UNTIL YOU COMPLETE NEAR IMPOSSIBLE SECTIONS OF THE GAME! Team17 have admitted that they locked a lot of features away in order to stop the interface cluttering - This I STRONGLY disagree with, as much of the ability to customize that was seen in Worms 2 is no longer present, and you have to be spoon-fed a lot of the features without any ability to edit them. This makes me rather annoyed, as I'm a Worms fan (not very good at the game though!) - I don't want to have to stick to Team17's preference to how I play the game!

The Bottom Line
In conclusion, it's a somewhat wasted game, as all of the nice features must be unlocked and this is pretty frustrating. Worms 2 with this games engine would be perfect - too bad it'll never happen.

By Quackbal on September 3, 2006

Escape from Monkey Island (Windows)

Funny, yet disappointing...

The Good
I love the hilarity of this game - as with all other MI games, the jokes are common and well executed, meaning that the player always has a smile on his/her face.

The storyline is pretty good, although perhaps not as strong as the previous games, and it lets the player truly become a part of the experience.

The Bad
Unfortunately, there was a lot more to dislike in this addition to the series.

Firstly, the graphics are horrible. When 3D was advertised for it, we all thought "great, it'll look awesome" - but how wrong we were; since it runs in extremely low resolution, it can look pretty jagged on the big monitors. The facial expressions are not clear enough due to the image distortion, and this takes a huge chunk out of the game, as a lot of the game is based around reaction and timing (which TV comedies also rely upon).

Secondly, I don't like the new control method - I prefer the classic point and click interface, rather than having to use the keyboard to control Guybrush. Often, while running, I will end up going to the wrong place because of the difficulty I have in controlling the character: Point and click was far more efficient. Also, various parts of the game were extremely difficult to master, like Monkey Kombat - this is an adventure game and should not have something that is so hard to beat present in an action game form. With the insult sword fighting of Monkey Island 1 and 3, and the insult arm wrestling of this game, at least it wasn't too difficult and was incredibly amusing - but Monkey Kombat simply doesn't have the enjoyment, and is more of a 'chore' than anything else - this is something I really disliked.

The Bottom Line
Probably worth buying, but ONLY if you have played the other games in the series first; otherwise, avoid it as it will make little sense to you and you will probably find the poor graphics and control difficult to master and not worth the hassle.

By Quackbal on September 3, 2006

The Curse of Monkey Island (Windows)

Lovable, beautiful; a masterpiece.

The Good
I loved everything about this game. This is my favourite in the series, and I will individually point out all of the features I adore:

Music - Probably the best music in the Monkey Island series. It is so imaginative and well put together - I definitely admire Michael Land for all of the wonderful pieces in this game, and they go amazingly well with whatever scene is present - whether it's happy music for the wonderful island of Puerto Pollo, or it's an anxious score for the rollercoaster chase at the end - it is all exquisite and deserves more recognition than it gets.

Characters - The character development is lovely. You get to know the ins and outs of all the characters by the vast range of speech options you can click, and you can explore all of their personalities as if you were really talking to them. Each character shines through outside of the screen into your mind, and this is valuable in a game. Guybrush's gullibility is so obvious here, as is LeChuck's uncertainty about what's going on, and Elaine's irritation and patronization towards Guybrush!

Graphics - Very cartoon style graphics are present here, which I find good. The puffy clouds become a trademark, so to speak, and the drawing of the backgrounds is lovely; all of which are very interactive and Guybrush makes his comments on all of the scenery and objects around him.

Gameplay - Somewhat different to the earlier games, but very good. It has become easier for people to learn how to play without imposing limitations, by simply 'looking' 'using' or 'talking', instead of all the 'open' 'close' etc. The humour in the game is brilliant, and I never ceased to smile while playing Monkey Island 3! The storyline is excellent and imaginative, and a lot of effort has clearly gone into the making of this masterpiece.

