Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

aka: MGS3
Moby ID: 15735

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Average score: 90% (based on 83 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 4.2 out of 5 (based on 124 ratings with 7 reviews)

A gripping espionage thriller, and a great game as well!

The Good
Though my favorite MGS will always be the first one, Snake Eater is an equally strong candidate. The graphics are jaw-dropping, the music is memorable and cinematic, the cutscenes are stylish and are kept at a reasonable length and the character animation is superb. The jungle around Snake truly feels alive as it is filled with little details, plants and animals to hunt.

The stealth aspects of the game work better than ever. The Soliton Radar might be gone, but now you're forced to rely on your eyes and ears more. The enemies might be the smartest I've seen since the first Half-Life, and now they see and hear much better and know how to use cover. The ability to target specific body parts of enemies works even better than in the previous installment, and the CQC moves, while tricky to do, are not only satisfying but useful, too. The boss battles, where firefights become a necessity, are once again creative and challenging.

And the story... while not as deep and meaningful as in the previous parts, it's still complex and full of memorable characters. It is one of the only games I've seen that have actual character development, with Naked Snake slowly turning from a tough, womanizing but still idealistic and even somewhat dorky soldier into a psychologically broken man. War, love and betrayal are still strong themes in the game, and the game really feels like it has a message to tell.

The Bad
Mostly just minor things. Some Codec-calls and cutscenes are still a bit too long and you can't pause them, the camera angles are a bit unpractical, shifting through the "Food" and "Cure" menus constantly can be a bit of a chore and so on. Even on Normal difficulty, Snake is a bit too tough as bullets seem to barely graze him, but that can be fixed by raising the difficulty level, so it's not a real problem.

The Bottom Line
This game has everything. An amazing and moving storyline, great gameplay with loads of variety, as you can choose from countless different playing styles to get past the enemy - or you can just shoot everyone if you want. It's also probably the best-looking game on the PS2. Recommended to everyone!

PlayStation 2 · by Zokolov (49) · 2012

Snake Goes Back To Where It All Started

The Good
As of this writing, it's been about a year since I beat Snake Eater, so I'll do the best I can. On a side note, I have a PS3 and I will compare it to MGS4. Of course, like any other MGS fan, I loved the story. The characters were fresh, and it explained a lot of the backstory behind the FOXHOUND unit. The characters had emotion, and they felt real. Another staple of MGS, is the excellent boss battles. All of them are challenging, and each present you with a new outlook on the game and the situation at hand. The controls are flexible, and the inventory and camo system are excellent. The hunting for food and stamina really added another challenge, and treating your own wounds with unique surgical instruments (such as a cigar or a battle knife) is a nice touch. The graphics were nice when I played it a year ago, but they pale in comparison to the current MGS4. The weapons are functionable, and the First-Person perspective works.

The Bad
Even when I played it a year ago, the camera angles annoyed the crap out of me. The aiming system was a pain in the butt, and the CQC is still a broken concept. Other than the fact that some of the weaponry and vehicles were a tad bit far-fetched for the 1960's, the game is perfect.(NOTE: The aiming system in MGS4 has been improved, and the camera is not top-down anymore.)

The Bottom Line
A solid game(no pun intended), but the long cutscenes might turn off a few people. I say they can get over it. If this is your first game of MGS, this is the place to start. It's not too hard, it's not too easy, and the story is fairly easy to digest. If you've already played MGS4, you might be turned off by the camera angles, and the aiming system is bound to tick off a few people spoiled by MGS4. If you haven't played it, go out and buy it. It's cheap, trust me. If you just bought it, sit back and enjoy the ride. It might get a little bumpy on the way.

PlayStation 2 · by William Baker (8) · 2009

The Cold War, The battle of survival.. The greatest game this year!!

The Good
Well, By now you MUST of heard of the metal gear series?! And, most possibly, you may of been let down a tad by metal gear solid 2...

WELL FORGET METAL GEAR SOLID 2!! (not the plot, at least) Because this one encompasses them all. Yes, even the first one :)

In true classic MGS the story is usually long, the conversations are a little drawn out, the boss battles are amazing, the voice acting and action is top of its class... But what is it that people want from this game which wasn't given the last time?

SNAKE!! Not only do you play as snake, but you get to eat them too! This game is pretty much the same old thing when it comes to Tactical Espionage Action games (The Metal Gear Series). The opening of the game takes you through almost an hour before you start doing some good stuff with your guns and abilities. But as soon as you are on the field, deep in the sweltering jungle against all the odds you will be enjoying every minute of it.

