Super Metroid

aka: Metroid 3
Moby ID: 6627
SNES Specs
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After having defeated Mother Brain, the leader of the Space Pirates who wanted to use alien creatures known as Metroids to dominate the world, the bounty hunter Samus Aran took the fight to the Metroids' homeland and eradicated them. Only a single Metroid larva remained. Samus took it to a galactic research station, and scientists assured her that the powers of the larva can be harnessed to help people. However, everything goes wrong when a dragon kills the scientists, takes away the larva, and destroys the research facility. Samus follows the dragon to the planet of Zebes, where she fought Mother Brain before. She must explore the dangerous planet, stay alive, and figure out a way to retrieve the larva.

Super Metroid is a platform game and a follow-up to Metroid II. Like the previous games in the series, it is not divided into separate levels; the planet Zebes is an open world which Samus traverses back and forth. This world is divided into rooms separated by doors which must be shot to be opened. Shooting is also used to open up secret passages, some of which contain nifty bonuses, but finding most of them is required to proceed in the game.

There are many items to find on the way, and each new item usually makes heretofore inaccessible areas available to Samus. The items include both weaponry (such as missiles, super missiles, or upgrades to Samus's standard laser gun), energy tanks that increase Samus' max health, and other gadgets (like a grappling hook that allows Samus to stick to the ceiling).

There are various enemies - alien fauna - lurking around planet Zebes. The enemies all respawn after re-entering a room, though Samus' increasing capabilities mean that they become easier to defeat as the player makes progress. After killing them, the enemies typically leave behind some health or ammo.


  • スーパーメトロイド - Japanese spelling

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Credits (SNES version)

53 People (30 developers, 23 thanks) · View all

Back Ground Designers
Object Designers
Samus Original Designer
Samus Designer
Sound Program and Sound Effects
Music Composers
Program Director
System Coordinator
System Programmer
Samus Programmer
Event Programmer
Enemy Programmer
Map Programmer
Assistant Programmer
Printed Art Work
[ full credits ]



Average score: 93% (based on 51 ratings)


Average score: 4.3 out of 5 (based on 277 ratings with 8 reviews)

On a planet with this much intoxicating atmosphere, you're gonna need that space suit!

The Good
World-class immersion. Perfect elegance and simplicity in play control combined with first-rate interactivity in the game-world. A plot that derives almost all its emotional power from the player's in-game actions and experiences. A charming focus on weirdness and exotic mystery, always on display but never explained through limiting exposition, allowing a full and rewarding dialogue with the player's imagination. Super Metroid has it all, and thus may be the most perfect action/adventure platformer to date.

Even on most the superficial level, Zebes is a wonder to explore. The art direction here is pitch perfect for a platformer, and it combines seamlessly with other elements of the game design for top-rate immersion without any exposition beyond the opening cinematic. First and perhaps best is the music! Oh, the glorious music of this game! Building on Hirokazu Tanaka's fabulously abstract and innovative work in the first Metroid, composers Kenji Yamamoto and Minako Hamano have created a true work of art here. From the heroism and eerie bombast of the intro cinematic, the game proceeds through bass-driven rhythmic catchiness (Brinstar), sparse and contemplative pentatonic piano (Kraid's lair), atonal brass with pounding drums (Norfair), pulsing zombie-film drones (Wrecked Ship) and many others, culminating in some rip-roaring, climatic boss music. Greatness! To top it all off, the power-up and schizophrenic item-room themes from the first game get beautiful, reverential updates. All the tracks mesh perfectly with the art, the general mood and atmosphere of the environments. The tunes here are absolutely essential in creating a dramatic feel for the action in the game.

And the graphic art is no slouch either. Monsters from the first game are wonderfully updated, with new wonders added to the menagerie such as the expressive and increasingly intelligent grunt space pirates, who finally show up in-game! The bosses are appropriately huge, hideous, and unique. No Metroid Prime style expository text is provided, and none is necessary. The thrilling weirdness of this alien world in its display alone provides all the background necessary to grip the player's imagination and lead it to rewarding places. What is the nature of the Chozo statues that hold such valuable items, assist the player, and occasionally come to frightening life? What happened on the wrecked ship, what culture produced the lonely walking robots inside, and what sort of creatures were they, based on the space-suit corpses scattered about that fester with Zebes parasites? What the hell is a Geemer? :-D No need to explain in tedious and exhaustive detail, since the player's imagination elevates the visual hints to its own unique, evocative sense of reality. Within the broad thematic framework of the visuals, the player makes sense of it in an individual way that is very rewarding.

