
aka: Rage: Campaign Edition
Moby ID: 53208
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Rage is id Software's first major first-person-shooter since Doom 3, and the debut of the id Tech 5 game engine. Tech 5's major feature is use of Megatexture technology, essentially allowing for more efficient use of limited memory. As such, Rage is the first id game created predominately with consoles in mind.

Rage takes place an unspecified time after an asteroid strikes the Earth and obliterates all life. The player is a member of the "Ark Project" - a massive undertaking prior to the meteor's impact that placed valuable personnel into underground pods. The pods were meant to keep these VIPs in stasis until the impact's effects had passed, and then release their crew out to repopulate the world. The player awakens as the sole survivor of their damaged pod, and many decades after society had already started to rebuild. The player thus sets off to assist what settlements they find, and avoid The Authority - a mysterious governing force that wants to capture the player to harvest the nanites placed in their body as part of the Ark Project.

Settlements and similar playable areas are connected by an overworld called The Wasteland. The player gains access to buggy-style vehicles to traverse the wastes, and can also engage in specific races and vehicle combat. Players take missions from job boards and friendly NPCs, drive to the appropriate area, and use traditional FPS skills to dispatch any enemies and/or retrieve necessary trinkets from the enemy's lair. The player's health regenerates when not taking damage, and should the player be knocked out, they have a limited charge of defibrillators (activated through a brief minigame) to revive themselves.

Character progression is not present, and the player learns no extra skills. However, they can purchase and upgrade both vehicles and weapons. A one-time choice of armor also allows the player to pick one permanent bonus. Objects can be looted throughout the mission areas of the Wasteland, and are clearly marked as junk, useable, or crafting items in the player's inventory. Crafting can be done from anywhere, and is a simple matter of having the right recipe and the necessary parts - both of which can be bought or found. Crafted objects include lockpicks, ammo, bandages, lethal boomerangs called "Wingsticks," and more elaborate gear like sentry turrets and controllable RC bomb cars.

The player can also earn money through various minigames around the wastes. These include participating in an racing circuit, taking part in an arena battle called "Mutant Bash TV," and playing a simplified holographic board game. A collectable card game is also featured, with the player able to find new cards hidden in the wastes. The player builds a deck before each game and pits it directly against the cards of their opponent.

Rage features no traditional "deathmatch" multiplayer. Instead, competitive multiplayer takes place entirely through vehicle-based modes similar to those in the main game. Players drive armed buggies against their opponents in various racing and collection challenges. Players can rank up in multiplayer, granting access to new vehicles, weapons, and boost items. Cooperative multiplayer offers a variety of "Legends" to play online or local split-screen. These are short stories based on characters and areas from the single player game, which have no impact on the single player campaign itself.

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Average score: 81% (based on 91 ratings)


Average score: 3.6 out of 5 (based on 46 ratings with 3 reviews)

Signature id and a fresh take on the FPS genre.

The Good
Rage enters the modern gaming world in perhaps an awkward state. I think we’ve seen our fair share of post-apocalyptic, wasteland-themed, violence-laden, mutant-having games these days. Besides the obvious two Fallout titles, Metro 2033, and Borderlands, it seems that one of the clichés of modern gaming is the “post-apocalyptic wasteland.” Hell, even the Wii title Deadly Creatures takes place in an area referred to as “The Wasteland,” which if I remember correctly, is either Arizona or New Mexico. Then of course, are the zombie games like the Left 4 Deads, Dead Island, and Dead Rising, and the shooters like Gears of War, Bulletstorm, and Resistance which take place in largely ruined environments. These might not all be strictly post-apocalyptic, but they all hover around the theme, feature environments rife with destruction that occurred long before we got there, and have, you know, mutants and stuff. It’s a good thing that Rage has more than just a post-apocalyptic theme and pretty graphics, or it’d be handily lost in this shuffle. Granted, having the names “id” and “Bethesda” don’t hurt things either.

