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Forums > MobyGames > 'Weekly Whale' for Feb. 9th - site updates galore!

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Simon Carless (1834) on 2/10/2014 3:56 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

Time for another Weekly Whale, and boy, there's been a few things going on this week - particularly on the code side of things. Let's check 'em out in a special code-centric 'Weekly Whale' update.

Just to make sure we're all on the same page - MobyGames was founded by Jim Leonard, Brian Hirt, and David Berk in 1999, and acquired by GameFly in 2010. As of December 2013, San Francisco-based Blue Flame Labs has acquired the site - and reverted it to its previous design. Myself - Simon Carless (community helper) - and Reed (designer/developer) are the folks who are making things happen.

So this was the week, finally, that Blue Flame Labs owner Reed got the local version of the site code running and was able to make changes. So this led to a sudden explosion of updates - in fact, we might have got a little bit overzealous, so we apologize for that - we've slowed down a bit now. But it suddenly became possible to fix a WHOLE bunch of stuff.

Let's go through each of the updates in order, linking to the threads for them, which have a whole heap of feedback and discussion in them.

  • Monday, February 3rd update.
  • A new header; Revamped displays for screenshots and merchants.

  • Tuesday, February 4th update.

  • New style for the left hand menu; Reorganized the game browser (platform, year and genre now prioritized above Sports Theme); Max site width [since expanded!] for a cleaner and more organized look; Lots of little misc. design tweaks and cleanup

  • Wednesday, February 5th update.

  • Threads now take 6 months before becoming inactive (was 2 months). The only reason I didn't increase this further is because it has database consequences, and don't want to push it too much right now ; Removed the "Your review becomes sole property of MobyGames" phrasing from the add review page; Fixed / changed the process for applying to become an approver; Max-width increased by 200px; Helvetica is now only used for titles and certain use cases (Verdana used in most places); Decreased game title size and removed underline

  • Thursday, February 6th updates. Expanded credits information on developer pages. Now showing a breakdown that includes their credited roles; Added contribution dates to attributions on game pages (they were missing in the case where multiple users contributed to the same game); Moved tip of the day to bottom of homepage; Renamed "Non-Sports Themes" to "Themes" and "Sports Themes" to "Sports" on Game Browser (may take a while to show up due to caching)

  • Sunday, February 9th updates.

  • Introducing… MobyGoal! This is shown on the homepage, indicating what our current push is and current progress toward achieving it; Updated format of game credits on developer's pages. Now broken down by category, with role listed with each game; Additionally, Game Credits are now shown before Bio. The reason we did this is because bios are often A) highly outdated and B) often missing. If we can reverse A and B, it will be re-evaluated; Moved buy links back to the main view (when we moved them to the sidebar, performance dropped way too much); Added last update time to dev bios; Revamped game attribution to give more structure and make the contributor stand out more.

So what are we doing next? Well, ALL of the above was in a week, which is fairly crazy, huh? And even then during the week we added over 8,000 newly approved stats to a site that's already bulging at the seams.

We'll continue to improve the site over the next few weeks - if you dig into some of the more recent threads, you'll see we're discussing ways to simplify credits entry (without breaking the metadata we are collecting) and a whole bunch of other things.

Reed and I are really excited to keep improving the site, making it easier to contribute, and most of all to amp up the community as we strive to get to 1,000 arcade games in the DB and also start a drive to grab PC/Steam titles in the next few weeks...

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Nélio (1976) on 2/10/2014 4:17 AM · Permalink · Report

Great stuff. :-)

One thing that I've been wondering, instead of bug and suggestion threads in the forum, could we have a proper issue-reporting tool? There are plenty of alternatives in the web.

Those two threads are way too long by now and it's not practical to resort to them for planing. Not to mention that users probably get frustrated if their reports just end buried deep in the threads, without a clue if they were even noticed, let along addressed in the future.

I know you guys already have a lot on your hands, but since you're eager in making MobyGames better every day and the community is more than willing to participate in that, then an organized way of reporting/requesting stuff with a means to check their progress would work great imo.


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GTramp (81961) on 2/10/2014 4:29 AM · Permalink · Report

Great job. That Moby Goals on the main page was a surprising bit :) Looks cool though.

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FatherJack (61785) on 2/10/2014 9:43 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I guess Commodore 64 contributing is my wife and Arcade is now my mistress because of that damn Moby Goals. Don't tell the C64 please.

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Nélio (1976) on 2/10/2014 10:25 AM · Permalink · Report


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Morten79 (1) on 2/10/2014 10:41 AM · Permalink · Report

Great job Simon and Reed. The good old Moby Games with a twist of modem polish and it still load lighting fast.

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Starbuck the Third (22601) on 2/10/2014 11:40 AM · Permalink · Report

Good to see the approver applications sorted out, should help MG long term. The current goal idea should prove interesting, too.

Just one question on my part. Well, more of a curiosity, really. How would increasing the 6 month active thread limit cause complications?

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MobyReed (357) on 2/10/2014 6:15 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start havoc of smeg wrote--]Just one question on my part. Well, more of a curiosity, really. How would increasing the 6 month active thread limit cause complications? [/Q --end havoc of smeg wrote--] Consequences, not necessarily complications. :)

The site stores information on each thread (e.g., which ones were read, so each user can see what threads are new to them). But when a thread is defined as inActive, its history is deleted.

Now the database is keeping a lot more of this data around. Which can potentially cause problems, particularly if the table indexes aren't optimized for it. Although the db is very well architected, it was also assumed that the thread history was only going to be around for a short time... So best to be cautious until knowing all the ins and outs better.

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Daniel Saner (3503) on 2/10/2014 3:11 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Simon Carless wrote--]The reason we did this is because bios are often A) highly outdated and B) often missing. If we can reverse A and B, it will be re-evaluated[/Q --end Simon Carless wrote--]

Reverse? So when bios are A) often outdated and B) highly missing? =)
I think I know what you mean, but I'm not sure.

I really love the MobyGoals. Looks fancy, is a good motivation for contributors to focus efforts, and shows to regular visitors that things are happening. We all know how gamers are totally nuts about stats and 100% achievements :)

Not personally psyched about the max-width layout, although the new value is a lot better than the initial one and I can definitely live with it. It's probably good as a default for visitors who aren't used to wide bodies of text, but I would love to be given the option as a registered user. cough

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MobyReed (357) on 2/10/2014 6:36 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Daniel Saner wrote--]Reverse? So when bios are A) often outdated and B) highly missing? =)
I think I know what you mean, but I'm not sure. [/Q --end Daniel Saner wrote--] Lol...

When bios are up to date and often exist. :)

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OrcishGrunt (114) on 2/10/2014 3:56 PM · Permalink · Report

Good job with the updates! I especially like the new MobyGoals feature. Keep up the good work!

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Brian Hirt (10408) on 2/14/2014 2:54 PM · Permalink · Report

I love the changes guys.

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Игги Друге (46653) on 2/16/2014 6:02 PM · Permalink · Report

The "who did what" in the footer still could use some improvement. The platform-specific view tells who added that platform and on which date, but I think the combined view should indicate who added the game first, and when.

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Patrick Bregger (303228) on 2/16/2014 6:16 PM · Permalink · Report

Indeed. The first contributor of the game usually provided the description after all and therefore deserves the extra mentioning.

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chirinea (47507) on 2/17/2014 3:42 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Simon Carless wrote--]Renamed "Non-Sports Themes" to "Themes" and "Sports Themes" to "Sports" on Game Browser (may take a while to show up due to caching) [/Q --end Simon Carless wrote--]On Game Browser it shows OK, but it still shows "Non-Sport" on rap sheets.