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Sicarius (61518) on 1/3/2011 10:32 AM · Permalink · Report

Some may have noticed that not much has happened since I've abandoned everything back in October - specifically nothing was contributed by me at all. Not even what I said I still would. The stuff approved since then was from before the cut. I didn't even bother to resend the WIPs I got and just let them slide. And despite what I said in the Flood-Gates-Thread, nothing will happen in the future either.

I'm hereby officially retiring from MobyGames.

Although it pains me to see so many games missing (I really did contribute a huge deal) and having a bigger backlog than ever, the abstinence showed me not only how much time I actually spend on MobyGames but also how much MobyGames in the last five years changed the way I approach and play games in my spare time. So I decided to draw the final stroke and stop thinking about MobyGames altogether.

I won't say that I'll never return but at the moment I don't see myself starting again in 2011. There’s just too much more important stuff on my plate this year. So best wishes to everyone who cares and please at least try to add everything I would’ve added while I'm away with as much information as possible and descriptions as long as a Wikipedia-entry! :)

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vedder (70899) on 1/3/2011 10:46 AM · Permalink · Report

Aww, you will be thoroughly missed. Your contributions were a large asset to the site. Hopefully someone will pick up the torch for contributing all the latest PC games.

Good luck with the other important stuff and we hope to see you back, or at least still around in the forums!

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Unicorn Lynx (181771) on 1/3/2011 10:48 AM · Permalink · Report

Man, this is sad. Come on, never say "never"! Maybe it's just a temporary crisis.

Maybe you should just lower your ambitions a bit? Like, instead of adding 50 new games with complete credits and all, add only 5, but those you really like.

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formercontrib (157505) on 1/3/2011 10:57 AM · Permalink · Report

Ist mir durchgegangen in Sachen "Flood-Gates Thread" (?). Aufgefallen natürlich, dass nix mehr gekommen ist Deinerseits, und so macht man sich irgendwann Gedanken, ob Schnauze voll oder gar Schlimmes passiert sein könnte, bei dem jemand weniger Glück hatte, als ich am 30.8.2009, wo ein Autounfall mich bis zum Jahreswechsel 9/10 ausser Gefecht gesetzt hatte - und mehr Glück als Verstand mich auf dem Planeten gelassen hatte.

Von daher freut es mich zu hören, daß dergleichen nicht stattgefunden hat :), die Gründe anderweitig gelagert sind - wobei ich kene Debatte anfange, wieso und weshalb, oft genug und immer wieder aufs Neue erfahre ich die vermutliche Situation wieder und wieder am eigenen Leibe.

Drum: Sehr schade wie ich finde, aber natürlich akzeptiert (würde sich ansonsten ja auch nicht ändern). Kopf hoch, viel Freude mit Deinen jetzigen Projekten und alles Gute damit, und natürlich auch noch ein gutes Neues Jahr an dieser Stelle. Halt die Ohren steif derweil (und möglichst nicht nur die ;) - tät mich freuen, Dich lieber früher als später wiederzusehen, Servus derweil Sici! Beste Grüße, Thomas.

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Klaster_1 (57610) on 1/3/2011 12:57 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

It's sad reading about your decision. Won't it hurt you to publish to do list? At least someone might pick it up.

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Sicarius (61518) on 1/3/2011 5:49 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Klaster_1 wrote--]Won't it hurt you to publish to do list?[/Q --end Klaster_1 wrote--]

This list of 163 titles is presented as is which means a) you'll certainly find many games that have already been added but I wanted to add credits or covers or another platform to and b) it won't be updated (it's not even completely current in terms of iPhone games). So I guess someone should copy and remove the overhead first :).

[Q --start joyvalley wrote--]Ist mir durchgegangen in Sachen "Flood-Gates Thread" (?).[/Q --end joyvalley wrote--] That's the thread I meant:,2/dgb,4/dgm,142653

[Q --start חד-קרן•山猫 wrote--]Maybe you should just lower your ambitions a bit? Like, instead of adding 50 new games with complete credits and all, add only 5, but those you really like. [/Q --end חד-קרן•山猫 wrote--] It may sound weird but I'm not really capable of doing that. I’m either completely invested in a project or not – the middle ground has never worked for me and instead produces a constant stream of guilty conscience.

[Q --start vedder wrote--]or at least still around in the forums! [/Q --end vedder wrote--] I never was one to attend the forums much so I don't think that part will suddenly increase :).

Off-Topic: Wasn't there supposed to be a fix for the misquotes?

Thanks for the kind words everyone. Like I wrote, I don't believe that I'll be gone for good - just for a long time.

And for those of you who can read German and really miss me: Bagdadsoftware (here you can even find in the Jahresrückblick more detailed explanaitions on why MobyGames had to go) and GamersGlobal (the online magazine I write for and the main reason why everything went basically downhill last year in terms of MobyGames :) ).

