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Akila Redmer

aka: Akila J. Redmer, A. J. Redmer, AJ Redmer
Moby ID: 2872

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AJ Redmer is a gaming industry veteran who now serves on the boards of various international technology companies involved in social networking and gaming. He has extensive experience in international game development and publishing. He is currently working closely with major companies in China, Japan, Korea, India, Singapore and the US and plays an instrumental role in bringing and developing products in and out of China for several major publishers.

Prior to focusing on international business activities, AJ served three years as CEO of WeMade Entertainment during which period they served a customer base in excess of 200 million register users. Key products included Legend of MIR and the Digimon series of online games.

Prior to AJ’s tenure at WeMade Entertainment, he spent seven years at Microsoft from the beginning of 2000 through the end of 2006. He spent his last two years at Microsoft as General Manager of Microsoft Game Studios Asia based in Tokyo, Japan. AJ oversaw development and publishing of Microsoft-branded entertainment products for Xbox, Xbox 360 and Windows platforms in Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore (Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Ninety Nine Nights). During this time AJ also opened the Microsoft Technology Center in Chengdu, China in collaboration with the Central Government. Before that, he served as General Manager overseeing four US-based Studios: Ensemble Studios (Age of Empires, Age of Mythology, Halo Wars), Simulations (Flight Simulator, Train Simulator), FASA Studio (MechAssault, Crimson Skies, Shadowrun), Digital Anvil (Brute Force, FreeLancer) along with MGS Japan (Blinx, Phantom Dust). AJ was also one of the three founding members of the Xbox360 team that developed all aspects of the Xbox360 plan prior to its launch. AJ originally joined Microsoft as the Creative Director for the original Xbox about two years prior to its launch. Shortly after joining the company, AJ took over the responsibility of heading up the Racing Studio during the creation of Project Gotham Racing, RalliSport Challenge, Midtown Madness 3 and Forza Motorsport.

Prior to joining Microsoft, AJ was a Director at Nintendo Software Technology (Ridge Racer 64, Pokémon Puzzle League, Bionic Commando, Crystalis). Formerly he co-founded Maxis Software (SkyChase, Sim City), was Director of Development at Lucasfilm Games (Loom, Monkey Island, Indiana Jones series, Star Wars series, Their Finest Hour) and Executive Director, R&D at Spectrum Holobyte (Falcon 3.0, Tertis, Star Trek: The Next Generation series).

AJ also served as Executive Vice President of Content and Engineering at WildTangent, Inc. during the development of Sea Life Safari and Polar Pool.

Credited on 41 games

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Lost Odyssey (2007, Xbox 360) Special Thanks
Blue Dragon (2006, Xbox 360) Executive Producers
Fuzion Frenzy 2 (2006, Xbox 360) Special Thanks
N3: Ninety-Nine Nights (2006, Xbox 360) Special Thanks
Age of Empires III (2005, Windows) MGS Management
Blinx 2: Masters of Time & Space (2004, Xbox) Special Thanks
Phantom Dust (2004, Xbox) Supervisors
RalliSport Challenge 2 (2004, Xbox) Special Thanks
Magatama (2003, Xbox) Supervisors (スーパーバイザー)
Midtown Madness 3 (2003, Xbox) Special Thanks
N.U.D.E.@: Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment (2003, Xbox) Microsoft
Kakuto Chojin: Back Alley Brutal (2002, Xbox) Special Thanks
Blinx: The Time Sweeper (2002, Xbox) The producers wish to thank the following
RalliSport Challenge (2002, Xbox) Studio Manager
Quantum Redshift (2002, Xbox) Special Thanks
Crystalis (2000, Game Boy Color) Design Director
Ridge Racer 64 (2000, Nintendo 64) Game Director
Bionic Commando: Elite Forces (2000, Game Boy Color) Design Director
Pokémon Puzzle League (2000, Nintendo 64) Game Designers
Lode Runner 3-D (1999, Nintendo 64) Nintendo Software Technology Corporation

[ full credits ]

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