Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri

aka: Free Fall
Moby ID: 516

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Average score: 84% (based on 20 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 47 ratings with 6 reviews)

I am acting!

The Good
1996. It was the year when DOS was dying a quiet and slow death and some of us knowing the tragedy behind that process waved for a goodbye. It was the year when a great era of gaming came to an end while a new began. It was the year when classics like Master of Orion II or Daggerfall were released and as one of the last jewels for this platform Terra Nova finally reached the Monitors.

During that episode I was more immersed into C&C: Red Alert and Mechwarrior 2 than anybody else in my social environment, so I didn’t even notice anything about Terra Nova. Years later it came to me as a free version by buying a game magazine and still, even after installing it, I was not ready to play it. The whole interface was too much for me and yes the graphics did the rest to it. So again, years passed by till this year when I found this particular CD and gave the game a last chance. Well, I was not even a bit prepared for this gaming experience. So I would like to share my research on this game with you.


Terra Nova takes place in the future of mankind, more than 300 years from now. Space is not a frontier anymore and the Solar-System is colonized. It could be a nice trip in space but only because time and technics have changed, that doesn’t mean the same for the human race or politics. It is a struggle between the colonies in space and the almighty government of earth, called the Hegemony and willing to do anything to protect and to fulfill their beliefs. Earths government is (of course) not very happy about the ideas of independence which have emerged throughout the colonies. And as the pressure grew, the colonists moved (or were forced to move) to the Alpha Centauri System and started a new beginning there, including sovereign economy and a new society system, established in so-called Clans. Sounds a bit familiar to Battletech? Well, I’ll catch up on this later.

Because of the lack of an alien oppressor which one could fight, the two parties (Terran Hegemony and the clans of Alpha Centauri) have to fight each other. Actually, I really like these fictional universes (like in Battletech or in Freelancer) where there is no appearance of any alien incident. It sounds more realistic to me and on the other hand it offers the possibility the set the focus on human problems. The struggle of independence between the Hegemony and the Clans of Centauri reminds of the same problems the early United States had with the British Empire. But instead of our own history things in Terra Nova are different. The Hegemony accepted more or less Centauri’s autonomy but did impose a lot conditions; creating an atmosphere full of suspense.

So for the people of Alpha Centauri the enemies in the first place are pirates, smugglers and other thugs but while time passes it is getting obvious that the earth government is planning something big for Alpha Centauri. To handle these common threats the Clans established a Strike Force, combining the best soldiers including YOU as the best of the best of the best. Of course! You play the 24 years old Nikola, who is not only one of the youngest team members but also the leader of this pack. Some words to credibility and its importance to games will follow later…


Basically Terra Nova shows up as an ego tactic shooter with a perfect dash of strategy. Your weapon is not a tank or a Mech, the weapon is you … and your super-sophisticated-armed-to-the-teeth-full-body-armour or short: PBA. Like in games as X-Wing or Wing Commander your Base are a few screens, where you can check mails, news, reports, medals and prepare for your missions. Before it gets hot you can watch a nice mission briefing and then have to equip yourself and your team-mates. Weapons, equipment and extra stuff improve in later missions. And there are a lot of them. Exactly 37! The variety of the goals you have to achieve is as enormous as the variety of your opportunities in the field. From ‘Seek and Destroy’ to ‘Rescue and Protect’ to ‘Stealth is key’, the missions leave no strategically heart untouched. Furthermore, you have a vast range of field tactics. It is possible to give special orders to each team mate or orders to the whole team, from ‘Attack this’ to ‘Scout here’ to ‘Defend Location’ and so on. Your comrades in field can act cautious or aggressive and they do a hell of a good job there.

If one thinks about the year this game came out it surely is impressive that the AI of your team-mates is done so well. They have no problems to find the right way or fight like intelligent people and the most important thing: they obey! Well, most times. The Developers did not miss out the opportunity to put some character into the characters. Some of your followers have made cruel experiences through the enemy and so they act very emotional sometimes, which means they attack earlier and more aggressive and don’t listen to your orders when the see the enemy. It is not a problem to the gameplay though, because it doesn’t happen so often but pushes the atmosphere according to the credibility. Furthermore it is to mention that some of the Strike Force soldiers are specialists in demolitions or electronics and more, which is in some missions the key to success.

