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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 12/1/2007 8:21 PM · Permalink · Report

Does anyone remeber using Windows 95 ? I do. Someone gave us a Windows 95 computer when they got Windows 98. I remeber using a DOS computer too and being less than interested. I was about eight using the non-DOS pc. Anyonelse ?

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Pseudo_Intellectual (66423) on 12/1/2007 8:29 PM · Permalink · Report

When your previous computer was a TRS-80 CoCo, let me tell you, having MS-DOS at your fingertips was like one of those lucid dreams where you can fly and transform inanimate objects into nubile young women.

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DJP Mom (11333) on 12/1/2007 10:28 PM · Permalink · Report

Win 3.1 and DOS 6.22 were what I cut my teeth on and used up until I picked up a computer with Windows 98. I actually still have that 486 (two hard drives, 40MB & 80MB, 12MB memory :-D), and it's working fine. I liked DOS in the same way I liked driving with a standard shift - you had to really participate in the process of using it, and thus had more control. Ease of use got to be a little more important as I got older, though ;-)

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 12/1/2007 11:42 PM · Permalink · Report

I like some DOS games, but I never realy knew how to operate DOS. That is why I have better memories of early Windows. I also think I at some point used a Windows 3.1 pc.

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Zovni (10504) on 1/20/2008 5:16 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Pseudo_Intellectual wrote--] was like one of those lucid dreams where you can fly and transform inanimate objects into nubile young women. [/Q --end Pseudo_Intellectual wrote--]

Wow! So you have those dreams too? er... I mean, Dos! Right!

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Legion on 12/5/2007 1:35 AM · Permalink · Report

I love Dos, dosbox is just about my favorite thing in the world playing some of the old favorites. And they take up almost no space too.

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 12/5/2007 8:31 PM · Permalink · Report

I've never tried DOSBOX before.

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xroox (3895) on 12/22/2007 1:42 PM · Permalink · Report

I loved DOS. I never had Win 3.1 as I never saw the point. Got Windows 95 grudgingly, and I remember I still found it quicker and easier to drop to the DOS prompt and do all my file copying/moving/deleting there. In fact, I did almost everything there for the first several years. All I basically used Windows for was slow dial-up internet and listening to CDs.

Times change, though. The 'command prompt' icon is no longer on my WinXP desktop...

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 12/22/2007 1:56 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I remeber only once or twice using a DOS pc. It was a ancient computer someone gave us and all of it's text was in orange. All I could figure out how to do on it was type my name over and over again. When we got a Windows pc, that's about all I did too beside play solitare. I was really too young to know how to do a lot of stuff with a pc. I was only about four or six.

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Shoddyan (15006) on 12/26/2007 6:33 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--]Does anyone remeber using Windows 95 ? I do. Someone gave us a Windows 95 computer when they got Windows 98. I remeber using a DOS computer too and being less than interested. I was about eight using the non-DOS pc. Anyonelse ? [/Q --end DANIEL HAWKS ! wrote--]

Remember it? Heck... I still have some of the CDs that microsoft "gave" me (Cinemania 94 and some reference thing that's not Encarta and that I didn't use often enough) when they were running around to trade shows trying to get everyone using this new Operating system. Cue the Rolling Stones singing "Start Me Up!"

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GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) on 12/29/2007 5:24 PM · Permalink · Report

Will Arena work with the command prompt on XP, or do I need DOS -box ?

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Rensch (203) on 12/29/2007 6:16 PM · Permalink · Report

Looks like an old game. You can just try it out and see how well it works. some old games still work pretty good on XP. But DOSbox is usually the best solution. It will probably work. Look up the DOSbox website. There is a list of games there which shows how well they work.

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St. Martyne (3648) on 12/29/2007 6:24 PM · Permalink · Report

I've come to conclusion that you always need DOSBox. Even the game will run, the chances the you'll have sound are abysmal.

Also, Arena via DOSbox is a very resource hungry enterprise, be sure to have at least 3Ghz CPU or Dual-Core.

You can also try VDMSound. Just Google it.

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Horton47 (153) on 1/1/2008 11:03 AM · Permalink · Report

Win 3.x until 2001.

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Daniel Saner (3503) on 1/20/2008 3:02 PM · Permalink · Report

I use(d) DOSBox to play the Arena Deluxe CD Edition, and it worked fine. I'm currently on an Athlon XP 3000+, but I guess even that is more than it needs. DOSBox has made some enormous speed improvements in later versions, especially for 3D games. You should be fine with the newest version.

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Daniel Saner (3503) on 1/20/2008 3:19 PM · Permalink · Report

I started with DOS and the progressed through Win 3.11, 95a, 95b, 98, 98 SE, Me, XP. I remember DOS and what a trouble it was to get some games to run. Changing, commenting and uncommenting lines in AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS, maybe even creating bootdisks... using MEMMAKER to free up those last couple of kilobytes needed to run the game, breaking the whole system in the process so you had to reinstall... but I still remember it quite fondly! I learned a lot, and sometimes it was already a success to only get a game to run. I was about seven back then. I doubt that you learn that much today, when everything is hidden beyond a fun and colourful interface you can click around in.

I only really used Win 3.11 for Windows games, and writing in Word. But I do remember how you had to reinstall Windows practically everytime you added, removed or reconfigured a driver, haha. The situation was always very precarious, you had to be careful what you touched. Using it today it really makes you see that, although there are still a lot of nuisances, Windows has come a long way...

In our office we installed an "oldschool computer" dedicated to DOS games. It has MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.11 on it, just like my old computer back then. But I was a bit disappointed - most of the games just run without problems, even with sound! That wasn't how I remembered it! Maybe it's because they built in hardware that was quite common back in the day. I might have had more obscure hardware. We also have a 20 GB harddrive with only 2 GB formatted because of the FAT16 limit ;)

I actually attended some sort of Windows 95 launch event in Switzerland with my father. I don't remember much, but it was pretty exciting. Win 3.11 was more a shell than anything else, so Win95 was the first actual operating system with a graphical user interface I used. There was a lot to play around with and a lot of new stuff to break.

Today, running it in Virtual PC, I find it rather cumbersome... For running old Win95 games, I prefer using Windows 98, it feels a lot more intuitive. But I still keep my Win95-CD around, with those low-quality videoclips, and the software catalogue, and that cool Hover game... (is it really possible that nobody added this to MG yet?!?)

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Pseudo_Intellectual (66423) on 1/20/2008 4:07 PM · Permalink · Report

(is it really possible that nobody added this to MG yet?!?)

Don't kid yourself. Some bundled games are so obvious it's taken yonks to get them up here -- stuff like nibbles, minesweeper and solitaire 8)