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Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind

aka: Bubsy dans recontres de troisième griffe, Bubsy in Krallende Begegnungen der Pelzigen Art, Bubsy: O Mais Esperto dos Felinos, Yamaneko Bubsy no Daibōken
Moby ID: 7145

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Average score: 79% (based on 43 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.3 out of 5 (based on 47 ratings with 4 reviews)

Bubsy, you can't pick-up, you can't throw, punch, kick, claw, scratch, bite or gouge. What's the deal?

The Good
Accolades "Bubsy: Encounters of the Furred Kind", features, well, "Bubsy the Bobcat". A true classic 16-bit platformer, (in historical terms mainly), players take control of the bobcat, and begin the challenge of defeating the "Woolies"; aliens from the planet "Rayon". Just how you defeat them is by progressing through fifteen main levels, eventually coming up against the final boss – nothing too unusual there.

The eccentricity of this game lays in its graphic design and music. Of course, this phase in video-game development, where you control some sort of anthropomorphic character on a collection-fest, typically had developers attempting to differentiate themselves from competitors. Sonic has it's "rings", Mario his "coins", and to a lesser audience, Bubsy has his "yarn-balls".

The sense of humour in this game is consistent with this taste, and each level is introduced by some sort of play-on-words spoken by none other than the Bobcat himself: "what could possibly go wrong?", or "did I mention I don't like heights?" and so forth. His voice resembles Daffy Duck's to a degree, and these little touches were reasonably impressive at the time.

The thing that kept me playing this game was its level design. There are many criticisms about them, and I must admit that they are valid; however, the appeal for me was in the many different routes one could take through the levels. The levels themselves are more than several screen-heights high (apart from the Western-themed train levels), and only multiple playing sessions would reveal the hidden pick-ups. Also, there was something satisfying about collecting those yarn-balls – I think it may be the "pop" sound which indicated a collection. (Each colour held a different point value and "pop" pitch).

The Bad
Bubsy's arsenal of "offensive" manoeuvres includes jumping and gliding. That's it. You can't pick-up, you can't throw, punch, kick, claw, scratch, bite or gouge. This was a disappointment for me, especially since the cover of the game makes a particular note of showing Bubsy's paws. But, what can you do? As in other games in this genre (Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Aladdin, etc.) you move through levels collecting items and wiping out enemies by landing a jump on them.

Bubsy's main complaint (or so I have read), is that he far too easy to kill. You can be killed by the slightest touch of a Woolie, or an off-screen enemy will hurl an egg (yes, a freakin' egg) at you, or you'll run straight into a stretch of water. These are undeniably frustrating, but I believe it is offset fairly well by the stock of nine lives Bubsy has, as well as his ability to glide past most of the trouble. That is this games ultimate choice; you either collect and kill carefully, or you run and avoid – you can't do both.

Visually, this game was above standard, but, as with all classic sprite-based platformers, is starting to show its age. Bubsy's animation is suitable, but the various enemies and subjects of interaction are nothing too exciting. It's worth noting that the overall presentation is fairly bright and cheery, but quite garish and washed-out at times also. Functional and bright is the best I could say.

The Bottom Line
I think this one is worth a go. It's no Donkey Kong Country, (it's a third-party game), so I believe that Megadrive's limitations may of held this one back a little. There are memorable moments, and, I can even remember the music to this day. Bubsy did add to platform-game history fairly honourably.

SNES · by So Hai (261) · 2008

Lost it's shine over the years...

The Good
A straight forward 2D platformer, with cartoonish graphics and massive levels.

The Bad
I remember when I was a kid, my friend and I would sit up for hours playing this game. So when I recently got my hands on a copy, I was excited and thought 'Oh awesome this will bring back a lot of fun memories'. It did to some extent, but the game is no where near as fun as I originally remembered.

The Bottom Line
Its not an awful game, but its not a great game either. It has really large levels to explore, which is a plus, and the game will keep you going for a while. As far as soundtracks go, this one drives me insane, so you're better off muting it and cranking up your favourite CD. Overall if you enjoy games like Mario and Sonic, then this is a worthy addition to your collection.

Genesis · by Kid Fraser (13) · 2008

A Rip-off of Sonic, but a good Rip-off....?

The Good
Bubsy the character is sort of cool. Although Accolade was trying to mimic the success of Sonic The Hedgehog, they failed, but just almost succeeded. The game premise is simple, Bubsy must stop the Woolies, A group of aliens trying to take all the yarn from the earth. Silly plot, huh? Well, it gets kudos for being creative. The gameplay is, like I said, a rip-off of Sonic, but it's still a blast to play. The music is good, and the graphics aren't bad as well. The areas are gigantic, which is a blessing and a curse, and the game supplies you with, get this, NINE lives, so the game should be easy right?

The Bad

This game is very hard, so you should be thankful that you start with nine lives. One thing to note, Bubsy is VERY fragile, Fall from a high distance, get close to a egg, get sneezed on by a alien, get in water up to your ankles, etc. etc., you die.

It is so easy to perish, it starts to feel cheap really quick. I can't get through the game with Game Genie codes!

But other than those somewhat aggravating flaws, it still manages to be a great, simple platformer.

The Bottom Line
I have had this game through my entire life, and I still play it rather often. It's a charming little gem that is smacked too hard with negative press. I mean come on, it can't be as bad as Rise Of The Robots, Right? A great Time-Killer.

Graphics:8/10 Sound:8/10 Gameplay:8 and a half/10 Replay Value:7 and a half/10 Fun Factor:9/10

THE VERDICT IS: 4 OUT OF 5 YARNBALLS It's simple bliss, and it has stood the test of time rather well.

SNES · by JohnLennon224 (13) · 2008


The Good
Hi, my name is Agahnim. Agahnim the Wizard. Yes I know I'm from Hyrule. I know that I'm the reason Hyrule is in chaos. But allow me to tell you about Bubsy. I was 14 when I first played this game on my friend's Sega Genesis system. It is AWESOME. The music is nice, the special effects are nice even now in 2004, plus the game's plot is good. The plot is simple but very nice. I wouldn't ever get tired of this game because it goes up and down, literally. There is such a vast amount of space to explore, but it can be explored in a reasonable amount of time because Bubsy is so fast when he runs. GREAT GAME

The Bad
Nothing - excellent game!

The Bottom Line

SNES · by Agahnim the Wizard (2) · 2005

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Bozzly, lights out party, vedder, Patrick Bregger, Big John WV, Tim Janssen, Apogee IV, RhYnoECfnW, Alaka, Mr Almond, Omnosto, Alsy, Tomas Pettersson, chirinea.