All of this window-dressing is impressive, but it's all worthless without great play mechanics. Super Metroid has such in spades. Controlling Samus is a dream--her increasing abilities via powerups are wonderfully scaled to the player's increasing sense of skill and control. Just as the player gets comfortable jumping around the world, high-jump boots are available to enhance the exploratory and combat features of jumping. Just as the player gets used to using the "run" button, it's upgraded to a supercharged dash, allowing Samus to tear apart enemies on contact at high speeds. Not only this, but it is -combined- with jumping and directional aim to allow Samus to become a multi-directional battering ram that scatters all before it. The godly screw attack allows Samus' plain old jumping ability to become a devastating attack, ripping through regular enemies with ease--not only does this power-up make use of already-learned controls, but it simplifies and re-invigorates old areas that must be backtracked through. Those giant sidehoppers that earlier gave you so much trouble are a joke now to zip through. :-D

The environment is admirably well-mapped for interactivity. Things that seem as though they should work to the player -always- work, to the point of allowing for sequence-breaking and unfathomably fast runs through the game by experienced players. Super Metroid was in fact a major factor in the whole genesis of the "speedrun" phenomenon -because- of its precise controls and environmental flexibility. Watching the best of these speedruns is almost a revelatory experience--a skilled player making the utmost use of brilliant play mechanics creates a unique and beautiful kind of art. Whereas other speedruns are mostly made on glitches and bugs, Super Metroid allows for sequence-breaking that isn't game-breaking, and its fluid controls and robust environment are a huge factor in that. Dialogue between player and author at its best!

While there is an implicit linear path to be followed, the environmental and level design are complex enough (with enough delicious secrets!) that the player never feels overwhelmingly pushed in any direction until the end. The unfortunate limitations of turning the game 3d in Metroid Prime scaled the interactivity, secrets and diversions waaaay back, and added a frustrating map feature that essentially told the player "go here, go there, now go here again" at every juncture. In Super Metroid, you figure out where you should go yourself, based on a few reasonable clues, but you usually have something interesting to do if you don't -want- to go there. It's a nice balance between the first Metroid and the latest games. In the first, you essentially had to wander aimlessly for quite a while, and shoot/bomb every suspicious wall. Acquiring a power-up meant going back to past areas and trying to advance again, still without any certainty that a particular powerup will make the difference. This allowed for great mystery and a feeling of true undirected exploration, with all its attendant frustrations. Super Metroid uses its automap and X-Ray scope upgrade to remove many of the frustrations while retaining most of the mystery, whereas Metroid Prime attempts to eliminate all the frustrations via "scanning" everything and providing scripted hints, and thereby loses almost all the mystery as well.

Instead of an implicit "it makes sense that you should try this," the later games had more of the explicit "try exactly this, and it will work, stupid." :-P

The plot in Super Metroid is mostly your actions in-game, and their scripted results. Your triumphs of exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving as an individual player make for the drama. Your route to solving the problems the game presents can be very unique--the plot is based on meeting criteria and advancing, but it's not very particular about -how- you meet that criteria. Whether you slowly battle through a series of monsters in an area with your beam weapon or use a super-dash boost to blast through and burst them all apart in half a second is up to the player. The designer presents the possibilities and limitations, and the player is allowed to make the most of them to succeed in a way that also tells the -player's- version of Samus' journey, not just the author's.

The Bad
Not much! The art and level design is somewhat limited by the platformer genre--it can't fully avoid the "moving through tunnels with platforms that have no reason for existence" syndrome of platform level design, and this does limit immersion in some areas. I'm sure upon resurrection Mother Brain had many rows with her secret-base contractors over failing to clear out those troublesome Chozo statues! The boss battles are a bit one-note in the sense that there is usually a weak-area you simply blast with super missiles until you win, or the King Hippo approach wherein you wait for an opened mouth and then blast away--the few exceptions to this such as the Maridia boss are well-done, but you wish for more of them. There is a general lack of scripted set-pieces as well, and the few times they appear (Crocomire, your first encounter with the "baby" metroid, revived Chozo statues, etc.) make you wish for more of them.

But really, there aren't too many complaints to be had here. It's a brilliant, evocative, and challenging masterpiece. Play it!

The Bottom Line
Art direction, game mechanics, and trust in imagination all combine for one of the very best experiences ever on the SNES, and that is saying quite a lot! Along with Out of this World, it's one of the finest works of gaming art in platformer history.

SNES · by J. P. Gray (115) · 2008

Bring back my baby!!!!

The Good
What's not to like about this game? Graphics, sounds, music, difficulty, it's all perfect. Anybody will instantly fall in love with this game, including hardcore Michael Jackson fans. (Samus can moonwalk!) From what the description didn't tell you, Samus encouners a metroid egg (after the end of the game boy metroid) and after this egg hatches, the hatchling acts just like a bird, and presumes Samus is the mother. The game becomes a sort of "Pissed parent" sort of thing, which makes the hatchling a very vital part of the games end. Just remember to either search Planet Zebes inch by inch for every power up, or finish the game REALLY FAST. These will get you the best ending. Also, don't forget, all of the little freaks on the planet are pirates. They deserve to die just as much as the bosses.

The Bad
There is nothing I didn't like about this game, not one flaw.

The Bottom Line
____________ heh heh

SNES · by Daniel Maze (2) · 2003

A strong classic, if maybe SLIGHTLY overrated

The Good
Super Metroid has been called one of the greatest games of all time - and by some critics, the greatest. While the game isn't quite the greatest, its classic status is well deserved.