In the field you look at the events through your armoured suit, the PBA and for the first time playing the game one get overwhelmed quickly by these many buttons, menus and instruments. Here it comes to sight that Terra Nova is more a real simulation than a fast shooter. Fortunately all your suit systems can be controlled by mouse and keyboard while the movement is keyboard only. This has the advantage of walking around and doing some tactical stuff on your mini-map for example.

When it comes to combat the game gets an interesting twist. From one to another second you are thrown out of your office-like tactical work into vivid fighting. When enemies appear, all hell breaks loose and you have to act quickly but with consideration. Playing the fast hotshot works sometimes but a team can only work efficiently as a team. It is more important to pick to right weapons, watch out for friendly fire and to have an instinct when it is time to retreat or to regroup.

The repertoire of weapons is a nice one. Really! You start with standard lasers but with the time you’ll also get projectile weapons like missile- and grenade launchers and high advanced energy weapons to get your foes toasted. All in all there aren’t so many of them like in other games and the fact, that only four weapons can be carried at a time sounds pretty boring. Indeed, most times you walk around with your favourite ones and do not change them so often. But first of all they are very different in range, accuracy and effect and second, it gives me a more realistic feeling of the situation; the military may have the most advanced weapons but they don’t get new ones every week.

Despite all the hectic and the terror appearing in the first fights, combat in Terra Nova is real fun. When you jump 200 metres above your enemies and fire missile after missile into them while listening to this stunning soundtrack is just awesome.

The environment is fully 3D and so it is to high importance for your tactical decisions. For example when your walk up a hill you are in cover but will get slower and the opponent have a tremendous advantage if they catch you in this situation. Jump Jets will be your best friends to pass the most difficult areas. On the other hand it can turn out into a real critical situation while you are in the air. Otherwise you could launch a drone to check out the area but that time you seldom have. And you have a handful of nice gimmicks which help you through the day like a personal shield or a stealth device. But only one of them can be select for a mission and they are all limited in their use. I think one can easily imagine here the many opportunities to combine things in this game.

The difficulty is tuneable from the easy “Neighbourhood Watch” to the extreme hard “World War”. It is possible to switch between these modes during the game which makes it very helpful because even the second difficulty-level is hard enough.

The enemies AI is ok I think. Most times their attacks seem not very organized but in the end they really force you to fight with all your senses. The most missions last from five to fifteen minutes, so you never have to walk miles to get into action. Of course, if you want to you can walk around for hours but due to the performances PCs had back in those days they created smaller levels. The mission design itself does increase its demand when you keep on playing. The first ones are relatively easy to handle while the later missions are really a job for your brain. After each mission it comes to a debriefing including a lot of statistics. If you have finished a mission with extra care for your team-mates or did show great bravery you may be honoured with a medal. It does not have any effect on the game but it’s always nice to watch your decorations. Before I forget it; if you die the mission is over but if your companions meet Dr. Death it is still possible to finish it. Your killed team-mates will survive anyway; you just get a negative score for it.


As I said it before the environment is real 3D; well most of the others things are not. Your team-mates, enemies and the trees are pure bitmaps, like in the old days. When these bitmaps come too close your screen turns into a battlefield for pixel. I am exaggerating but sometimes it looks really ugly in contrast to the environment. Yes, with the 3D-Environment the people at Looking Glass did a perfect job. To think about the publishing year and the fact that the highest resolution for this game is 320 x 400 px VGA, it is astonishing what these people created here. Beautiful! Even for today. The horizon is not limited, the sky looks great and so do the textures. I think this game is a perfect example for a time when designers or programmers were forced to work with a graphical interface for years, so they could improve their ways of working with it. Nowadays, graphics in games look fantastic but the developers do not have the time to max things out anymore. But after all, graphics are seldom decisive for a good game. Much more important is:


What makes Games so different from other media? Other media like movies or books can only be experienced one-sided. Don’t throw pebbles at me; I will explain it. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a huge fan of all kind of movies and I love books even more. A movie can create so vast emotions, deep characters, wonderful story and so an atmosphere, where you can forget all you surroundings. The experience may follow you a week or sometimes a lifetime. A good book can do that either. But there is always only ONE level of experience. In these two media you will always be the passive consumer. Of course, a book can awake your imagination even more than a movie or a (modern) game could ever do but at least your act is plain reading. In books and films people can identify at least with one person but they are not this person. Within games, it will always be the player itself who is in the focus. The game not only tells its own background story but also tells the story of the (human) player, whose actions have consequences on the story and the game itself.

