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Deus Ex GO

Moby ID: 81932

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Releases +


Aug 17, 2016 Release
Published by: Square Enix, Inc.
Developed by: Square Enix Montréal
Additional Development by: Eidos Montréal
Ported by: Illogika Studios, Inc.
Distributed by: Google Inc.
Music by: Pixel Audio
Sound by: Alchimik Audio
Game Engine by: Unity Technologies ApS
Testing by: Laboratoires Bug-Tracker Inc.
Countries: flag Worldwide
Comments: v1.0.69818 (initial Google Play release)
Android Package ID: [ Please login / register to view ]
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Aug 17, 2016 Release
Published by: Square Enix, Inc.
Developed by: Square Enix Montréal
Additional Development by: Eidos Montréal
Music by: Pixel Audio
Sound by: Alchimik Audio
Game Engine by: Unity Technologies ApS
Countries: flag Worldwide
Comments: v1.0.0 (initial release)
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Aug 17, 2016 Release
Published by: Square Enix, Inc.
Developed by: Square Enix Montréal
Additional Development by: Eidos Montréal
Music by: Pixel Audio
Sound by: Alchimik Audio
Game Engine by: Unity Technologies ApS
Countries: flag Worldwide
Comments: v1.0.0 (initial release)
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Dec 14, 2016 Release
Published by: Square Enix, Inc.
Developed by: Square Enix Montréal
Additional Development by: Eidos Montréal
Music by: Pixel Audio
Sound by: Alchimik Audio
Game Engine by: Unity Technologies ApS
Countries: flag Worldwide
Comments: v1.0 (initial release)
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Windows Apps

Mar 9, 2017 Release
Published by: Square Enix, Inc.
Developed by: Square Enix Montréal
Additional Development by: Eidos Montréal
Music by: Pixel Audio
Sound by: Alchimik Audio
Game Engine by: Unity Technologies ApS
Countries: flag United States
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Releases contributed by Sciere, firefang9212, Scaryfun.