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Star Wars: Rebellion

aka: Guerra nas Estrelas: A RebeliĂŁo, Star Wars: Supremacy
Moby ID: 1144

Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 65% (based on 19 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.2 out of 5 (based on 42 ratings with 13 reviews)

Wow people really hate this game!

The Good
First of all Rebellion was one of the first real time strategy games on the market. Between the concept of the game and the new type of game (rts) Rebellion had the potential to be one of the greatest of all time.

Personally Rebellion was enjoyable and fun. I admit the interface is horrible but after giving it a chance, I got used to it. I think a lot of people who didn't like Rebellion's interface never really gave it a chance. I think many people had this image of C&C Star Wars style, well that's not what it was. Rebellion can be fun and enjoyable but only as long as you cant have too many expectations up front.

I loved building up the empire into the aramada that It should be. I loved it when at the end the Alliance battlecruser is destroyed and the droids run for cover. This is a game I play often and still enjoy today. I liked the tech tree and enjoyed building super ships.

The Bad
Ship combat well.... it sucked. Also what other reviewers said about a card game is true. Players like Luke and Darth are no more than a strato card that can raise planet morale a pinch. The way the game deploys characters is horrible. Also Intelligence was hard and almost useless. It would have been better if they had just done some sort of abstract funding model and said your intellegence depended on how much you spent. (I.E. the more you spent on intellegence gathering, the better you knew the location and strength of your enemy)

 Also lets face it... How can a game call itself Star Wars when the empire starts out even with the Alliance in ships and planets?  <br><br>**The Bottom Line**<br>The game has its flaws.  If you were a die hard Star Wars fan I would probably not recommend it to you.  However if it doesn't bother you to stray a little from the Star Wars universe, then this can be a good game for you.

Trust me, the interface can be mastered, its just a little hard to understand at first.

Windows · by William Shawn McDonie (1131) · 2000

A game of vision, not adrenaline.

The Good
Most games are about excitement. I play games like Medal of Honor for the thrill of victory. Starcraft is fast-paced strategy excitement. Titan Quest offers fun abilities, while Mass Effect and other RPG games offer a compelling plot.

Rebellion offers almost no plot. Rebellion is not fast-paced. And while a well-placed headshot may give me a smug feeling of superiority or a thrill of quick victory over an opponent, Rebellion offers no similar quick endorphins. Instead, Rebellion gives you an open format and lets you decide.

We all know the Star Wars universe well. If all you know is the original trilogy, or even the first of those movies, you know enough to understand the back history of this game. If you have read the novels, played the games, and love every aspect of Star Wars, you will get even more out of this game.

Rebellion is set up for long-term strategical satisfaction. It actually takes time to build a kilometer-long starship. There are no super-units; balance is important. Research doesn't always work. In short, Rebellion is a mix of sci fi, video game, and reality.

Characters are recruited, then sent on missions. Intelligence is gathered slowly, and is not always reliable- sure, Darth Vader may have been on Corellia when Han Solo scouted the planet, but by the time Wedge Antilles arrives with a battle squadron, Vader has left.

Resources are gathered via mines and refineries. Maintenance of equipment is important- just because you can build it doesn't mean you can keep it running. This is the idea behind Rebellion: more realism.

This game provides players with the ability to do what they want. Make the Star Wars plot change, build a real fleet with the Rebel Alliance or use the Empire's starfighters to destroy the rebels. Train new Jedi, or new Sith. Assassinate enemy operatives. Bombard worlds into oblivion, or blow them away entirely with your own Death Star.

With great power comes great complexity. Most bad reviews are because of the time required to learn this game. If you don't mind actually thinking about your video games, you may ignore most of the bad reviews.

The Bad
There is a learning curve. Once you have played the game for a bit, you'll find the AI is pathetically inadequate. Fleet battles are difficult to manage beyond the basic. Parts of the game are hardcoded and cannot be upgraded.

The Bottom Line
Rundown: Graphics: Certainly not fantastic, but are acceptable except for fleet battles. Music: Standard Star Wars. Neither spectacular nor bad. Interface: Poor, but manageable. Flexibility: Superb. Few games offer this level of options.

