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Street Fighter II: Champion Edition

aka: Street Fighter II', Street Fighter II' Plus: Champion Edition, Street Fighter II': Champion Edition, Street Fighter II': Special Champion Edition
Moby ID: 8053

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Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 86% (based on 30 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.9 out of 5 (based on 71 ratings with 6 reviews)

Customers demanded it, Tec Toy delivers it!

The Good
As a programmer, the amount of number crunching done to bring this to a console that has less RAM that the NES is amazing, and if you have a Master Gear converter for your Game Gear, enjoy this game on the go, more so than the just-as-excellent Game Boy version. Even better, if you can get ahold of Tec Toy's very rare six-button controller (or two), you'll be allowed to do all of the moves in the arcade. The cart size is as large as the Master System can take, and it's one of the finest Master System games to come about towards the end of the console's life.

The Bad
All negatives of this game are drawn of the Master System. At first, you'd think that the game sucks, but then you're drawn into it, and start learning how to play the game. Ignoring the extreme limitations of 1985 hardware (1987 for us in the US), pulling this off can be tricky, and perhaps some nitpickers wouldn't like the simplified backgrounds or the digitized sounds, but considering Capcom did the development themselves, this isn't all that bad, and after awhile, you'll start to get used to it and it won't even bother you at all. A major drawback is using the Master System's two-button controller (default standard) and how tiny the characters appear when using the game with the Game Gear via the Master Gear converter.

The Bottom Line
Don't own a Genesis, PC Engine, TurboExpress, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, 1.5 GHz x86 CPU'd PC or the very rare Sega Nomad, then this version is really good for the Game Gear via the Master Gear converter. And if you some reason the Master System is your only game system and you're using a Macintosh or other alternative means to get online to read this review, then this game's the best you're going to get for fighting game goodness on the Master System. I suggest that anyone who wants to complete their Master System collection ought have this game in their libraries. It is the essential paradigm of programming excellence for a console that just can't cut it, and "cut it" it did.

SEGA Master System · by Fake Spam (85) · 2006

Are you Ken? No? Well get out of my way!

The Good
SCE. Special. Well, this wasn't the first time I'd played Street Fighter before. I had played the original arcade and eventually, the version of Street Fighter 2 on the SNES. However, this was far superior. Smoother gameplay, greater depth and more characters. It still plays like a dream today. I wish that more games were of this ilk. Yet, few are.

My favourite character was always Ken. Not sure why, perhaps because he was similar to Ryu but wore red. Plus, my mate was always Ryu so couldn't be him. However, my favourite music was and still is Ryu's stage. Most of the music was good, but that stood out for me.

Heck this game is still a great leveller. You got something to settle. Stick SF2: SCE on and slug it out. No problem. It still works.

It's still thought of as a benchmark title, which is some accomplishment after 12 or so years. 2D beat-em-ups don't get much better than this & will not last as long as this.

The Bad
There are some lame characters but heck that's not the point.

The Bottom Line
If you've not played it yet, get a copy. Challenge your mates, play single player mode, just play it.

Genesis · by Liam Dowds (39) · 2005

Good port of the arcade version.

The Good
Well, of course, the gameplay! It's what gets people hooked on! The characters move perfectly. Although the sprites aren't as impressive as the arcade, the characters and backgrounds still retain their same look. What's more impressive is that this is the first Street Fighter port to have features like Group battle and Elimination battle! These add more spice to it all and the neatest part is that because of the very fast speed of the Genesis, turbo mode play is twice as fast as the Turbo port for SNES!

The Bad
What was kinda upsetting was the music. It seems to have been reworked and sounds different than the SNES. The sprites weren't as exact as the arcade or SNES. The voices also sound kinda blocky and it's hard to tell what Ryu is really trying say when he is throwing fireballs.

The Bottom Line
Basically a not too bad, not too good port of SFII C.E. I also say this always -- that this is an example of why Street Fighter II wasn't ported to the Genesis in the first place.

Genesis · by Robbb (99) · 2004

Arcade perfection . . . somehow pulled off.

The Good
Regardless of which controller is used for play (two-button default standard or the six-button "Avenue" pad) NEC and Capcom pulled a coup of hardware magic on hardware that normally can't hack it (the later Neo-Geo games ported to the system needs the Arcade Card, which added more RAM, a polygon co-processor, another 8-bit co-processor, and other "32X" goodness to this weak system), and they got around it by adding a huge 0.5 MB (or 500 KB or, even still, 20 Mbits) HuCard (TurboChip in the US) that also contained some more RAM and other programming goodness. The controls are dead-on (tighter than the SNES's first port, not as tight as the Genesis or "turbo" version on the SNES released a year later), and makes for some really fun gameplay. Everything known is hear and can be enjoyed with friends, especially if you have the TurboTap for multiple player goodness. I also recommend using the TurboBooster to get A/V instead of RF and really enjoy the graphics. Up convert to S-Video or component (via adapters usually found at RadioShack) and get some really sharp graphics. Also, using game adapters that beat region lock-out for the NEC systems, this game can be enjoyed on an American TurboGrafx-16 unit without any hardware upgrades. The last great thing about this game is . . . it plays on TurboExpress WITHOUT any adapters or kits or anything, it just plays. Deal with the two buttons and this version rivals the Genesis Nomad or Game Boy Advance version with ease.

