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Breath of Fire IV

aka: Breath of Fire IV: Utsuro Wazaru Mono, Long Zhanshi 4
Moby ID: 4521
PlayStation Specs
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Description official description

Nina, the princess of Wyndia, and Cray, chieftain of the cat-like Woren tribe, are searching for Cray's relatives who disappeared under mysterious circumstances during a diplomatic mission. Flying through the sky on their sandflier, Nina and Cray are attacked by a worm shaped dragon. With their vehicle damaged, Nina returns to the city to find parts, bumping into a naked young boy named Ryu along the way, who is unsure of where he is. At the very same time, Nina is again attacked by a dragon. Confused by the strange events taking place, Nina agrees to help the young boy. Meanwhile, the ancient Emperor Fou Lu awakens from his slumber in his tomb. His plan is to return to the world of human, conquer it anew, and impose his iron rule on it...

This fourth installment of the Breath of Fire series is a fairly traditional Japanese-style RPG, with turn-based combat, party management, linear story progression, and other characteristic elements of the genre. As in the previous game, characters become stronger and learn new skills by performing tasks for "masters" living in different towns. Ryu, the main protagonist of the series, has retained the series' trademark gameplay element: the ability to turn into a dragon during combat. Breath of Fire IV is rich in mini-games of various types, including the popular fishing mini-game that was present in previous installments as well.


  • ブレスオブファイアIV うつろわざるもの - Japanese spelling
  • 龙战士4 - Chinese spelling (simplified)

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Credits (PlayStation version)

123 People (104 developers, 19 thanks) · View all

Planning (企画)
Main Program (メインプログラム)
Battle Effect Program (バトルエフェクトプログラム)
Scenario Program (シナリオプログラム)
System Program (システムプログラム)
Minigame Program (ミニゲームプログラム)
3D Effect Program (3Dエフェクトプログラム)
Character & Graphic Design (キャラクター・グラフィックデザイン)
Character Graphics (キャラクターグラフィック)
[ full credits ]



Average score: 75% (based on 34 ratings)


Average score: 3.6 out of 5 (based on 47 ratings with 2 reviews)

A letdown

The Good
Breath of Fire IV is the fourth entry in the Breath of Fire series, and the second on the PlayStation coming after two SNES games and one Playstation game. I had played the three prequels before playing the game.

As in the previous games, the game is a typical JRPG where you conduct a party with Ryu a dragon in human form, Nina a winged person and a party of anthropomorphic animals around the world to save it from evil.

Even though the game is overall a letdown from its predecessors, there's still good things to tell about it. A good thing is that the game has more 3D content than it's immediate predecessor, and the world to explore is a bit larger. Another good thing is that they kept how the overworld function from Breath of Fire III, meaning it's quick and easy to backtrack to different locations.

Even though the story is not very interesting, there's at least a few plot twists. The game features at a certain point Pukapukas, amazing little creatures. I loved them, because they're very cute.

Graphics quality were significantly improved since Breath of Fire III and the FMV opening is stunning.

Another very cool thing is the alternation between the "main" quests where you control Ryu, Nina and their friends, and the "sub" quests where you control the emperor Fou-Lu who seems to take place in the asian middles ages. This was probably inspired by the alternation between Squall and Laguna in Final Fantasy VIII and this works particularly well. The parts with Fou-Lu tend to be more interesting than the parts with Ryu and his party, as Fou-Lu himself is a real badass character.

I liked it's possible to use the entire party in battle simultaneously. Even though only 3 party members are active, and the others are passive, each round active members can be switched easily without any penalty, which opens the opportunity of dynamic battles despite a very traditional round-based battle system. The party members will always do the action in the order you select them, so this allows for some strategy, such as doing healing spells first. Sometimes even passive members can help by doing counter-attacks or will automatically heal the party. It's possible for active members to heal passive members, but it's impossible for the enemy to hurt passive members in the back. As such when a party member is wounded it's simple to take him in the back and heal him later.