Final thoughts: a great game for thinkers. There is still a thriving community for this game: http://www.swrebellion.com/

The above website also offers tools like RebEd, which allows customization of units, build times, etc. Highly recommended, especially if you like the extended universe.

Windows · by Dan Yockey (5) · 2011

A complex and compelling Star Wars strategy game

The Good
I think that Rebellion is best categorized as a 4X strategy game but it's not an obvious clone of any strategy game I've played. Unlike most of the other 4X games, it's not turn-based but instead operates in real-time. There is a lot to digest. It took me many hours to figure out how to play the game. I read some of the rather large manual and followed the tutorial. Once I got the hang of things, I really got sucked in.

There are many strategic options. You can go the conqueror route, with huge armies and fleets of ships led by officers who gain experience. You can alternatively go with a more "diplomatic" direction. You can also do lots of sabotage, espionage and incite rebellions and such. Combine, mix and match. Whatever you enjoy.

The game has a lot of Star Wars "expanded universe" material. I really like seeing the games go beyond the movies. There are numerous characters and a lot of technology from the novels. I have read a boatload of Star Wars novels and recognized a lot of things and this definitely enriched the experience for me.

The space combat is strange and maybe difficult to control, but it definitely has the proper slow lumbering naval capital ship feel to it. The simulation of each ship/fighter's capabilities is complex and fascinating and definitely is something you can learn to leverage advantages and weaknesses of.

The Bad
The interface isn't really capable of dealing with the amount of info you have available. I would like to have seen an interface with windows that you can drag around so you can keep them open. It's hard to juggle the game events. It's not that bad though.

The real-time aspect isn't particularly beneficial to a game like this. Thankfully the game speed is adjustable so essentially it ends up being a turn-based game without a turn button.

Ground combat isn't presented in a satisfying manner. I think a little animated battle screen like the MOO games have would have added some excitement to this aspect. A little goes a long way, but this game does zero.

Space combat is ugly? This is true but I don't think it matters. The ships are recognizable and that's all that matters to me.

The Bottom Line
Rebellion is a misunderstood game for some reason. I think a lot of people were expecting Command & Conquer Star Wars Edition. That is not what this game is at all. If that's what you want, look at Force Commander or Galactic Battlegrounds.

Don't expect it to be easy to jump into. It has a nasty learning curve. Give the manual a read and follow the tutorial to get a grasp on the basics and then things will go much better for you.

If you want to see a simplified and arguably refined version of this game, look at Star Wars Empire at War. I immediately caught on to this when I first loaded EaW up. I think they went way too far with the simplification of the strategy aspect and the ground combat is not great, but the space combat is fun.

Windows · by Deleted (33) · 2010

A complex strategy game

The Good
I learned to like this game because of it's complexity. There are several ways on how to win the galaxy over - by brute force (then you have to deal with traitors and uprisings), diplomacy, by colonizing a lot of fresh colonies in the Outer Rim, by sabotage and assasination, by peaceful diplomacy... "Popular Support" is the key to this game - the populace of every planet is either biased towards you or your opponent. If they hate you, you will need to heavily garrison the planet to deal with uprisings and smugglers. On the other hand, if the populace of a planet under enemy control is on your side, you will benefit from informants, smuggling and find it easier to successfully finish a covert operation on that world. Many other factors influence the game - the ratings of imperial personnel improves as soon as the emperor is on Coruscant, a team travelling with Han Solo will be faster because of the Millenium Falcon... If you catch a big enemy fleet and wipe it out, he will lose popular support in the entire system - sometimes neutral worlds even sway to your side voluntarily.

The Bad
Ok, it is true - the interface is not the most intuitive. I had to play the game a lot to get used to it. And it is easy to get confused, if many things happen at the same time.

The Bottom Line
This game is a true strategy game. You can develop several different strategies, not only the usual "defend-build-crush" of other RTS-games

Windows · by Hadanite Marasek (27) · 2002

An old, misunderstood gem in the vast Star Wars game universe.