Super Metroid is a 2D action/adventure, in the vein of the Castlevania series and previous Metroids - there really is no good term for the subgenre. Rather than a linear left-to-right progression, the player is free to explore different rooms in all directions. Gameplay is free enough to not seem overly constricted, but there still is a distinct linear progression throughout.

The game's visuals stand alongside some of the system's best. Entities in the game are detailed, and the different sects of Planet Zebes are visually appealing and compelling. Animation is smooth, and the game's look doesn't get old.

Few games manage to create a fan favorite character like Samus Aran - who stands alongside Nintendo franchise characters like Mario and Link, despite no dialogue or other such interaction.

The gameplay never gets old - for 5-9 hours, this game will keep your attention solidly (which is more than I can say for many of today's 20+ hour games). It may even inspire you to try a sub-3 hour run afterwards to get a special ending. The focus is balanced between exploration and action. The pacing is very well-balanced between the two. The game rarely drags, and also doesn't deteriorate into an action blast-fest.

The Bad
The play control, while largely sound, could have used some more work. Certain moves, like the wall jump, are unnecessarily unforgiving. Samus's spinning jumps may continue or stop when you let go of the directional arrows, depending on how quickly you do so. This inconsistency was the source of much frustration in certain parts of the game.

Unlike in Castlevania games (at least the ones I have played), Samus's "health" (her suit's energy, in this case), does not recharge at save points. There are a few areas in the game where one can recharge. However, more often than not, I found myself looking for an area where weak enemies continuously emerge, and would spend a couple of minutes slaughtering them for energy powerups.

The Bottom Line
Super Metroid is a great game - a true classic. I went back and played through it for the first time almost 10 years after the fact, and it captivated me from start to finish. If you missed out on this game during the Super NES's lifespan, as I did, go grab a used copy or fire up an emulator and give it a go.

SNES · by *Legion* (136) · 2003

[ View all 8 player reviews ]


Subject By Date
The art direction So Hai (261) Apr 24, 2008


1001 Video Games

The SNES version of Super Metroid appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.

Intro Voice-over

The voice during the game's introduction, the one that says "The last Metroid... in captivity. The galaxy... at peace.", is none other than Dan Owsen. He is known for doing much of Nintendo's localization efforts in the 1990s. His work included translating manuals and in-game text. He is also known for his "Ask Dan" column on Nintendo's web site, and can be seen in some of Nintendo's promotional VHS tapes.


SMILE comes from Super Metroid Integrated Level Editor which was developed by "Jathys". The project was open-sourced and gave the possibility to edit almost everything: levels, enemies, items, colour palettes, text, individual room's gravity and many more. Although the editor was not fully completed, it was usable enough to create your own modifications and publish them. Currently the project is dormant. More information is available here


Because the original Metroid used the Famicom Disk System (and its wavetable sound chip) in Japan, and the releases outside of Japan were on cartridges and thus only used the default NES sound system, the original soundtrack had to be slightly reprogrammed. In Super Metroid, the changes made by the FDS-to-Cartridge conversion back in the original game are made more apparent when the older - albeit remixed - themes are used.

The music in Super Metroid, considered to be some of the finest compositions for the SNES, was composed by Hirokazu Tanaka, Kenji Yamamoto, and Minako Hamano. Information about the CD soundtrack can be found here.


Super Metroid is, due to its level design and planning, one of the most popular games for speedruns and is still being perfected to this day.


  • Electronic Gaming Monthly
    • June 1994 (Issue #59) - Game of the Month
    • 1995 Buyer's Guide - Best Action Game
    • November 1997 (Issue 100) - ranked #6 (Best 100 Games of All Time)
    • February 2006 (Issue #200) - #23 out of 200 of the "Greatest Games of Their Time
  • FLUX
    • Issue #4 - #62 in the "Top 100 Video Games of All-Time" list
  • GameFan
    • 1994 (Vol.3, Iss.1) - Overall Best Action/Adventure Game of the Year
    • 1994 (Vol.3, Iss.1) - Best SNES Action/Adventure Game of the Year
  • Game Players
    • January 1995 - Best SNES Adventure Game of 1994
    • August 2001 (Issue #100) - #29 in the "Top 100 Games of All Time" poll
  • GameSpy
    • 2001 – #46 Top Game of All Time
  • Retro Gamer
    • September 2004 (Issue #8) – #89 Best Game Of All Time (Readers' Vote)

Information also contributed by Calpis, Julian Turner, PCGamer77, Scott G and uclafalcon.


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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Kartanym.

Wii U added by ResidentHazard. New Nintendo 3DS added by Michael Cassidy. Nintendo Switch added by Kam1Kaz3NL77. Wii added by gamewarrior.

Additional contributors: Longwalker, Shoddyan, Guy Chapman, chirinea, Alaka, David Lloyd, Big John WV, Cantillon, Patrick Bregger, mailmanppa, Thomas Thompson, FatherJack, A.J. Maciejewski.

Game added June 14, 2002. Last modified May 29, 2024.