Forums > MobyGames > Another new group

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GTramp (81961) on 10/23/2014 1:26 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I knew a fellow who once said one thing about gaming, just one thing that quite shocked me. After realizing what he has told me, I never wish to speak to the man again (although I have to on rare occasions). He said the thing in 2008 and it quite terrifies me to this day, to the point of finally typing this post - a new group proposal.

So, the guy told me: "I never play a first-person game if I can't see the protagonist's feet when I look down." Never - you understand? That is quite terrifying. As time went on, I realized that this poor bastard was not alone, there are more people like him.

So I've been thinking - maybe we need a group for first-person games, predominantly shooters, but also stealth games etc., where the player can see the protagonist's feet? (Maybe other body parts too if the protagonist's model is faithfully recreated and faithfully obeys to user's input).

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Fred VT (25949) on 10/23/2014 1:43 PM · Permalink · Report

I don't mind seeing the feet or not if I look down, but I simply don't like playing in first person. It just puts me off, probably because of the lack of peripheral vision. I am very conscious of where I am and where my body ends in real life, so not seeing that especially when there are ledges involved, is just a no-no.

I actually couldn't get past the first boss in Metroid Prime because of the first person view, and stopped playing even though it was a great game...

That's a funny idea of a game group though XD

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Infernos (44622) on 10/23/2014 1:45 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

The game that immediately comes to mind is Trespasser: Jurassic Park. How do you check the player's health? Well, you look at the heart tattoo on her breasts...

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Indra was here (20750) on 10/23/2014 7:12 PM · Permalink · Report

Good luck with that mate. I've had trouble getting less controversial groups through. You internet people are weird. :p Anyways, here's a description to copy paste, just in case:

Game Feature: Viewable Feet (note: not gameplay feature)

Games where the player may optionally see the protagonist's own feet, which under the default view is non-viewable. Viewing the protagonist's feet should only be viewable by looking down from a first-person perspective.

Why does this game group exist? Don't ask. Please don't ask.


  • Games that are default in third person should be excluded from this game group.
  • Games where the protagonist's feet are viewable from a non-first person perspective angle, should be excluded from this game group.

If viewable feet gets through before viewable boobies, I'll personally feel insulted. :p

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GTramp (81961) on 10/23/2014 9:16 PM · Permalink · Report

Fred VT

The point about 1st person view is that jumping on ledges should be a no-no regardless of whether you see the feet or not. Some extreme feet-seeing cases can actually make it even worse.


Yeah, I know that game :)

Indra is here

Thanks Indra!

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GTramp (81961) on 10/24/2014 2:36 AM · Permalink · Report

How about, as Chirinea suggests, changing it a bit to "viewable body"? Feet and boobs included, the latter not necessary.

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Pseudo_Intellectual (66516) on 10/24/2014 1:18 AM · Permalink · Report

What gets me is when the developers put in mirrors, and then they're all smashed, so you can't see your player's reflection.

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chirinea (47516) on 10/24/2014 2:20 AM · Permalink · Report

I was thinking about suggesting this group a few days ago! Nice to see it here.

I'd suggest to name it viewable body, though, as per the Trespasser example.

First game that comes into my mind is Call of Juarez.

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GTramp (81961) on 10/24/2014 2:24 AM · Permalink · Report

What if you don't see the body, just feet? Examples of this a abundant.

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chirinea (47516) on 10/24/2014 2:31 AM · Permalink · Report

Oh, I mean "any part of the lower body". I want to see a group of games where the character isn't a disembodied soul. If you can at least see the feet, that's already something.

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Pseudo_Intellectual (66516) on 10/24/2014 5:13 AM · Permalink · Report

Sorry, this is just putting me in mind of: wasn't there a power-up in Quake that made you invisible in deathmatch, save for a pair of floating eyeballs?

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Rwolf (23449) on 10/24/2014 4:01 PM · Permalink · Report

Is it allowed to see your protagonists body in some mirror-like way, but not in 1st person? I'm thinking of Portal, where you can line up portals to see yourself 'through the hole'.

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Victor Vance (18138) on 10/24/2014 4:12 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rwolf wrote--]Is it allowed to see your protagonists body in some mirror-like way, but not in 1st person? I'm thinking of Portal, where you can line up portals to see yourself 'through the hole'. [/Q --end Rwolf wrote--]

Or to see yourself in mirrors in general, like in "Deus Ex" and "Duke Nukem 3D" for example? But I don´t think this fits the description of seeing own body parts since, at least in the case I am descriping, you only see reflections of the body (-parts).

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vedder (71199) on 10/24/2014 4:51 PM · Permalink · Report

I'd say that is a different group.

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chirinea (47516) on 10/24/2014 7:45 PM · Permalink · Report

Me too.

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Victor Vance (18138) on 10/24/2014 8:51 PM · Permalink · Report

A group worth adding?

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vedder (71199) on 10/24/2014 9:03 PM · Permalink · Report

Not more or less than the other one.