Yeah, I know. I just had to squeeze that advertising in there but see it this way: I link all year to MobyGames in my entries and won't stop doing that of course :).

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chirinea (47495) on 1/3/2011 5:11 PM · Permalink · Report

That's really sad news. I guess everybody here has gone through somewhat similar feelings, many leaving to return no more, many returning some time after. I wish you the best of luck, and I'd like to thank you for all the time and sweat spent on this project. Your contribution, maybe more than others, made this site what it is.

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j.raido 【雷堂嬢太朗】 (97406) on 1/3/2011 6:26 PM · Permalink · Report

Sad to see you go -- as others have already mentioned, your contributions were and still are a huge asset to the site -- but I can completely understand where you're coming from. Contributing like you have must have taken a huge amount of your time. I wish you the best in whatever comes in the new year. :)

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Big John WV (26954) on 1/3/2011 7:12 PM · Permalink · Report

I think I might join you Sicarius. 2010 was a rough year for me and Mobygames was no help, took a long time off and came back and it's just not the same anymore. Before it felt like I was just spinning wheels now it looks like I'm going to just be stuck, there is just no joy in contributing anymore just not the same. Honestly I wish there was a way for all the stuff I did just to be wiped clean from the system, it feels like wasted time no matter what. And GameFly associated with this site? Oh yeah that's going to end well, I know there is probably a thread somewhere reassuring people but I don't have the energy to look it up, but no matter what it's GameFly, they will manage to screw it up. Sorry guys and gals, Mobygames just doesn't feel like it used to for me, I'm still trying to make up my mind but it looks like I might just retire myself. In case I don't come back you all take care, I'll see how the first month of 2011 treats me before I make up my mind. Take care all.

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Zovni (10504) on 1/3/2011 7:51 PM · Permalink · Report

OCD will do that to you. I can understand the feeling behind it, after all it sucks to have the joy sucked out of a hobby and basically have it turned into another job. I hit the same wall and vowed that my gaming would remain a blissfully extra-curricular activity, and I can tell you my mental health benefitted extensively (not so my contribution points that basically froze for good).

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Игги Друге (46653) on 1/4/2011 3:40 AM · Permalink · Report

Was man mit seiner Zeit und Leben tut, ist eine ganz persönliche Wahl, und nur manche Leute können Jahrelang die Überzeugung behalten, daß die unbezahlten Arbeit rund um alte Spiele Sinn macht. Manchmal macht das zwar Spaß, doch wenn man es eh als wahre Arbeit erfindet und andere Interessen beschränkt, soll man was anderes herausfinden, ohne es zu bereuen. Glückwunsch mit deinem neuem Leben!

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Patrick Bregger (301774) on 1/5/2011 4:41 PM · Permalink · Report

I am sorry to hear this but I can understand it. Life is too short to fill it with multiple work-like hobbies. I sure know one is more than enough for me

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MZ per X (3017) on 1/5/2011 7:59 PM · Permalink · Report

While we're at it: I'm officially retiring, too. GameFly's acquisition of MobyGames fell in line with the end of my marriage, so my personal decade ended with two blows that leave things wide open, approaching 2011 as a year of change.

Okay, I didn't do that much here (preventing burnout in the process), but the celebration news item for piltdown_man and Riemann80 needs to be written by another person. :o)

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Sciere (930851) on 1/5/2011 8:35 PM · Permalink · Report

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope 2011 brings a lot of positive change then.

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MZ per X (3017) on 1/7/2011 8:39 PM · Permalink · Report

Thanks. There will be no doubt positive and negative change, but I will work hard to noticeably push it to the positive side of things. :o)

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Sciere (930851) on 1/5/2011 8:39 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I'm sad to hear that because you came such a long way to grow into one of the most thorough and reliable contributors here on the site. But of course MG is more of a burden than a pleasant pastime and you always took on so many entries and the most tiresome credit listings that a burnout, especially when combined when other work, is almost inevitable. It's happened to many other excellent users as well.

Don't write it all off right away. It can be fun just to contribute a thorough entry for an important game every now and then when no one else picks it up. Good luck with your other gaming endeavours!

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formercontrib (157505) on 1/5/2011 8:57 PM · Permalink · Report

Looks like the All-Time no. 4 is history, too - or has he been seen in the last months ?


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Kabushi (261232) on 1/5/2011 11:04 PM · Permalink · Report

He's still around (logged in just yesterday), although I don't think he has contributed anything lately.

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formercontrib (157505) on 1/5/2011 11:24 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Kabushi wrote--]He's still around (logged in just yesterday) [/Q --end Kabushi wrote--]


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DJP Mom (11333) on 1/6/2011 5:12 AM · Permalink · Report

I'm sorry you're leaving, Sicarius, I'll miss your (near) perfect credit entries - checking them filled many an evening when I didn't want to think about other things =) It sounds like you have plenty of other things on your plate just waiting for you, and I hope you have more time now to give them the attention they deserve. Take my best wishes with you!