The Bad
There isn't much to dislike about this game in my view. On newer PCs you may encounter errors with the palette of the game, but this is fairly rare and shouldn't cause a problem - and can be cured with a save and restart of the application.

Other than that - Nope, nothing I dislike about this game!

The Bottom Line
Buy it - You will love it, and as with all the other MI games, it can be played at any age and be loved. While it can be enjoyed, unfortunately it is not always appreciated, and you must look carefully at everything they are saying on-screen, to fully understand the genius behind this game.

Simply brilliant.

By Quackbal on September 3, 2006

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (DOS)

A good sequel.

The Good
I like a lot about this game - Once again, the characters are back with their extraordinary wit and the scenery is excellent. This game gives you more flexibility as you can control which island Guybrush is on, and you can choose, to an extent, the order in which he completes his tasks.

The storyline is admirable - pure Monkey Island standard - and lets the players imagination take over. There are sad parts in this story, and a lot of funny ones - Just play it and see for yourself!

The Bad
The ending. I really hate the ending - With a passion in fact - It drives a huge amount of inconsistency into the series, which is really unnecessary as inconsistency is a thorn in the side of the Monkey Island games from here on in. I suppose it is a prompt to use your own imagination, but I still don't agree with it, and try to ignore the ending as much as possible.

The Bottom Line
Very good sequel, and a personal preference over the first game. Although the ending is weak, the 99% of the game leading up to that is great - and is an amazingly constructive way to spend those rainy days in, as you use your head... a lot.

By Quackbal on September 3, 2006

The Secret of Monkey Island (DOS)

Simply brilliant - The start of a new era.

The Good
Pretty much everything is good about this game. It is the start of a legendary series, and this alone makes it brilliant. In the VGA version, the graphics are beautiful - especially the backgrounds - and the character lines are witty and well delivered. The imagination can run wild in this game, and therefore it is ideal for all ages - from the kiddies to the old biddies. The storyline is the best feature - How could anyone have such a great imagination as to create the story of Guybrush and his Caribbean adventures? I have no idea, but it has been so well created and designed, one just wants to play this game, and play it again.

The Bad
There aren't many bad things about this game - The only complaint I have is the sheer difficulty in completing much of it. Without a walkthrough, this game can take years to complete, and lead to a lot of frustration (not as much as Kyrandia or Sierra games mind you - I lost a lot of hair over those) which can make the player turn off the computer, rather than play on.

The Bottom Line
This game is simply great. It was the start of a new era in adventure gaming, and it simply must be included in your collection. Buy it, and let your imagination run wild.

By Quackbal on September 3, 2006

Sango Fighter 2 (DOS)

A lesson learned.

The Good
... A lesson learned from Street Fighter. I think that Sango Fighter 2 surpasses the original game with faster gameplay, better physics and action that keeps you awake. It has a more Street Fighter 2 style of play, with new moves and fight methods. More characters are available, and I love the graphics - As in Sango 1, they are colourful and beautiful. A game ahead of its time.

The Bad
BUGS BUGS BUGS! This game is riddled with bugs; the most annoying one being the random movement of characters around the screen - In the middle of a fight, I may lose control of my character and he goes into his own world and moves all over the screen on his own! Madness! Other bugs include the random freezing of the game (does this on all PCs I've played it on) and the inability of some characters to perform special moves, even when I have entered the correct keys for the move.

The Bottom Line
Generally, it is a good game with a Street Fighter 2 feel, or perhaps more of a Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo feel! Very playable, fun, and great for its time. Try not to let the bugs ruin your game - they may show up once or twice per time you play it (not every round mind you).

Overall, a good 90s fighting game that easily falls into the same category of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.

By Quackbal on September 3, 2006

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D (Windows)

By Quackbal on January 23, 2005

European Air War (Windows)

Solid, yet linear...

The Good
This game is probably my favourite World War II aircraft-based game. You have a lot of freedom, you may fly around 20 different aircraft; American aircraft, German aircraft and the RAF. The graphics (especially texture/ground graphics) are very advanced for 1998, and look great when you're up high, and yes, even when you're low you can see people (and shoot them of course!).