Everything is so detailed, the grass moves, the rain is very cool looking as it soaks the ground and beats off of your character and environs. Even though the frame rate isn't as smooth as Metal Gear 2, the draw distance and effects Konami managed to get out of the PS2 are breath-taking! Once you see the logo and PRESS START BUTTON screen you are treated to an extremely high quality production and you automatically want to just get through it as quickly as possible to know what happens next, and what you get to do next as well.

The story can be a little long for some (there IS 15-30 hours of game hear you know) but the action and dialog is very nicely placed. You don't get interrupted by endless cut-scenes this time, everything seems to blend perfectly and at just the right moments. Sometimes you may feel like skipping some scenes and just guess whats going on. For example, after Major Zero explains again that it is a SNEAKING mission, you may just skip it because it's just another repeated loop of voice from the codec.. But as i said before, there is so much detail in this, i very rarely heard the same dialog twice whilst using the radio conversations! This was great because not only was i having fun whilst playing, i had fun listening to what these great characters had to say.

All of the characters are really good, some are a little over the top (E.G Colonel Volgins accent is a typical "Bad Man" type of voice with not much depth to it to have a complex character type) but in general the acting etc is fantastic!, David Hayter returns as the voice of Snake and also The Colonel from the other two games makes an appearance!

The overall production, sound, graphics of the game are (as i think) the best yet on the ps2. The frame rate can be a tiny bit slower compared to other metal gear games, but it is nothing really. The amount of detail in the backdrops of the game is really incredible, i spent alot of my time just searching for flaws because i didn't think that it could be possible!

You spend alot of the time wandering around the jungle for most of the game, which may sound boring at first, what with all the jungle hazards such as Crocodiles, Snakes, Soldiers etc. But you will be too engrossed with what you have to do next to care about trudging through Jungle to get there! if you have played a metal gear game before, then you will understand that it's going to be typically the same type of control system, which can seem awkward sometimes as there is a different button used for almost every weapon you have to use. But there aren't many changes to the overall system of things. Maybe some of you will find the series becoming a little dated, the next metal gear will have to take a big leap in dimensions because they have definitely mastered this type of system now with this game! Everything works and moves great, i have no moans about that at all. The story is as fluid and intriguing as ever and the action comes thick and fast. The Boss battles are unique and are the best in the series! Yes, even more legendary than the First games bosses. And not because of the characters, or new weapons or abilities, but by sheer planning and gameplay will get you to love these battles.

At the end, you will feel drained from all the action and suspense and twists in the story. The Cinematics rival anything in the cinemas this year and i am sure you will agree! But a 15+ hour film is quite a feat! If you manage to complete this all in one go, then you are one hard-core metal gearer. But the chances are that you will want to save and start again later (and the cool thing is that you will be rewarded for doing so later on!!)

The Bad
Sometimes you get the feeling "So, it's like Metal Gear 2.. But in the Jungle, Right?"

Well, YES it is exactly that. Fans of Metal Gear will love this. They will love this because it is another different adaption to the story thus far... But if nobody liked the story or thought it was all a tad confusing, then some of the links and reminders this has to the stories previous in the other games are going to leave you a bit un-interested. Just who is "The Boss"? How is Snake alive in the Sixties when he wasn't even born until the 70's?! There are plenty of questions to be left un-answered if you haven't learned of the plots before... But that's only if you haven't played the others or liked them!

Sometimes the controls can be a little complicated when the action is fast and you usually have a short time to learn some new techniques before you have to put them in real action! The game follows a sort-of DO OR DIE foundation, if you dont get the animals, then you won't survive! If you don't cure yourself from wounds then you will surely die. If you are being shot, alot by enemies.. you feel like just putting away your gun, downing some energy ration and punching the troops to dust, or blasting them away with a new gun, or attacking them with Close Quarters Combat and hold a troop and use as a human shield etc... But if you don't think rationally then you will lose more than just your health. Your stamina depletes rather quickly if you do not treat yourself! Sometimes this can be annoying, especially when you want to get a quick revenge on a guy who just shot you before he gets away. But then you have to go into the survival viewer to get that bullet out before it makes matters worse.

The Bottom Line
A lengthy stealth game, perfectly planned out to have as much gameplay as possible and the best action you will see on your ps2. It is fantastic for Metal Gear fans, but for new-comers or people wishing to see a giant leap in the series will be left pretty much with the same feelings as they had the last time. This is basically the same type of metal gear system, with added features and realism. Whether you liked it before or not, you should definitely try this out until the end, because this will be the game that clears those doubts and frustrations from the other games' path. Every moment of this was completely engrossing and enjoyable, finally you will get to see what those heroes really get up to when the going gets rough... and the rough get....