The Good
This is a truly immersive and addictive game. To actually play as the Empire or the Rebellion and try to take over the galaxy with or without force is a dream many Star Wars fans have had. To build multiple Death Stars and blow up planets at will is a first in the line of Star Wars games. As an avid fan of TIE Fighter I felt a strong desire to correct the mistakes of the Empire and bring true peace and order to the galaxy. I tried playing as the Rebels but hearing that fake Leia or Luke voice made it so annoying to play as the Rebels. The Empire was much more fun as their characters were more civilized and proper. The Imperial Star Destroyer is a great capital ship and with the Lancer Frigate and Carrack Light Cruiser can easily take on Rebel fleets fairly early in the game. The Super Star Destroyer along with a fleet of the smaller Star Destroyers with fighters and support craft make the game very engrossing.

The game diverges from so many other RTS and turn-based strategy games in that it requires the player to effectively manage political, social as well as economical and military events in the game. The lower your expenditures in the war against the Rebels the more popular you can be. Gaining support for your cause is crucial to success in this game as you only have limited resources and a big galaxy to conquer.

The Bad
It takes a very long time to build ships and send fleets to fight the enemy. The Rebels start off with a huge disadvantage as they have NO LARGE CAPITAL SHIPS. The Empire can rely on the fact that it will start the game with at least one Star Destroyer, either a smaller Victory Star Destoyer or the superior Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Very wise planning is needed in this game to achieve success as the enemy is not as dumb as they look.

The infamous interface which has so often killed the game in the reviewers' minds is not hard to learn. It is better than the interface in newer games like Star Trek Armada. Unfortunately it is terribly inefficient and can even lead to mistakes such as retiring officers prematurely or scrapping necessary ships (I've never made these mistakes in the game but came close).

The sound options are terrible as it is impossible to mute those annoying C-3PO sounds and other robot noises.

The Bottom Line
Only a four on five as it lacks proper sound and interface controls. I still recommend it to all hardcore Star Wars fans as you do get to conquer the galaxy either with an iron fist or a soft hand.

Do you have what it takes to command a galaxy?

Windows · by bb bb (25) · 2005

(NOT) everybody hates this game!

The Good
I tried this game because it had the title "Star Wars", although from the beginning a knew it had bad reviews. I admit that the first 3 times I tried, I could not cope with it and I quit. When the Star Wars virus stroke me again, I gave it a second chance and I was glued for hours!! Yes, the game is really hard, I haven't managed to do anything of notice no matter how many hours I tried but it challenged me... I WANT to beat it!

If you don't stuck on the bad things, you will love this game. It has no action but it's rich and deep. Characters, ships, fleets, missions, spies, technologies and evolution. The game really evolves in your hands and your empire becomes your own personal creation.

There is also plentiful information in the little embedded encyclopedia, about everything in the game, that will boost up your knowledge on Star Wars.

Many say that this is 'a card game with the name Star Wars on it to attract fans'. Maybe, I don't agree, but there is even Star Wars Monopoly. If you don't have a problem to play it, what's wrong with Rebellion?

Also, it's not really important, but I liked the cutscenes :)

The Bad
Yes, I know players dislike many elements of this game, so did I, but I want to justify some of them.

  • The nature of the game itself isn't promising for graphics, sound and action. You can't accuse for example a platform arcade game for having poor dialogues. I agree however that (although it doen't affect much) the 'cards' could be drawn better

  • Everyone says that the controls are hard and confusing. I am not going to say the opposite, but it can be mastered.

  • I didn't like some inconsistencies to the Star Wars timeline. For example you are going to 'discover' and recruit characters that were in the Rebellion from the first movie! also, this is the same for the planets. I had to 'discover' Tatooine!

  • Yes, COULD have some action and battles, even poorly done. Even the ancient Centurion had elementary battles.

    The Bottom Line
    I can tell that this game was maybe hastily done. It could be simpler, had better graphics, and maybe battles. But if you give it a second chance, and don't define 'strategy' as 'action RTS', and then try to find what is really good of it (believe me, there is), then Rebellion is worth the try!

Windows · by Boston Low (85) · 2006

One of the most disappointing games ever published.

The Good
Star Wars stategic combat? Take control of the Alliance or the Empire? what a concept!

The Bad
The execution of the wonderful concept is the absolute pits.