Rage takes a starkly realistic approach to it’s narrative that the retro-futuristic nature of Fallout doesn’t approach, in that Rage’s apocalypse actually has links in reality. The near-Earth asteroid Apophis struck about 106 years prior, and everything went to hell in a handbasket. This is a real asteroid that, in 2029 and 2036, will come shockingly close to the Earth—closer to us than the moon, and potentially below our network of satellites. Science has largely dismissed Apophis actually striking us, and has tracked that even if it did, it would strike “relatively” harmlessly where human populations are concerned, and is too small for an apocalyptic event. But for a while there, some very real terror hovered around that rock—and this same asteroid is the catalyst for Rage’s transformed world.

At any rate, humans of our time buried a bunch of “arks” as survival pods beneath the surface of the Earth so that the human race could survive the extinction potentially caused by Apophis. We get to play as the only survivor of our ark, only to discover that humans survived, but with their humanity hardly intact, and our global society completely eradicated. The usual post-apocalyptic riff-raff meander the wasteland and you, as the typical silent id Software hero (think Doom), have just what it takes to kick the asses of the bandits, mutants, weirdoes, and corrupt “official” government that’s set up shop in your local wasteland. You, dear player, are the key to peace, freedom, and activating the remaining arks. While not the strongest story out there, it is a helluva lot easier to follow than New Vegas when I decide to resume the main plotline, and remember nothing after 60 hours of side-quests.

I’ll get to the obvious here, the graphics are downright phenomenal. To think that this is running on current-gen technology is incredible. Id Software claimed that there are no repeating textures in the thing, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t look. While there are no doubt similar textures, finding exact duplicate textures, and obvious repetition anywhere is nigh impossible. Remember the alien worlds to explore in the first Mass Effect? Nothing but repeating textures across those surfaces like you were driving over some kind of grid pattern. Compared to Rage, that game came from a different console generation altogether. Probably the most impressed I was came from standing at the foot of a staircase and realizing that, amazingly, no two steps looked the same. This is an unheard-of level of detail. And it makes these environments look so freakin’ real.

The character animations are also incredibly lively, especially the mutants who go bounding over furniture and obstacles , flinging themselves off walls and ducking attacks. This is common place in the game from pretty much all enemies. Long gone are the bad guys that just charge straight ahead, stand in one spot shooting, or the Fallout-esque baddies that “just keep chasing you as you back away shooting.” These guys move. Kill all but one guy, and he’ll run off and alert other guys. Soldiers that need to recharge intense electric shields will continue to do so until you take out the recharge array. Wound a guy and he’ll sit on the ground looking pained and will continue to shoot, best he can.

The depth of life built into the enemy characters in the game is among the most realistic I’ve ever seen, and it brilliantly creates tension and a real sense of urgency. This game features some of the most blisteringly intense and exhilarating FPS battles this side of Bulletstorm.

This is part of where id has perfected their FPS design. Some of the best and most unique battles are combined with a unique yet smooth weapon selection interface. Four weapons are actively equipped, but in typical id fashion, you can carry every collected weapon at once. A simple button press allows you to select both a weapon and specific ammunition type instantly. The downside of this is that you can’t move during this moment, so there is also the typical “tap a button to cycle through equipped weapons” option. The entire interface is designed with quick reflexes in mind.

Part of this is our player’s built-in defibrillator. Take enough damage and rather than just dying, the player enters a defib mini-game where, upon leaving, health is restored (depending on performance of the mini-game), and an electrical charge is fired out hindering or even killing nearby enemies. This is great because it allows players to get right back into the game and to instantly correct missteps. The defibrillator takes a long time to recharge, however, so best to learn from mistakes immediately. The defib is good for another reason, which I’ll reference in the next section.

The driving is typically very smooth and a lot of fun. Id supposedly took inspiration from the Burnout series, and it shows. Cars move and bound over the wasteland in fun and believable manners. It’s fast, it’s smooth, and driving here is second-nature. Picture Burnout with machine guns and rockets, and these cars can turn on a dime when properly upgraded. The basic driving and vehicular combat are fun and a great way to meander through the Wasteland.

Secret rooms that are throw-backs to Doom, Quake, and Wolfenstein 3-D are fantastic, as well as numerous other Easter Eggs referencing id’s notable past. A sign, for instance, in a burned-out shopping district advertises “Doom 4 and Rage 2” as being on sale for half price. Just a note though, the Wolfenstein room is easy to miss and is found early on in the first mission area. If you miss it, you can’t go back. You can, however, return to the areas in which the Doom and Quake rooms are hidden.