The ability to give orders to the other members of your squadron is also pretty effective. This game features real documentaries, and you can enjoy an 'instant action' flight, or make your own one up. Also, you can choose a campaign mode... Which brings me along to my gripes...

The Bad
... The campaign mode is more of a 'career' mode and is very linear. Unlike other games, you cannot control what actually happens in the war as a whole. You also have to fly fairly far each mission, which gets fairly boring.

The AI isn't great in version 1.0 of this game, but the 1.1 patch makes it TOO good, and none of my old tactics worked anymore, because they depended on the poor AI! Glad to see they fixed the problem, though.

My last rant: This game refuses to run on my new PC. It apparently needs Windows 98 or below - Nasty - It refuses to run on an NT-based operating system. I don't have a Win9x based machine anymore, which makes this game unplayable for me.

The Bottom Line
It is a solid World War 2 shooter. Maybe a tad dated, but looks about 2 years ahead of its time. The linear game play is avoidable as you can create your own missions.

I strongly recommend European Air War. You'll be hooked for hours, trust me. :)

By Quackbal on January 23, 2005

Star Wars: X-Wing (DOS)

Along with TIE Fighter, this game is a classic...

The Good
95% of it, really. It takes you straight into the Star Wars universe, and right into the sizzling battles. If you lose your nerve in a battle, you can go do something else, you can go to hyperspace, it's a very 'free-flowing' game.

You get a nice choice of craft, ranging from X-Wings to A-Wings, and a B-Wing is in order, also. You can command your wingmen, which gives you a nice sense of leadership, and reminds you of the Battle of Yavin from the first Star Wars film. The sound effects are also great, the great swirling noise of a TIE Fighter fills you with the Star Wars spirit, and thrusts you oh-so-much deeper into the game.

The Bad
The music is awful. Simple. The in-game music goes on and on, and I can't stand it. Fortunately this was rectified in the 1995 version of this game, but it was terrible. This music also features in TIE Fighter demo, but the music in the real game of TIE Fighter is far better.

As many old games, the graphics ARE dated, and unlike TIE Fighter, you cannot adjust the resolution. This results in pretty poor quality on larger screens. This game also WILL NOT function correctly on NT4/2000/XP, and requires emulation, or Windows 9x to play with the sound.

The Bottom Line
Classic game, the beginning of a well known Star Wars game series which began then, and ended in 1999. Buy this game, you won't regret it.

By Quackbal on January 23, 2005

Actua Soccer 2 (Windows)

It was OK...

The Good
Good graphics for '97, and a nice consistent pace to it. The commentary by Barry Davies is great, and his dry humour ever present.

The Bad
Unfortunately, this game and 'realism' should not go in the same sentence. One minute you'll be up one end, in the next 4 seconds you'll be up the opposite end. The players run amazingly fast and you cannot do much fancy skill. The A.I is terrible, to say the least, with players running in the wrong direction, and the keepers are actually too good: You can never beat them. The referees are either too strict or too lenient, so you can never really have a fair game.

My biggest gripe about this game is the inability to play as a club, etc. You are confined to international teams, which really can restrict fans.

The Bottom Line
This game made football SIMPLE to the consumer. It's not for hard core fans, thats probably the job of the FIFA series, which allows either clubs or countries to be controlled.

I don't recommend buying this game, go for FIFA instead. ACTUA games are no longer made.

By Quackbal on January 22, 2005

Star Wars: Rebel Assault (DOS)

Good old video-action games, can't beat 'em can you...

The Good
... Or can you? Unfortunately I was not too keen on this game. What I DID like was the fact that the graphics were great for 1993, and that it stuck with the Star Wars soundtrack and general theme. The videos included were very impressive technology at the time.

The Bad
It's too linear, basically. Problem with these games is that whatever you do, you end up doing the same thing if you succeed. You cannot define much, only the general position of the craft. The sound is a pain to get working, and the joystick is a pain to control - Put short, it's a pain!