  1. "Rebellion" has the worst interface of any game published in the last ten years. Accomplishing even the most mundane task is a nightmare of right- and left-clicking, none of which is based on any sort of logical menu algorithm. Even if the game was otherwise terrific, the interface alone is enough to make it worthless.

  2. The graphics and sound are the pits.

  3. The AI is terrible. Ten years ago I might have accepted bad AI, but for a game written in 1997 it's ludicrous. The AI acts in an essentially random fashion.

  4. Despite big promises, the game's Star Wars feel is lacking. The personalities are just Strat-o-Matic cards that you assign to uninteresting missions, for which you get text boxes stating whether the mission was successful or not. Most of the really cool characters, like Darth Vader or the Emperor or Princess Leia, are merely used on one "diplomatic" mission after another, which doesn't do anything except slightly raise your influence over a planet.

The entire game doesn't even match the Star Wars universe. The Empire starts out with virtually no military power, which just doesn't make any sense at all, and controls next to no planets; they're pretty much equal to the Rebels, which of course pretty much blows the whole "scrappy rebels vs. huge, lumbering Empire" thing right out the door. My idea of the perfect Star Wars strategy game would have the Rebel player forced the hit and run and disrupt the Empire from all corners, slowly breakign it down, while the Imperial player would have to use sheer force to try to box the Rebel player in until he had nowhere to run. Most planets are unexplored, which makes no sense in a Star Wars setting. At the beginning of the game the Empire exerts no control over the galaxy. What the heck are they an Empire OF? What are the Rebels rebelling against?

The truth is that the game HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH STAR WARS. The strategic and tactical elements of the game are no more relevant to "Star Wars" than they are to Fried Green Tomatoes. The game is merely a very, very bad abstract strategic game on which they've plastered the "Star Wars" name and put some of the character's names on the playing cards. Big whoop.

The game's tactical combat system sucks as well; the graphics are poor and the combat is uncontrollable and boring. Other types of missions have no combat at all and there's no ground combat, so you can't order General Veers to begin his attack, and what fun is that?

The Bottom Line
This game is a complete ripoff, an attempt to use the Star Wars name to sucker gamers into buying a terrible, boring and buggy game. Don't buy this game; don't take it if someone PAYS you to play it.

Windows · by Rick Jones (96) · 2001

Few games can live up to their Star Wars title, especially those with clunky interfaces.

The Good
It's a galactic game of conquest in the Star Wars universe, including all the famous ships, characters, and ground vehicles from the movies and the most popular books. What more can one ask for in a concept? Any game that allows one to assemble a fleet of Star Destroyers to scour the galaxy looking for rebels automatically scores points.

The concept of being able to capture planets through diplomacy and the use of espionage to weaken your opponent's forces is a welcome way of thinking in a universe full of 'brute force' games. The game's two sides lend themselves to two different styles of play. The Imperial forces can assemble a huge military force and just sweep through the galaxy, while the Rebel forces need to initially play a diplomatic game, with guerilla attacks to help them win battles.

The use of characters is also interesting, as characters are sometimes more important than a fleet or planet under one's control. The more powerful characters are trump cards of sort. While one would like to use them for everything, one is also afraid to lose them on an inconsequential mission. The Force-sensitive characters can detect such in other characters and train them, increasing their abilities. Who (aside from Vader, Palpatine, and Luke) are Force-sensitive is random each time, so sometimes this concept plays a major factor. For example, once I had Luke discover that nearly half the rebel characters were Force sensitive and had him train them all. What resulted was a true 'Return of the Jedi' as this band of Jedi dominated the rest of the game, nearly to the point where military conflict was no longer necessary.

The Bad
The interface is quite dreadful. One often needs to go through a number of screens to do the most simple of tasks. Planet reports open up in static, half screen windows and opening two of these will prohibit further such openings until the previous ones are closed. Nothing can be done simply and this is unfortunate, as it is the first major stumbling block in this game being a classic.

The AI is as pitiful as the interface. The computer doesn't play a smart game and often seems just to be roaming around the galaxy randomly, hoping to hurt you wherever it can, despite the side it plays. While initially it will cause a player grief because its haphazard approach causes planet losses in secure territories, once a player knows what he/she needs to do to compensate, victory is usually ensured.