The Bad
While the sound isn't as scratchy as the Genesis version (NEC used better sound chips), the sound is still scratchy. The music, also, is simplified, and though not as . . . strange as the music sounds on the Genesis version (picture lines for some reason was listening to just the music on that version), it's not much better compared to the SNES versions of the game. When played on an HDTV or even SDTV, the resolution looks a little below a VGA game made for PCs and Macintosh from circa 1990 and uses simple colors. However, the simple colors, using 256 colors from a total of 400+ to choose from total, isn't as bad as the washed-out version of the Genesis, using only 64 colors from a choice of 512 to choose from. Aside of that, the graphics, due to the resolution more so than the amount of colors displayed takes the hit there. Then there's the status bar at the top of the screen, which keeps the two little victory hands for either player on screen at all times, though darkened until victory, it is a tad annoying till you get used to is. Adding to this, the graphics of letterbox'd, and when played on a TurboExpress, it eats into the game's presentation a wee bit and makes the characters seem more tiny than they need be (as with the Master System version when played on a Game Gear via the Master Gear adapter). Lastly, the HuCards a fragile and get dirty easily. Losing this game or wrecking it happens a lot to me, even when I keep it in that little sleeve NEC provides with the game. The HuCard is heavier and higher than other HuCards and the top component with the hardware goodness can come loose or get damaged easily (Konami for their release of Parodius flattened the HuCard to avoid this problem, and other companies just released games on CD after this game was released to avoid using large-sized HuCards). If you live in a humid climate, the little sleeve NEC provides gets "steamy" and allows moisture to build with in, rusty or ruining the pin-connectors. If you live in a dry climate, the little sleeve rots away into dried plastic pieces, or into jerky, and must be removed, leaving the HuCard to the elements, usually getting banged around inside the case, again damaging the pin-connectors.

The Bottom Line
In 1992, I'd urge every to get this version of the game because it is WAY better than the original SNES arcade port, regardless of the region NEC released it in. It's worse the extra cost and extra trouble to play this game. That is, until 1993, when the "turbo" version was released on the SNES and Genesis consoles. It is better than the PC version, too. (That is, until a small company with Capcom's blessing in 2004 released a MAME'd version of the game on Windows XP, requiring a 1.5 GHz x86 CPU to even consider playing properly, and is buggy on Windows XP SP 2.) However, in 2007, about the time this review is being written, this game is for the unfortunate "collector" who doesn't play games, just lets 'em sit on a shelf rotting and rusting. I see no reason to buy this game today unless somebody bought you a PC Engine and you want a some-what modern fighting game on it and you don't have the CD drive or don't like SNK games, or that you have a TurboExpress, than, via that method, I suggest also buying all other HuCard/TurboChip games for that matter, but always carry this HuCard with you (safely, by the way) to play no matter what, so you don't get bored.

TurboGrafx-16 · by Fake Spam (85) · 2006

Try again for the one hundred and seventh time ?

The Good
Despite it's unforgiving difficulty, how could you stay away from this game? This is actually a updated version of the original Street Fighter II. If you played that I've no need to explain the concept of the whole game. What's new is the hyper mode. It's insanely fast and even MORE difficult than the regular mode. I didn't last two rounds. But I'm not that good at Street Fighter games, so it's no surprise. It's able to play this fast because of the Genesis has a faster CPU than the Super Nintendo. That's good for those who want a fast and furious fight. The graphics are great by Genesis standards. Lots of little lights and crowd animations really bring it to life. The sound is pretty good, but the Genesis was never known for it's abilities in the sound department. And there are new characters. I can't remember who, but it must have been Bison. Overall a good package.

The Bad
Don't get me started.

The difficulty is the absolute worst I've ever played in a fighting game! It literally took me over 100 something tries to finish the game! And don't say just lower the difficulty, because when you finish the game it says "why not try it on a higher difficulty wimp!" or something to that effect. No story ending ! And some of those combos are hard (impossible) to pull off when things get heated.

The Bottom Line
If you love your games nice and frontal lobe melting difficult, then this is the game for you. If you want a good fighter, try it once and if the difficulty scares you off, run, run to the hills!

Genesis · by GAMEBOY COLOR! (1990) · 2008

'Oh look pal! i threw a hadoken! (or it's a pancake?)'

The Good
It's funny, yes, maybe the funniest Street Fighter 2 i have ever seen, just hearing the voice of the announcer sounding like a retard made me laugh, but well, let's be serious, Master System never had that digitalized sound, it's not a great conversion, but for being master system is ok. Sprites were ok, well animated and all that, some of the artwork in the game (the fighter's faces) was taken from Super Street Fighter 2, as you will surely notice. The music is the same as always, you will enjoy kicking some butt in master system with Ryu's theme sounding in the background.

The Bad
It has a few bad points, starting by gameplay, it just suxxx, trying to do some special movements may be a real pain. The AI maybe was AD (artificial dumbness) the cpu fighters start hitting in the air without any kind of criteria or strategy. And we came to the backgrounds, for fuck's sake, couldn't they have done some decent backgrounds? i know the Master System can't manage with much detail, but that's just awful, take a look at some screens and you will know what i talk about, the China street for example looks really odd (like if you were fighting in a butchery), and Sagat background is real shitty (maybe adding a little palm tree would have hurted?)

The Bottom Line
It's curious, if you are a SF fan (or a Master System fan too) and haven't seen this yet, you are missing something you will surely find interesting, if you aren't or are just looking for a nice-looking fighting game, just look other way, there's nothing here for you.

SEGA Master System · by Depth Lord (932) · 2004

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Bozzly, Alaka, lights out party, Big John WV, Kohler 86, ryanbus84, Tim Janssen, Patrick Bregger, Alsy, Omnosto, vedder, RhYnoECfnW, Scaryfun, chirinea, yenruoj_tsegnol_eht (!!ihsoy), CalaisianMindthief, 45th&47th, Wizo, sayewonn wisseh.