I also did not like the fact that it did not store your personal settings, and had to stream from the CD so often.

The Bottom Line
If you see it for a very cheap price, I suppose you could give this a go, but Rebel Assault II is a bit more interactive, and is done with real actors, etc. I personally was not impressed, and it took me 10 years or so for me to get past the first level (from 1993-2003), so good luck to you.

By Quackbal on January 22, 2005

Doom (DOS)

DOOM - Where in hell do you want to go today?

The Good
WONDERFUL game for its time, I must say. The graphics are pretty pixelated now, but then on the old 13" inch monitors it looked like bliss. I remember it myself! The levels are all masterpieces, and are full of imagination, and most of them DO represent the level name, although many people think otherwise. The engine was great, and could even be described as its own operating system. This game had lovely physics for 1993, too. Bad guys flew backwards when shot, which had never been seen before, and there appeared (to the player at least) to be many levels of floor, above, underneath, etc. Walls were no longer restricted to 90º, which was a welcome addition to the 3d shooter world at the time.

The music was SPECTACULAR (Bobby Prince), and the sound effects scared me the most; they surround you and give you a sense of really being there. You hear the demon growl, and you know - Something's there. Great weapon variety, too. You are not limited to a measly 4 weapon arsenal as you are in Wolfenstein 3D - You have true man's weapons this time round, and trust me, they ARE man's weapons. There is a lot of pace in this game, you cannot get bored... You always hear monster noises, there is no escaping it, and it makes you KNOW you have more demons to slay. Enemies CAN hurt you from above, but Doom lets you fire back without having to move up/down at all, it virtually aims up/down for you, so don't panic like I did when I first played this a long 12 years ago. What's really nifty, however, is that there are now source ports that can let you enjoy the game with a "make over", if you like. Programs such as ZDoom, JDoom/Doomsday, PRBOOM, etc, really add to the modern Doom experience, presenting you with polygon/3D graphics, resolutions of 1280x1024, and much much more. This is not to say that classic old doom is bad - Far from it. It's saying that DOOM is still alive and kicking, and is staying with us for years to come...

The Bad
I hate to say there are bad things in Doom, but like with all games, it's true. Bugs do exist, but have been narrowly phased out in each version released of the game.

My gripe with Doom is more principle-based than anything else. There is no room for the player to put any imagination into Doom as a game. It's just "shoot this shoot that". Games such as "Monkey Island" are no longer made often, pretty much due to the 3D shooter market that Doom has helped create. This is slightly unfortunate for imaginative games that really require thinking and logic, which Doom certainly doesn't.

The Bottom Line
... It's still great, of course. I love whipping my plasma rifle out and burning a few imps to heck. In fact, I may go and do that right now...

Buy this game. Respect it - Buy it. It's worth every penny, even 12 years later, and with source ports, you can enjoy it in the 21st Century.

...... I love the smell of demons frying in the mornin'.......

By Quackbal on January 22, 2005

Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix (Windows)

OUCH. There goes his head...

The Good
VERY VERY gory - Some people may rate this as a bad thing, but I sure rate it as a good thing.

To me, gore is a factor of realism, and to everyone, realism is a factor of the game. Without any realism, I don't enjoy shoot-em-ups as much, as they should be fairly realistic.

There is a good storyline in this game, in which you have to prevent a large terrorist organisation from wreaking havoc. You fight in a variety of venues, which contain much enjoyable scenery. Yes! You can fight women too, so if you've just had trouble with the wife, this game is for you!

There are a great variety of weapons available to you in this game, from simple Colt pistols to large M60 machine guns that can take down helicopters - and also rip people apart. The usual methods can be used to dodge bullets, including leaning, crouching, jumping, etc. Alternative fire modes are also available, so if you're no stranger to UT, RTCW, etc, you won't be a stranger to this either! UNFORTUNATELY ...