The tactical space combat, while one of the things many looked forward to, actually disappoints. Another poor interface causes the battles to be annoying and confusing and one will often resort to just letting the computer figure out the results. While the idea of watching a fleet of Star Destroyers engage a rag-tag fleet of rebel cruisers with TIE and rebel fighters swarming around should be fun, the way the ships maneuver and place themselves make the battle seem stagnant and boring.

The real time pacing of the strategic portion of the game causes an odd pace, as one will often speed up time to wait for the next major event and find oneself pausing the game to deal with issues. This constant change in pace makes the game feel like a round of stop and go traffic rather than an enjoyable game.

The Bottom Line
An attempt to bring what many people wanted, a galaxy-wide strategy game set in the Star Wars universe, that falls short of being a classic because of bad design decisions. What should have been a fun conflict between an evil Empire and a small band of nobles turns into a fight between the user and the interface.

There are a few Star Wars fans that can overlook many of the games problems. If you haven't tried this yet, then chances are you're not one of those people.

Windows · by Ray Soderlund (3501) · 2000

Who wanted this?

The Good
Combat and diplomacy in the Star Wars Universe was an interesting concept and, basically, I did like the way they dealt with interplanetary relations. Combat on ground and in space was fun, but not fully realized.

The Bad
Rebellion was a trading card game disguised as a computer game. Poor AI, weak graphics, and no distinctive characters hurt this promising game. Even Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are reduced to a stack of numbers. So much of the game happens off screen too. If you send a squad of stormtroopers to blow-up a shield, or tell Commandos to capture an Imperial officer, all you receive is a success/failure window. This game has a terrible interface as well. Every action requires opening a new window! Just try to coordinate a fleet attack in one end of the galaxy and a diplomatic mission on the other. Finally, poor graphics hamper the most interesting part of this game- fleet combat. At last there is a Star Wars game that allows you to send a swarm of A-Wings against a Star Destroyer and it looks like it was rendered on a C-64!

The Bottom Line
LucasArts has constructed a technological terror! Beware a strategy game that combines Dilbertian micromanagment with a Kafkaesque interface!

Windows · by Terrence Bosky (5397) · 2006

Lacking in too many ways (Revised)

The Good
The Basics: Star Wars: Rebellion is basically a resource-managing strategy game, with real-time 3d combat when the inevitable conflict occurs. You attempt to win through sending characters from the books and movies on missions such as diplomacy, sabotage and abduction, managing resource gathering on a lot of planets, organizing your fleets well and winning the battles.


Rebellion uses a Windows-like control system for managing planets. Once you get the hang of it, this works pretty well. There are a few convenience features for when, later on in the game, you'll have a lot of planets to manage, which makes using them easier. A sidebar shows your reports and the bar at the bottom allows you to access things such as the encyclopedia and find specific characters and fleets. It doesn’t take up too much screen space, and I like that.

Things go downhill in the real-time combat. The designers obviously had very little experience with this kind of game device because the mechanics here are poorly done. Moving the camera around is a royal pain and it's far too difficult to issue basic commands to your fleets.

Score: 3/5

The Bad

The graphics in the tactical game section are generally decent. Every character has a mug shot which, in reports, is pasted over a different background depending on the mission they're on; there are special pictures for informing you of sabotage, fleet arrival, etc. This is all okay, but the color scheme is far too drab and the images often feel very unprofessional, as if they were slapped together in a very cheap paint program. As far as artistic merit goes, it's all right, but there wasn’t a single image in the whole game that really wowed me.

The handful of cut scenes are fairly high quality and don't suffer from the drab colors the rest of the game does. They're quite good actually.

And like all the rest of the mechanics, it goes sharply downhill in real-time combat. Ship meshes are so low detail that they look blocky at the minimum zoom level, and snubfighters are something like 32x32 bitmap sprites. It's really, really low quality, and not even two huge fleets with full bays of snubfighters colliding manages to look impressive unless you squint (sniffing glue might help, but should not be required to make a game look nice).

