Softbank Corp.

Moby ID: 3753

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Softbank Corp. is the telecommunications subsidiary of SoftBank Group Corp.

Credited on 24 Games from 1985 to 2009

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Metal Gear Solid Mobile (2008 on BREW, J2ME, DoJa...)
Hero Must Die (2007 on BREW, Nintendo Switch, DoJa...)
Rinne (2005 on Windows)
Pebble Beach no Hatō Plus (1996 on PlayStation)
Simulation Zoo (1996 on PlayStation, SEGA Saturn)
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (1996 on DOS, Windows, PlayStation...)
Final Doom (1996 on PlayStation)
Rama (1996 on DOS, Windows, PlayStation...)
Masters: Shin Harukanaru Augusta (1996 on PlayStation)
Vadims (1996 on PlayStation)
Krazy Ivan (1996 on Windows, PlayStation, SEGA Saturn)
Robotron X (1996 on Windows, PlayStation)
Doom (1995 on PlayStation, SEGA Saturn)
Hexen: Beyond Heretic (1995 on DOS, Windows, PlayStation...)
Destruction Derby (1995 on DOS, PlayStation, SEGA Saturn...)
WipEout (1995 on DOS, PlayStation, SEGA Saturn...)
AI Shōgi (1995 on PlayStation, Pippin, SEGA Saturn...)
Descent (1995 on DOS, Windows, PlayStation...)
Area 51 (1995 on Windows, PlayStation, SEGA Saturn...)
Assault Rigs (1995 on DOS, PlayStation, SEGA Saturn)

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History +

June 1995

The company establishes the Japanese venture GameBank Corp. with Microsoft.


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