It is no secret that in games everything is scripted as well but the players actions decide which events will be triggered and maybe in which order. This is fantastic! Let’s assume that 99% of the games are constructed in a linear way, the player still has the option to decide which road he wants to follow. This is an option you just have in real life. Sorry I’m deviating. But I’m writing this since in older games the storytelling and the player actions were strictly divided. For Terra Nova there are the video cut-scenes which tell the plot and the other part: the gameplay, including team-management and combat. Not really new stuff, I know. Why I am saying that, is because of the difficulty to review a game rightfully when there is an enormous gap between these two sides. But I will try it.

The video cut-scenes are kind of semi-professional, combined with very nice rendered scenes and scenes where real actors had to deal with a blue screen in the back. But the visual appearance is throughout ok. When it comes to acting it becomes different. Oh boy! These actors during the cut-scenes are far the worst I’ve ever seen! One can almost see the line floating over the heads saying: “I’m acting!” Well, I must confess that, after three times playing Terra Nova, I became much attached to them. As others reviewers noticed, there is a nice little charm of B-Movie-Style with them. The biographies for your team-mates yet are written very well. At all there is so many background material to read. In the library section a whole universe waits to be discovered (even including a 17 Pages long annexation-contract of the Hegemony). Of course it is nothing compared to the written background in Mass Effect but it goes into that direction. And that is the point what I like most of Terra Nova. One can clearly see with how much passion the designers worked here. The story is not new at all, the actors are ridiculous and linearity is trump but still it seems like a believable universe in every little detail.

This background, combined with the situation on the battlefield where your comrades scream realistic radio voice signals and the whole behaviour of the game does not remind you of a super Hollywood-Blockbuster-Action-Movie gives the player the opportunity to immerge completely in the game.

I mentioned before the similarity to the Mechwarrior game series and indeed there are several parallels. But this game is not a copy. It took the good features from these games like the whole organisation thing before and during a mission. Mechwarrior 2 was a game with good graphics but nowadays it looks laughable. But what did Activision did at that time to improve the atmosphere? They created through the sound, the handling and the whole detailed background something how it feels piloting a real mech. And if putting on your headset you were not just playing it, you were in the game. Here, the same thing happens with great success and for people who love the Mechwarrior series I strongly have to recommend Terra Nova.

The Bad
Every good game has bad days. That’s life. For Terra Nova it is (apart from the actors) the thing that most people will be deterred by the interface and all the buttons. The lot of functions you can activate and play with will not help either. For most old games it was a duty to read the manual to get into the game. But Looking Glass was ahead of the times and created two tutorial missions which explain really everything. All you need is to listen carefully and with patience … young Padawan.

The other thing that I really missed in Terra Nova is a multiplayer mode. This could have been the feature to lift this game to other spheres or so. Well; not implemented. Though luck!

The Bottom Line
Some time ago I have read some old articles concerning to this game. When it was published back in 1996 most people had very high expectations to it because it was hyped as a kind of gaming revolution. Nevertheless the press was not really disappointed. They did praise the tactical advantages and grumbled because of the bitmap graphics but sooner or later nobody mentioned it any longer. And in my personal opinion Terra Nova is a game which will not affect my mind for so long and so strong like the Mechwarrior games did. And that is ok. It is a pure solid, tactical action game but it deserves to be not forgotten and for my gaming path it was definitely a highlight.

DOS · by BostonGeorge (751) · 2010

One of the forgotten classics...

The Good
Great outdoor environment, wide variety of missions, plenty of surprises (not all the missions are as straight-forward as the briefing would lead you to believe), plenty of weapons and gadgets, lots of commands for your squadmates.

The Bad
No multiplayer (time when Duke and Quake offers them), some missions ridiculously hard (the pacing isn't quite right), not enough ammo for the ammo-based weapons.