Score: 2.5/5


Sound effects are rare and when you do hear them, only mediocre quality. In real-time combat they're as drab as the colors; I'm not sure if it's low sound quality or just poorly designed effects. Possibly both. Altogether it's quite unremarkable.

The musical score is, surprise, from the movies. It's not context-sensitive or anything as far as I can tell, so basically it's just a few tracks looping in the background. I eventually turned it off. We all love it, sure, but it's overused and there is far too little of it here.

Score: 2.5/5

Single Player Gameplay/Balance

I really like the concept here. You manage fleets and ground troops, handle research of new technology to help the war, control your commandos and use the rare ones with the Recruit ability to find more. There are some neat gimmicks thrown in like finding and training Jedi and assassination missions that only the Empire can perform. The mission system is well done and the most enjoyable part of the whole game.

Resource management is strictly mediocre. You mine ore that refineries transform into resources which are used to make things. It's not supposed to be in-depth and I never found it hard to deal with, but it’s not notable either.

The ships were disappointing; basically, there's an Empire and Rebel version of each one, with slightly tweaked statistics and a different graphic. There is no very unique unit on either side. This is especially annoying because with all the ships they put in, you'd think there'd be some more originality.

Battles ultimately boil down to who can shoot the capital ships up the fastest. There are some advanced tactics options for various styles of attack that, I know from extensive play, are absolutely pointless and only exist to make it look more complicated than it is. Hit points and firepower are really all that matters. There's no navigation, no organization, and no tactics.

Score: 2.5/5

Multiplayer Gameplay/Balance

I never played this game on multiplayer because I never found anyone to play with. I'm not rating this category, but I'm putting it here to let readers know it exists.

The Bottom Line
LucasArts has been going steadily downhill since the great game that was X-Wing. There is no innovation here and it doesn’t even get the tried and true concepts right. This title has little to offer to turn-based strategy games and Star Wars fans and absolutely nothing to anyone else. If you fall into both the previous categories, like me, it might be worth picking up and playing once as both the Empire and the Rebellion. Otherwise, don't waste your time.

Total Value: 2/5

Windows · by ShadowShrike (277) · 2004

'Star Wars' license = terrible game.... never been more true.

The Good

I have to admit, when a friend of mine and I first discovered this game, we stayed up literally ALL night long some nights building Star Destroyers and Death Stars. That part of the game is pretty cool. You are finally able to build up a huge fleet to roam the galaxy blowing up planets and terrorizing the rebels. Or if you play as the rebels, you can have fun stickin' it to the man. Ok, you won't have 'fun', exactly, but you'll be doing something more fun than undergoing extensive dental surgery.

The Bad

After all the hours I invested playing this game, I feel that I am fully qualified to say that it is one of the absolute worst games ever produced. This is such an obvious attempt to get Star Wars fans to buy a game based on that golden license. Sadly, like so many other Star Wars games, the developers obviously knew it was going to sell regardless of the end result, so no real effort was put forth to make it an enjoyable experience.

'But you stayed up hours playing it! How can you say it isn't fun?' you say? Well, I am a classic example of the kind of sucker who buys this game. I am a die-hard Star Wars fanatic, and anytime I can get involved with Stormtroopers and AT-ATs I will do so. Unfortunately, after the initial 'cool factor' wore off, it became more and more apparent what an awful product this 'game' is.

It's been mentioned before, but I feel it's important to point it out again. This game, at its heart, has almost nothing to do with Star Wars. The Empire and Rebellion begin in almost identical situations militarily and diplomatic. This game begins just after the Battle of Yavin that ends the first Star Wars movie. Hmmm... do you remember the Empire and Rebellion being military equals at the outset of The Empire Strikes Back, because I don't.

Both sides have the same basic types of ships, ground units, buildings, etc., except with different pictures to represent them. There is almost no significant strategic difference in playing the Empire as opposed to playing the Rebellion. Your advisor robot (who is useless) is different, as is the look of the interface, but that is about it.

Oh, and about that 'interface'... It seems that Lucas Arts has gone to great lengths to make certain that players must open as many menus as possible to access the most basic information. There are no pages where important statistics are laid out for you all at once. No quick and easy system for finding out what planets are building what, or what troops are where. Can't remember who is building your Death Star? Have fun searching each shipyard for it. It is quite honestly the worst user interface I have ever encountered in any game for any system, ever.