PlayStation 2 · by MrBee (28) · 2005

Absolutely the finest game of 2004. A must-play.

The Good
MGS2 left many people (including myself) feeling a bit awkward. It was fun, of course, and sufficiently challenging, but there were some nagging issues: (1) The abrupt and unfortunate switch to Raiden, a weak and shallow character, early on; (2) a lack of truly showstopping boss fights, and (3) a plot which was needlessly confusing and even illogical.

Thus, coming into MGS3, I had my doubts. I feared that Kojima was suffering from the dreaded Lucas syndrome, and that Metal Gear was doomed to a long, ignominious downfall.

Thank God, I was wrong.

MGS3 succeeds on so many levels. The stealth gameplay has been further refined with the addition of close-quarters combat (CQC), which gives you more ways to deal with guards and bosses alike. The graphics are stunning, as is the music (the import soundtrack is worth the cash). But I'd like to deal with my three issues in depth:

(1) and (3) - Snake is your main man. It doesn't spoil too much to say that this Snake is the man who eventually becomes Big Boss (and thus "Snake" is his genetic offspring). He is a man who, in his own words (or at least a reasonable facsimile thereof), "Never had much interest in other people's lives." This game is the story of his birth, so to speak, into the world as it actually is. Despite his profession, he is an innocent, and his journey out of this blissful state is completely compelling. As he leaves the graveyard at the game's conclusion, you realize you have come full circle in the Metal Gear mythos, and as such MGS2 makes so much more sense. You understand why the Big Boss is who is he, why he did what he does, and his defeat at the end of the second game now feels tragic whereas before it just a let-down.

It's not too much of an exaggeration to say that I'm still thinking about MGS3's story months after finishing it. It's that good.

(2) - The boss fights in this game KICK ASS. Seriously, these are the best bosses in just about any game, ever. In particular, The End is a vicious old bastard, and your battle with him may frustrate, but damn does it feel rewarding when you beat him.

The Bad
Three things:

(1) - The camera needs to evolve. Perhaps Kojima should borrow a bit from RE4 - an over the shoulder view would make the experience so much more enjoyable.

(2) - At times, interacting with the game world is a bit too complicated. I counted several times when I mistakenly fired off the wrong weapon just because the interface is trying to do too many things. Ditto with CQC - I slit a few throats when all I wanted to do was drop a guard on his head. Oops.

(3) - The much touted survival system (in which you must feed Snake and cure his wounds) is a bit of a distraction. I had no real problem with feeding Snake, but curing him is silly and unrealistic.

The Bottom Line
Not just the best game of 2004, but an important milestone in gaming, period. Hopefully, more designers will stretch the dramatic potential of games. Only when this happens will this much-maligned medium attain the critical and cultural respect it deserves.

PlayStation 2 · by Lucas Schippers (57) · 2005

It's time you meet The Boss

The Good
This game surpasses its predecessors by a fair margin in virtually any field. The graphics capabilities have been squeezed out of PS2 to match the best they can, making a clearly visible different from already amazing MGS2, and making even games such as Splinter Cell 2 looking way below the belt. The music is fantastic, Harry really did a wonderful job with some of the tunes, especially with main one. And the "Snake Eater" theme is brilliant, sort of in a James Bond stile of opening, only in this game's case, it happens as if the game has been split into two missions (think Tanker Episode). Characters have more details from game's predecessors, especially facial textures and eye details. MGS3 is noticeably longer than the other two, and it also takes place in much more wide open space. The game is full of details, and it feels above all, very much alive. No game have ever paid so much attention to details of both main and additional graphics.

On the contrary to what I believed, that this game will neglect cinematics and launch a full scale gameplay preference, it is not how it works. Yes, it has heavily upgraded on the gameplay and it offers you far more than others did, but it still stays loyal to intriguing and complex story with tons and tons of long cinematics, and if I may say so, they're quite well done and on par with the other two games. I personally still prefer The Twin Snakes for some reason, but this game is technically leaving all the other behind.

The new additions I've been kind of skeptical about, such as having to eat to keep your stamina at the level, having to treat your injuries, using camouflage to enter the enemy territory unspotted, and such are really not quite hard to follow. You get easily accustomed to the rules and it all works fairly easy. Sure, it's still amazing with what speed Snake can heal, but once you see the soldiers you fight against (and I do refer to boss battles here), this game starts resembling more to a sci-fi in a style of X-Men, then a cold war situation. Of course, we got used to seeing cool bosses with unexplained powers in MGS games, to say the least, so it kind of wouldn't be right to leave Snake fighting only those that doesn't stand a chance against him.