Boss battles are fun and creative, and the first one is surprisingly difficult. The soundtrack is wonderfully fitting to every situation, though while the audio is good, it rarely really shined. I feel that it stood out the most during driving sequences, especially when battling other vehicles.
Maps are smoothly designed to wrap around themselves meaning that you often exit out the door you entered through, but you do it all without a moment of backtracking. This also makes revisiting some of these areas easier as each location in the game tends to be used twice.

The Bad
For all the realism of the environments, they have this unfortunate side-effect: They’re very static and somewhat lifeless. Not from lacking anything environmental to make them interesting or lively, but from the near total lack of interactivity in the things. Take almost any game built on the Unreal engine, and they’re interactive as hell. Smash furniture, knock over stuff, watch things bounce around, etc. Walk into a chair or box in Rage and it just sits there blocking your path. Here, you can’t even open bathroom stalls. When was the last time you went into a restroom in an FPS title and couldn’t open the stalls and screw around?
Some areas for that matter, when you get up close to something, may tend to look abysmal. Low-poly structures with blurry, low-res textures. Most of the game is stunning and detailed as hell, but it’s not without its disappointing set pieces. For that matter, texture draw-in occurs fairly often, but I’m playing on the Xbox 360 and at the time, didn’t have the harddrive space to spare for installation, which purportedly raises texture quality and reduces draw-in.

The only part of this game to cause me real grief, and make me furious, was a portion of the races known as Rallies, typically Rocket Rallies. In these atrocities, the focus wasn’t on racing, it was on driving through highlighted checkpoints to score points, and scoring other (though fewer) points by destroying the competition. These ended up being trial-and-error nightmares since they always started off with the computer knowing the patterns where the checkpoints would appear, and me having to scramble to figure it out. Thankfully, they were typically a predictable pattern, and after a couple tries they were doable. One of them, though, in Subway Town, featured randomly appearing checkpoints, which was downright aggravating. This was my only time really raging at the game. Watch out for this crap.

There are also moments where the driving feels unbalanced or broken. For one thing, you may be racing around the Wasteland with a vehicle that’s partially upgraded and riding smoother and turning sharper, but the upgrades don’t carry over to races, meaning that you suddenly have to deal with stiffer control, wider turns and lower armor. Rather than doing some races and coming back to mix up gameplay, you’re encouraged to just sit there and play through them all at once which seems a little silly. By the way, expect the cars to get completely hung up on environmental objects that you should otherwise just slide across when running into them. Like a guardrail in a race.

One of the main strengths of the defib comes from a horrible failing in the game’s overall design: It’s checkpoints are nigh nonexistent. When you enter a new area, say Ghost territory or Jackal territory, that’s your checkpoint. It doesn’t matter how far you advance through the area, that’s it. It isn’t full of auto-saves like Fallout: New Vegas, and if you aren’t carefully monitoring that defib unit and taking care in your fighting, you might end up dying awfully late in an area and be forced to do it all over again. SAVE OFTEN.

I don’t usually like to include this kind of thing because I feel like they’re SPOILERS, but the end sequence wasn’t what I’d hoped for. It wasn’t very strong, and the rest of the game built up to indicate that a massive boss battle was looming. Well…

The Bottom Line
When I rate a game, I factor one issue above all else, and that’s if I just had fun with the game and how much of my time with the game was fun against how much was boring, frustrating, or downright rage-inducing. For instance, I spent ample time raging insanely at Ninja Gaiden II. I was bored and downright furious by the time Metroid: Other M concluded. Looking back on Resident Evil 5, I remember yelling at Shiva, and being annoyed by the cumbersome gameplay and shoddy item management. Fun, unfortunately, was minimal on these three titles. Graphics, sound, technical prowess, game length—those things are all less important than fun. And perhaps ironically for a game called “rage,” I nary raged at the thing at all. It was just, simply, fun.