The so-called 'characters' in the game are perhaps the most ridiculous attempt at adding Star Wars flavor to this generic strategy stew. Darth Vader will spend the entire game conducting diplomacy to peacefully win over planets. Just like the movies! Princess Leia and Mon Mothma do an awful lot of recruiting of new characters, as does the Emperor. Again, just like the movies!

Missions that can be performed by the various characters are also a joke. It seems that a dice roll is all that determines success or failure, and I could never discover what factors under my control might help produce a positive outcome. And why does it take SOOOOOO long to do anything? I realize the galaxy is a big place, but aren't all these Star Wars types of ships supposed to be REALLY fast? Most of the game is spent waiting for so-and-so Rebel character to get to such-and-such a planet to capture so-and-so Imperial character, only to find out that the target character isn't there anymore. Then you get to wait for the character you sent to go ALLLLLLLL the way back to where they came from. What fun! At least in the meantime I can access countless cumbersome menus to keep me occupied.

The game touts its '3D space combat' like it's the best thing since sliced bread. Well, it's about as interesting as slicing breade, andabout as visually compelling. The movement 'orders' you issue to your ships seem to be taken largely as suggestions. You never really get the sense that you are an admiral in charge of a fleet of starships. Instead you feel like a guy sitting at a PC trying in vain to make ugly 3D blocks move around andshoot ugly weapons effects at other ugly 3D blocks. Strangely, this turns out to be precisely what you are doing.

**The Bottom Line**

I could blather on for days about all the games other faults, but they are too numerous to mention, and I grow weary of being so negative. 'Star Wars: Rebellion' is by all accounts a random poor quality sci-fi real time strategy game, with a thin coat of Star Wars paint slapped on it. Only a huge Star Wars fanatic like myself could ever have any fun with this game, and even then the novelty will wear off very quickly. Perhaps if you have never played a computer game before you should play this. Every game you play after that will seem like a masterpiece! The bottom line is this: without the Star Wars license this game would be regarded as a totally useless space based strategy game. With the Star Wars license, it can now be added to the growing list of sub-par Star Wars games shoveled onto the market. Lucas Arts should honestly be ashamed. Avoid this nightmare at all costs.

Windows · by Entorphane (337) · 2002

Great Game, but one of the most misunderstood games ever.

The Good
Great interface wonderfull design. I loved the complexity and the options. I still play it all the time.

The Bad
Character Intel is very weak. When you send a person out to do spying it always more trouble than it is worth. At the begining the Empire starts out with almost no starships!! How is that possible.

The Bottom Line
I have seen so many bad reievews of this game and I still can not understand why. This is a Hall Of Fame game. Just give it a chance and you will see.

Windows · by Shawn McDonie (13) · 2000

Avoid like the plague. Uglier than Jabba.

The Good
Well, the lambda shuttle flying through the intro was neat.

The Bad
Everything else. The controls were crappy. That stupid droid that's supposed to guide you around is annoying. You never know what's going on. Half of the time when you want to do stuff you can't with no explanation why. (Yeah, I know, look in the manual and stuff, but the REALLY good strategy games, even complex ones like Alpha Centauri, have a tutorial and helpful comments IN-GAME. I don't want to consult my manual every few minutes). Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and others are demoted to "just another unit". Need I go on? Graphics are sub-par, ESPECIALLY considering this is a Star Wars game, ESPECIALLY considering this was 1998, ESPECIALLY considering this was LucasArts. I really was excited when getting this and tried really hard to like it but just couldn't.

The Bottom Line
If you're drawn to this game like a moth to the lightbulb ("Oh, wow, a real-time strategy war game in the Star Wars universe, how awesome!") like I was, trust me: suppress that urge. Nothing good can come of it.

I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in a computer game. This really craps on the awesome legacy of both the Star Wars name and LucasArts.

Windows · by Gothicgene (66) · 2001

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Scaryfun, Alsy, garkham, Xoleras, Patrick Bregger, Jeanne, Tim Janssen, Wizo, Ryan DiGiorgi, Plok, Lain Crowley, Cavalary.