To observe the nature around you is impressive in a way you can forget you're in a the middle of a one-man war. Seeing frogs jumping around you, or breaking the cohesion of the water while swimming, or various types of snakes crawling around the mountains or jungles, lots of fishes swimming in the rivers, poisonous spiders crawling in the prison, butterflies enjoying their one day of finality, squirrels jumping from one tree to another, grass moving at the every move of an animal crossing it, it really is impressive to say the least. But although there is a jungle out there, you'll have a map with you, and you'll run across many bases, ruins, tunnels, and other indoors in case you prefer setting closer to that in predecessors.

And of course, the best thing of all was... well yeah, The Boss. However, I am not referring to Snake here. He is not The Boss in this game so soon, not until he kills her. It's kinda sad in a way their relationship was so strong yet so hard to figure, so no matter what, I can't say I enjoyed fighting her in the end, but it was inevitable, you could see that coming right from the start, but yet there was no hard feelings in that battle. Two professionals fighting on opposing sides... or in this case, it's a bit more complicated than that. But it connects to the relationship of Solid Snake and Grey Fox, no matter the two of them were fighting each other, they were still friends, just due to situation they were on different sides. Things like that make games like MGS even more powerful.

Oh yeah, and it's quite wonderful how Snake here doesn't appear as all mighty like Solid Snake, he gets beaten pretty badly, especially by The Boss. And of course, it wouldn't be a MGS game without a torture scene... which will tell you how he got that eye-patch in the first place. In most unusual way, would never figure it out on yourself, lol, really cool twist.

The Bad
The fact I saw all those MGS3 trailers for 100+ times, literally, well you can guess that once I finally got the game my expression of joy was way below the required one. But maybe that'll teach me for the future... although something tells me it may not be so true.

But the only annoying thing in this game is actually something that's a part of MGS franchise no matter what, and that is live-scenes that are there to try and emphasize the story. I know Mr. Kojima had nothing but best interest in adding those, but they are boring and doesn't fit the game that well. It's like watching a documentary. I mean, even pure radio talk would be enough. But mixing their wonderfully directed cutscenes with bunch of old videos just doesn't go along that well. Nor did in MGS2, imho.

The Bottom Line
MGS3 lets you get to know the man from which our known Snake hero has become. You meet the Big Boss himself... and the true one from whom he inherited the title. The game is full of details and doesn't lack the quality that was proven in previous MGS games, in any aspect. Controls are fine, shooting is interesting to experience as your gun recoils much more when you're standing then crouching or laying down, and some cool new moves are added for CQC (Close-Quarter Combat). This games lets you understand The Boss a bit more and can kind of help you understand why he switch the sides and played nemesis in original Metal Gear games, and after this, it definitely makes you want to see more of it recreated, especially those original MG games and a confrontation of Solid Snake and Big Boss. I bet if that ever gets redone, it'll be a masterpiece of the franchise. Let's hope Konami won't just stop here and call it the conclusion of the series.

PlayStation 2 · by MAT (241160) · 2012

Snakes? No, thank you. I prefer pork.

The Good
Before we get to the review itself, I have a few announcements to make. Firstly, I haven't played any game of Metal Gear series before Snake Eater. Secondly, I have played a Subsistence version of the game, however, I had no interest either in multiplayer or in retro delights the package had to offer, and thus I will concentrate my efforts solely on Snake Eater. And last, but not least, Metal Gear Solid 3, for all its drawbacks, hasn't dissuaded me from trying other games in the series. The reasons to that fact are described below.

Approaching the game was a hard endeavor for me. Even although the first and the second game of the series have been released on PC, I've never really felt like trying them out. For some reason I always had enough games on my hands not to check out some obscure, unknown spy-games, that have presumably achieved a cult status on the consoles, which in its own right wasn't a praise for me at that time either.

Now that I have overcome my prejudices I brought myself to completing the PS2 exclusive third and closing part in the Solid trilogy, hailed to include the best series has to offer and pushing the corny plot of its predecessors on the new level of drama and emotional depth. After fourteen hours of playing I would only say that I can't imagine how awfully cheesy must have been the stories of two previous games to name the storyline of Snake Eater an improvement.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of good things to say about it as well. And I would like to start with... Intro.