The Bottom Line
Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri is the "mech" game that manages to provide as immersive experience as the more famous mech games, like Mechwarrior 2.

The video briefings are decent and the cutscenes are quite good, as Wing Commander 3.

The textured terrain and such, with the low-res engine, is a bit weak when others are using cleaner-looking but high-res graphics. The actual enemy units are sprites. At least the explosions look rather decent (if a bit bitmap-ish). When you destroy an enemy unit the pieces litter the landscape. Few programs do that... (they tend to disappear after a while).

There are features that simply cannot be found on ANY mech game. With 3 multi-function displays, you can actually get a true-360 view of your surroundings (with the main screen as "front"). NO OTHER GAME offer you this feature. There's also use of repair modules, demolition modules, and such that much be managed by you, which adds to the strategic considerations.

The lack of multiplayer in the times of Duke and Quake, however, prevented the game from receiving the audience that it should.

DOS · by Kasey Chang (4591) · 2001

Out in the open air

The Good
What the team behind 'System Shock' did next, this was a late addition to the wave of 'walking around in a metal suit' games that sprang up at the time, although this time the suit is just slightly larger than you. Unjustly ignored, the game's P75-punishing graphics engine produced some fantastic visuals (the open-air vistas stretched away for miles), and there were some intriguing missions, including a couple in low-gravity environments.

The Bad
The gameplay itself was only so-so. There was only so much strategy involved in running backwards whilst firing constantly, and a couple of the missions were much too hard, in an unfair, 'X-Wing' way. The between-mission FMV sequences are just as bad as all other between-mission FMV sequences. It didn't take very long to finish, either, and you probably won't get it to run on modern machines.

The Bottom Line
An unjustly ignored Mechwarrior-esque FPS with remarkable visuals.

DOS · by Ashley Pomeroy (225) · 2000

A great squad-based combat game with just one problem

The Good
This is certainly a game that I enjoyed playing, it looks like a mech game (well actually you are in a battle suit equipped with all kinds of lasers, rocket launchers and gadgets, not in a mech) and the controls are similar to most FPS in that you use the mouse to aim and shoot and use the keyboard to go in a certain direction. But you'll have to use your brains in this game, cause there are certain strategic elements like:

  • Which suit should each team member wear (heavy, medium or scout)?
  • How to outfit your suits (which weapons & gadgets)?
  • Which team members to select for the job (technicians, recon, weapon or demolition experts)?
  • Giving orders to your squad members. For instance tell them where they should go. Sometimes it is necessary to split your team into different groups and let them take different routes to certain positions. While one member is repairing something another is busy killing enemy soldiers. Instead of shooting all the time you often engage in short skirmishes.

Some other things that I like about this game:

  • Good looking outdoor environments (far horizons), but close range details are disappointing.
  • The physics modeling, gravity is different on the 3 planets.
  • B movie type of story line featuring a traitor, arguments with your brother, suspiciously acting bosses and mysterious clones
  • Those stressed voices of your teammates whenever you're under attack.

The Bad
You can't play it on modern PC's. When I bought this game I owned a 100 mhz AMD and I had no problems whatsoever running this game. A couple of years later I got a Pentium II 450 mhz and wanted to play this game again. After a flawless installation my monitor went black whenever I wanted to start a mission. The game ran and responded to input from the keyboard & mouse (I could here the sound effects). It seemed like my monitor went into the stand-by mode. Before writing this review I downloaded the demo version, the results were the same. And it's not just my PC cause Ashley Pomeroy mentions the same problem in his review.

The Bottom Line
This is a game that got great reviews when it came out (I checked Gamespot and Gamesdomain and my old magazines) but was ignored by most consumers, mainly because of the hype surrounding two FPS games called Duke 3D and Quake. If you own an old PC, go out and buy it (if you can find it). If your PC is new, play Heavy Gear II or Outwars instead. In my opinion this game is better than Quake and Duke 3D.

DOS · by Roedie (5239) · 2001

Great action, good strategy and kickass gameplay!