Rage exists in a time and place in gaming where everything has RPG elements. Something can be upgraded, side missions hand out experience, enemies have different levels and later on, require a half dozen direct head shots to kill. While it makes leveling up more valuable, it also makes the end result feel a little silly. In Borderlands, I had Mordeci at level 40 and my skills with a sniper rifle up to about 13, and was shooting bad guys in the face several times with high-powered sniper rifles to kill them. The leveling up was fun, the end result felt silly.

Rage has almost no RPG elements. For better or worse, it’s as much an old-school FPS as possible, with the proper modern concessions. You don’t just pick up weapons anywhere like in Halo or any other modern shooter. Like Doom, you pick them up at key points in the game, and once you have them, you have them, you pick up ammo, money, and other supplies from enemies. There are cool sequences whenever you get a new weapon where the player character carefully looks over the weapon as he accepts it.

Overall, I had a great time with Rage. It’s lack of RPG-heavy elements is, to be honest, more like a breath of fresh air in this era where everything can be always leveled up, and side-quests spend ample hours distracting from the main story until 80 hours later you still haven’t finished the game and you probably never will. Rage’s length was about perfect, clocking in around 20 hours, and on the Xbox 360, the main game takes place entirely on the first two disks of the this 3-disk release.

Sure, sometimes it feels empty not earning experience from completing missions, but then, each side mission tends to have its own rewards, and when I’m not spending time focusing on experience, I felt like I was free to focus on the mission for the mission’s sake.

Xbox 360 · by ResidentHazard (3555) · 2011

It could have been the best shooter in a very, very long time

The Good

Rage is the first major FPS game since Doom 3 made by id Software as everyone already probably knows. Given the company's history this should pretty much be a case of "a name, a guarantee". It's been a long time since Doom 3 was released and Carmack has tried to redeem the errors he had done for that game.

So what's this all about? Rage is set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland controlled by various marauder clans, cities and corporations. You were sealed in an Ark before the Earth was devastated and, since you come from the past, the Authority, the name of the biggest corporation on the planet, is interested in capturing you. The wasteland pretty much follows a "You help me, I help you" philosophy: you'll have to do jobs for some of the clans you'll work for which involve fighting other clans, fighting mutants (mutated humans that showed up after Earth's destruction) as well as the Authority. Once you complete missions you can earn respect and most importantly money with which you can buy better weapons and equipment, and you can also obtain new vehicles. In a way, this is very much like Jak 3, except with less platforming and more shooting. I can also safely say that, thankfully, this game is 100% RPG-free, so you'll find nothing that will stop the action.

To move from one area to another you'll need to use your vehicle. The game itself has a large focus on vehicles as there's also various racing missions and car combat ones. But in reality most of these are too easy and there aren't enough of them, unfortunately. Better than nothing I guess. The wasteland looks pretty good, although obviously it's not exactly the most colorful area you'll see in a videogame, but it does its job. Most of the effects are also nice.

The shooting parts are very intense, often with many enemies attacking you at once, and for this you'll have to use almost every object in your inventory if you want to stay alive...

The Bad
..... But then when you thought this game was almost flawless, then Redstone gets captured near the beginning of CD 2. This is pretty much where the game becomes a joke and at this point the only salvageable mission is the one in the Jackals' canyon. After that you almost immediately get to the final mission which by the way is TERRIBLE. It's called "Capital Prime" so you'd expect to attack a huge city, but instead you start in some air conducts and then shoot enforcers in ultra boring sci-fi corridors until you find and press a switch and then the game ends with the most confusing ending ever. Yeah, there's no final boss or anything, just a switch and then the game ends.

This wouldn't be so much of a problem if the game didn't feel as if it should have been 3 times bigger than it is now. Considering Rage has been in development for... How long was it, 6 years? you'd expect something a bit more polished in this regard... Then again after Duke Nukem Forever I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

However it's still incredibly disappointing. Even the racing missions feel as if they're just filler material and ID failed to make them a central part of the game. The early ones are, well, too easy (except for the checkpoint gamemode which is retarded because you can't tell a checkpoint's height by looking at the automap) and I was expecting some huge and very difficult races by the third disk... Too bad the third disk is only about the multiplayer.

Also, the soundtrack was very weak.