The Bad
... This game is NOT free of bugs, by any means. Quite the opposite, in fact: The shadows are a real disaster, and this is obvious when fighting near water, or crouching near a sitting character. The shadows are floating above the persons knees!

In Columbia, you can walk off the mountain and not get killed, yet you can walk around on an invisible floor, in some locations.

The women in Hong Kong sometimes fall down as if to die when shot, yet they suddenly 'teleport' back up again and take an extra 3 shots or so to finish off. These are just some of the bugs, there are many more.

Graphics can have grading errors, aswell. This is not just a problem with my installation as it has happened on many of my friends' versions too. I do not like how dead bodies disappear over time, and how they suddenly change positions after the initial fatal gunshot. This game has many flaws... BUT...

The Bottom Line
... It's great. Full of violence, yes, but full of a story also. The graphics are great for 2002, and look even better on a large LCD monitor. I strongly recommend nudging the graphics up as far as you can, it's worth it. If you are a parent, YOU CAN USE THE PARENTAL FUNCTIONS TO LOCK OUT THE VIOLENCE! This is very important! Even I agree with the inclusion of this function and its use!

Back to the point, definitely consider buying this game. It is still for sale in shops in the UK, I know that part, and its available online everywhere else. Go for it, and shoot some baddies!

By Quackbal on January 22, 2005

Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Windows)

Lives up to the 'Wolfenstein' name...

The Good
Nice graphics for 2001, and had a huge fan-base that provided much for players of this game who had the internet.

The single player part of this game is highly appealing, and realistic. It sticks to the war, yet adds much to it, such as chemical warfare, robotic warfare and biological warfare. You have to beat all three from the beginning of the game to the half-way point. Battling all of this is very nice, but nothing beats fighting the human opponents, and they turn up frequently throughout this game. You fight in a large variety of locations, all of which are visually appealing, and realistic to the era of this game.

For me, the huge gem of this game is the multiplayer. It is probably the most imaginative arrangement I've ever experienced, and is a welcomed change from deathmatch games. It is all enough to keep you hooked for hours!

The Bad
I feel that it would've been better if we stuck to the rules of war and did not have huge electric-prong weapons, or massive chain guns, but still, it's only a game. Admittingly, I cannot think of much which is poor in this game.

The Bottom Line
I recommend this game fully. It is worthy of the Wolfenstein title, and I also strongly recommend the original game to be played first.

By Quackbal on January 22, 2005

Star Wars: TIE Fighter (DOS)

For me, this defined Star Wars...

The Good
I got this game in Christmas '96 when I was a whole lot younger, and it's something I'll always remember. I'd wanted this game for 2 years, having obtained the demo version from a magazine. It was worth the wait (although I wish I hadn't had to), and I ended up ruining that Christmas by playing it the entire day! Didn't get far, of course. It betters X-Wing in a fair few aspects (I got this before X-Wing), and it is very appealing to take the side of the ''bad guys'', so to speak. You get a far wider range of craft selection in this game, from the standard TIE Fighter to the futuristic Missile Boat. The new speech effects in-game are enjoyable and provide yet another sense of "realism" to this fantasy universe.

The Bad
I feel the game tagged off a bit when you begin to fight traitors in every mission. It gets fairly confusing fighting craft that appear to be one of yours, yet you end up getting a laser going straight through your engine.

The sound effects in this game are relatively poor, apart from the voices. I have to say I much preferred X-Wings 'classic Star Wars' sound effects. The game can also crash, and the sound gets stuck, resulting in a required reboot.

The Bottom Line
There are bad things, as with many games, but this game is brilliant. I recommend the Collectors Edition for people who have not yet obtained this game. The 'more realistic' version that comes with X-Wing/TIE FIghter and X-Wing VS Tie Fighter Limited Edition is not worth the hassle. It requires a fairly fast pc with at least Win95 to run properly, which is a very unlikely combination in this day and age, so I strongly advise getting the original editions.

This game defined Star Wars for me, and it's not too late for it to do that to you.

By Quackbal on January 20, 2005

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