The Good
This is possibly the best mech-style game ever to be released. It reaches a fine balance between action and simulation which no other game in the genre has been able to do. I personally found the Mechwarrior and Heavy Gear games to be too technical and fiddly especially without the use of a fancy joystick. This detracted from my enjoyment of those games as I was concentrating more on the controls than on the game. Terra Nova has simple controls and manages to reach a remarkable level of immersion. For instance unlike other games, your squadmates aren't just back-up cannon fodder. They often have specific abilities like demolitions or electronics that are essential for the completion of missions. Furthermore there are several levels that are designed in a way that forces you to split your squad and use special tactics. In fact, almost all the levels have various ways in which you can complete them. Go in with stealthy scout suits to evade perimeter patrols or wade in with heavy armor and guns blazing, it's up to you. They even have scout probes you can launch from your suit and manually control to survey the area (a small window shows you a probe's-eye-view). Of course these drones can be shot down if they're spotted by the enemy. New weapons and defensive measures (and smarter, tougher enemies) are introduced throughout the course of the game and this ensures the combat does not get stale. Portable laser turrets and mines means you can set up ambushes in narrow passageways. I liked the way you had final control over when to detonate charges set up by you or your squadmates and had to make sure everyone was clear before you pushed the button. Innovations like this abound throughout the game.

The environments deserve a special mention because of their vastness. Each level has a huge playing area with varied terrain such as lakes, hills, mountains, cliffs and canyons. Different planets also have different gravity levels which affect jumping and falling. Some levels even have thunderstorms or snow falling!

Radio chatter between your squadmates also enhances the atmosphere.

The game didn't sell well when it was released; most blame the high system requirements for the time (a Pentium-90 when most people had 486s). No reason to worry about those now though.

The Bad
The graphics are pixelated and grainy compared to the glorious accelerated environments of the later Mechwarrior games. In fact you can only go up to a maximum of 320x400 resolution (if I remember correctly). For the time however, the graphics were exceptional.

The music and sound are also nothing exceptional however the use of the Q-sound positional audio system greatly enhances the experience.

Yes, the acting in the cutscenes is like most other games i.e. so-so but its nowhere near as bad as the worst and the videos do flesh out the characters to some extent (almost as well as the Wing Commander games).

The Bottom Line
Buy this game if you want to see how a mech game ought to be done. I still prefer it over Mechwarrior 4 (the latest in the series) mostly because of the greatly simplified yet equally satisfying control system. Of course this is my opinion and flight simulator afficiandos probably prefer the technicality of the Mech and Gear series. I haven't had any problems running this on my PII-450 with a Creative RIVA TNT2 card. Of course it's a DOS game so it all depends on the DOS drivers for your hardware or how well your system emulates that under windows (exit or boot into DOS if you can). The gameplay is incredibly addictive and the missions are varied and interesting both in their nature and their settings. Think of it as the Tie-fighter of mechgames with wing-commander style presentation as an added bonus. The best of both worlds!

DOS · by Aamir Alavi (5) · 2001

Classic Sci-Fi Fun

The Good
There's so much to like about this game. The missions were great (I especially love the covert ops mission), the graphics were great, and the sound was good, too. Back in 1996, the game used QSound to do some positional sound. It was a great feeling back then to blast up some foliage and hear the sound go through you as you walked through its remains. The CG was, and still is pretty great. The intro to the game was spectacular in its day, and still fun to watch today.

The one great design decision I remember about this game was its loading screen. Rather than give a static "Loading..." message, the game displayed an outfitting message. Rather than traditional mechs, you played with "powered battle armor." When loading the next mission, it would say something like "Preparing SFC Squad for Mission." It would then list PBA loading info about each squad member. For example:

N. ap Io Cold Fusion Plant Started Warming up Weapons ... SFC PBA Ready

It would then move on to the other people in your squad. Back when I played it, this method made the loading times very transparent, even when missions took a few minutes to load (load times varied from zero to a few minutes).

The Bad
While the FMV plot development was technically well pulled off, the story was pretty bad. Think B movie sci-fi.

The Bottom Line
A well-designed romp in a creative mech-alike game.

DOS · by Adam Baratz (1431) · 2000

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Havoc Crow, Wizo, jean-louis, Jeanne, Kabushi, Dae, chirinea, Scaryfun, Patrick Bregger, Cantillon, Tim Janssen, Parf.