The Bottom Line
Oh well. One thing's for sure, Rage is really, really fun for as long as it lasts. But if you're expecting the game to fullfil all of your expectations then you'll end up being disappointed. So just keep your expectations low when playing this game and you'll surely enjoy it.

Xbox 360 · by CKeen The Great (160) · 2011

Not as much RAGE as I hoped for!

The Good
RAGE is a game I was pretty excited to play when it was first announced back in 2007. Why? Simple. It is made by ID Software, the same company that gave us such FPS classics like DOOM, Wolfenstein 3D and Quake! And while this game is not as revolutionary or adrenaline pumping as these aforementioned titles, RAGE was still very fun to play, for me at least.

Ah, when one thinks of ID Software, one already thinks of the groundbreaking engines that fuel their games. And RAGE is no exception. Even on the console versions the game looks absolutely gorgeous! The weapons and character models are all beautifully rendered and when you go outside into the Wasteland, you cannot help but marvel at how huge the environments look!

RAGE takes place about a century after an asteroid hit our planet which almost completely eradicated all life on earth. What is left of our beautiful, blue planet, is a polluted, depressing world filled with bloodthirsty mutants, ruthless bandits and ruled over by the despotic Authority. The remaining, more peaceful folk are forced to live together in tribes all around the land, fending off all the aforementioned threats. It is Darwin's survival of the fittest law in its purest form! The game begins with your character emerging from a 100 year cryogenic sleep. With no supplies or knowledge of your surroundings, you are forced to adapt and survive the world of RAGE.

RAGE's gameplay consists of two main elements, shooting and racing. The shooting itself is very smooth and solid. You have a great variety of weapons and equipment at your disposal. Pistols, shotguns, machine guns, a crossbow, an RPG, etc. And almost every weapon has multiple ammo types. The crossbow, for example, has traditional steel tipped bolts as well as electric bolts which are great for frying enemies standing in water. Shauwking! You also have gadgets like RC bomb cars, sentry drones and wingsticks (which are like razorsharp boomerangs). And the best thing about the game's weapons? You can carry all of them at once! Yes sir, no need to drop a weapon. You find it, you keep it!

Despite the fact that RAGE has regenerating health, the game still has plenty of run and gun shooting not unlike DOOM and Quake. That is because you have access to bandages with completely and instantly refill your health (as long as you have them in your inventory) and if you do buy the farm, your nanotrite injected body can kick start your heart to keep you fighting! But be careful, because these nanotrites need to recharge and another whacking means death! Permanently! So don't get overly cocky.

Now on to the driving. I have to say, the driving mechanics in this game work as solid as its FPS gameplay. Using a PS3 controller, I found the cars easy and fun to drive around with. In addition to exploring the game world, you can also participate in various racing events with include time trails, checkpoint rallies and all out races with rockets and machine guns thrown in the mix. Cars can be tuned varying from a simple paint job to adding spikes to your wheels for extra damage.

RAGE also has side missions and minigames. Side missions are basic jobs like protecting a VIP or collecting some stuff from a particular bandit hideout. Minigames include blackjack, five finger fillet and memory games.

When it comes to audio and music, it is particularly RAGE's sound effects that steal the show. Every weapon and car sounds beefy (gotta love the pistol's BLAM sound when you are shooting Fat Boy bullets) and the voice actors do a great job at giving life to their virtual characters. They even added John Goodman in it as Dan Hagar. The music, however, is much less memorable. The music has some rock and ambient music which adapts on how tense your situation is. But when you think about how great the soundtracks from early ID games were, RAGE's music is quite disappointing overall.

There are two multiplayer modes. There is a race mode wherein you earn points by racing through checkpoints as well as blowing your opponents to pieces and there also is a co-op mode playable both online and offline for two people to play the "legends of the Wasteland." Simple co-op. Go from point A to point B, complete objectives and kill everyone else!

The Bad
While RAGE looks magnificent, it also suffers from plenty of texture popping. So be prepared to see blurry textures for a second or two before they become crisp and detailed. I do give credit to the guys at ID for managing to cram the entire game on the last-gen consoles in addition to the PC.