The dragon system, traditionally different in each game of the series, is pretty good in this one. You have to first meet with the "masters", so you can turn into various dragons. In dragon form you control the dragon as any party member, and can do very powerful attacks, but your Mana will slowly drop. It's efficient, fun to use and much needed against most later bosses. Another thing I liked is that the party is more balanced than in both Breath of Fire II and Breath of Fire III, despite some party members still being more useful than others.

The Bad
Even though this time, unlike in Breath of Fire III, the camera can actually be rotated and the playfield is actually in 3D, it is easy to get lost, especially in cities. It is also easy to miss treasure because it's in a blind spot, or, less conveniently, miss doors that leads to the next big event of the story, which is needed to continue the game.

They reintroduced the context/screen change between field and battle, which was abolished in Breath of Fire III. I find this is a significant step backwards.

They kept the hard-to-use system from Breath of Fire III, where party members should chose a "teacher" among the NPCs, and met him regularly to gain skills. This is so annoying to use you're almost better of ignoring it completely, which doesn't prevent beating the game.

The music is a very poor overall. Even though there's a few decent songs, like the overworld theme, and some ok-sounding asian-themed music, played mostly during Fou-Lu's moments. Other than that, the music is very annoying. The battle theme and most boss themes are just bad, and many areas and villages have bad music as well. Some people will say it's good it doesn't sound like typical JRPG music and is more original, however since most JRPGs usually have great soundtracks, departing from this tradition is a bad things in my point of view.

There's a ton, and I mean really a ton of absolutely horrendous and annoying minigames which are obligatory to progress in the story. I only remember an annoying ship minigame in Breath of Fire III, here it's the same but made 10x worse. Be prepared for frustration.

The fishing system is totally deficient. I couldn't ever catch any fish, and unfortunately there's places in the storyline where you're supposed to do it. Fortunately there's still a workaround, so I could finish the entire game without ever catching any fish at all.

There's an entire world made of a fairy minigame, that looks so bland and uninteresting I didn't even want to get into it. However if you're the kind of player who's into spending hours in minigames, there's the opportunity to.

The storyline is mostly bland and uninteresting. There's one or two interesting plot twists, other than that it's the very standard world exploration without any real goals other than "discover the true nature of Ryu". Basically it's a recycling of the story from Breath of Fire III minus the interesting parts and minus the time elapsing thing. Thanks god Fou-Lu saves the day on this one with his interesting parts.

The Bottom Line
Breath of Fire IV is a letdown from the previous 3 games. Even though it has it's moments, only fan of the series need to play it, other players can easily pass this one up and spend their time on better JRPGs instead. Let's hope it's sequel Breath of Fire V, which stand on my shelf for 20 years and I still haven't played, reserves me a better surprise.

PlayStation · by Bregalad (937) · 2020

A great RPG...

The Good
I absolutely love RPG's and Breath of Fire IV was no exception. The fighting style was great. You use all the characters you find in the game in each battle so you don't have to choose the "strongest" three or however many. They music score was pretty good too. The story was excellent espescially all the different stories going on at once.

The Bad
The in-game movies weren't all that great graphically. I wasn't all that impressed, but whatever. I won't complain very loud because I know I couldn't do it. Anyway I think that's about all.

The Bottom Line
Overall, a really good game. Pretty easy to follow. A good game to buy, sit down, and just have fun playing.

PlayStation · by Daniel Backhaus (2) · 2003


English version

The English versions remove some sexually suggestive scenes as well as a violent sequence in which the anti-hero Fou-Lu decapitates a character.


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  • MobyGames ID: 4521
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Kartanym.

PS Vita added by Fred VT. PlayStation 3, PSP added by GTramp. Windows added by Wimp.

Additional contributors: Zovni, Unicorn Lynx, Fred VT, Patrick Bregger.

Game added July 15, 2001. Last modified September 27, 2024.