I believe that RAGE's world has a lot more potential than what ID Software eventually put into it. The game, while very fun, is merely made to show off their technology rather than filling the world with stuff to see and to do. The world of RAGE feels very empty and lifeless. First of all, there is virtually zero interactivity in the game world. Aside from explosive barrels, nothing in the environment can be destroyed or manipulated. Remember games like Duke Nukem 3D or Deus Ex and what you all could do in those games' levels? Well, there is nothing of that in RAGE. Every object is stuck to the wall or floor like granite and will not move, fall or break no matter how hard you shoot it or how many grenades you throw at it.

Second, there is the Wasteland itself. It is a pretty big open world, but there is virtually nothing going on around you aside from your own exploits and an occasional bandit car or two attacking you. Other open world games, like Far Cry 3 or Red Dead Redemption, also had huge open areas but they had plenty of life in them. Even the original Unreal (realized no later than 1998) had a much more lively and interesting environment. Of course, the world is post-apocalyptic and most of the earth's natural flora is gone, but think about spotting or hunting some mutated wildlife. That would have been fun.

Lastly, think about how much more compelling RAGE's game world would be if you had the chance to discover what happened during your 100 year long absence from the world by reading diaries or video logs (like in System Shock). ID Software had the chance of giving RAGE its own lore and providing every faction its own history and culture, but instead, they all have little individuality and overall, they just feel very generic.

RAGE's ending can easily be described in one word: disappointing. It basically is a Halo 2 style ending. Just when you think you are up for one grand finale, the credits start rolling. I already said in my previous reviews about how much I dislike such endings, so I am not going to waste any more words on this.

The Bottom Line
RAGE is a solid, by the book FPS with its technology being the game's biggest charm. It is not a memorable or compelling game and it could have been a much bigger experience than it eventually became. I would suggest playing ID's earlier games (especially DOOM and Quake) first and if you love those games, than RAGE will be worth a play for you. Just don't expect anything revolutionary.

PlayStation 3 · by Stijn Daneels (79) · 2014



The voiceover for the Gearheads faction is based on the Russian stereotype. When not in combat you may hear them spout sentences such as: "It's hot like in Sochi under this metal", "Reminds me of Chernobyl", "Who's gonna bring zakhuska for vodka?", "I wish I was back in Mother Russia", "Brahtan, I'm hungry like dog", "I miss Mama's borsch" and "Can you believe I used to be a professional hockey player?". Most of these are not consistent with the game world.


  • Rage contains at least three secret rooms that recreate iD's classics - a Wolfenstein 3D room, the first area of E1M1 in DOOM, and the chapter select lobby from Quake. Each area uses authentic textures and sounds from those games. Each room also holds a trinket that can be sold to vendors for around $100; a golden chalice, a marine bobblehead, and a Shambler plush doll, respectively.
  • The player can occasionally find boxes of "Quayola Quayons" with the logo and pick-up sounds from Quake. The label touts 64 shades of brown.
  • The Mixom tools company, created for Doom 3, appears on many of the products in Rage.
  • A Pip-Boy bobblehead is located on the desk of the Mayor of Wellspring, a nod to the Fallout series.
  • In Wellspring, you meet a guard named "Warren" and another one called "Spector". Warren Spector is a well-known game developer and the creator of critically acclaimed titles like System Shock or Deus Ex.

Version differences

The Macintosh version of Rage does not include a multiplayer component; it only includes the single-player campaign. This is because the game utilizes Steam in order to implement its multiplayer and, due to ongoing disputes about Steam's Macintosh distribution policies, Aspyr does not typically release its games through the service. The Macintosh version was re-titled Rage: Campaign Edition to reflect this. This version includes the Wasteland Sewer Missions and the previously exclusive Anarchy Edition equipment as compensation.


  • PC Games (Germany)
    • Issue 01/2012 - #5 Biggest Disappointment in 2011 (Readers' Choice)

Information also contributed by lethal_guitar


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  • MobyGames ID: 53208
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by BurningStickMan.

Macintosh added by Zeppin.

Additional contributors: Zeppin, CalaisianMindthief, Patrick Bregger, lethal_guitar.

Game added October 12, 2011. Last modified December 10, 2023.