James Bond has always occupied a special place in my heart. I've always enjoyed the opening credits for every new movie, with some lady with a good voice singing some obscure lines and abstraction paintings flying by in some kind of mix of female figures and gun/bullets shapes. Snake Eater starts on exactly the same note, prompting you to expect some excellent spy-thriller with fantastic production values, evidently capable to rival even the budget of recent Bond's movies. And it does not disappoint, at least partly.

Although, it fails to deliver the kind of suspense and thrill Bond movies were famous for, the amazing quality of the game is very hard to deny. Everything, starting from sounds and music and ending with cut-scenes direction and stunts is top-notch. Visually the game is very impressive. It's hard to believe that this kind of graphics is achievable on the PS2 hardware. Despite low polygonal count, clever use of lighting, textures and shader effects creates an illusion of a real next-gen title. It's quite a feat to be admired.

Since the better part of the game takes place in jungles one should expect a decent rendition of flora. And rightly so. Although not at the same level as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion or Far Cry, the game manages to achieve the feeling of "plausible forest density" that even Vietcong would feel rivaled by. Once again, nothing extra-ordinary, just some clever tricks, we perhaps should thank Konami programmers for, and not the artists themselves.

One wouldn't argue that the main strength of Metal Gear Solid series lies not in the gameplay department, but in the one that deals with plot and narrative. So, what's the device that Konami and Mr. Kojima use to unfold their narrative? Nothing unusual, simple in-game cutscenes. Simple, you say? Wait, till you see the game. The cut-scenes here may be described by lots of different words, but "simple" is certainly not one of them. Unfortunately, the true genius of the game’s movie-like qualities truly uncovers itself only towards the end of it. Those among you, who played the game immediately recognized what exactly I am talking about. Of course, I mean the exciting bike chase and all the events surrounding it. Intelligent use of camera, lighting, sounds and music provide one of the most exhilarating moments in the video games history.

But not merely a bike chase, every scene shows much effort put in it. And although it doesn’t work most of the times, it has nothing to do with the input of minor minds behind the game. Each of them has done his share of work adequately in the limits of requirements Hideo Kojima set, according to his personal vision. The vision, which, in the matter of fact…

The Bad

Yes, really sucks. Metal Gear Solid 3 story/plot/presentation is among the most ridiculous ones, if not the most. By the way, you can start counting the number of times I use the word “ridiculous” in the bad section of this review, because, I have a feeling that it’s going to be a pretty big one (number, not section).

All that is bad with MGS3 can actually be summarized in four words: characters, story, presentation and gameplay. Let’s go through these four aspects, one by one, ok?

Story. I am not sure if Mr. Kojima has opened a history book in a school, but this is the most inaccurate presentation of the Cold War ever. After this game everything Tom Clancy outputs will seem to me as the most accurate historic truth, as it can possibly be. I could’ve really understood if there was an alternative history theme going on, but even if so, there’s absolutely no explanation for the some of the most inappropriate things. Portable bazooka-nukes, hover platforms, bi-pedal tanks, lighting-infused generals, fire-burning cosmonauts, Russian jungles (!) and lots of other things that are completely inadequate for the time epoch the game chooses as its setting. The way the game juggles with the names of the known historical figures like Khrushchev or Brezhnev in the combination of pseudo-documentary shots doesn’t provide any historical authenticity either. Wait, there’s more.

The game’s story is guilty not only of being laughable, but of more serious crimes as well. It completely bogs down any emotional connection one might have established toward the events described in it. Really, how is it possible for a person like me to care either about Snake, Eva or The Boss, if neither of what I see happening before my eyes I can imagine being possible. All the plot twists exists only because of the flexible/ignorant attitude towards history. The defections as described in the game were not possible in the period of Cold War, at least not in the multitude as suggested by Konami. That in its turn eliminates the basic premise for a story or characters to exist and subjects every message the game might have tried (and in good faith it seems) to communicate to failure.

One could suggest not to take the story-part seriously. I would love to, really. Metal Gear Solid 3 would have made an excellent comedy adventure with its cartoon villains and spy wannabes. How does Metal Gear Island 3: LeVolgin's Revenge sound to you? Alas, the game obviously takes itself very seriously and offers no room for interpretations.

The truth is that all of those problems could have been easily overlooked, if the characters of the game were strong on their own, without necessarily being tightly connected to the setting. It saddens me that it’s not that close to the the truth either. It’s difficult to perceive Snake Eater characters as real people. They make a lot of unnecessary movements, gestures and the words they speak are those of 12-year old anime fan. How can someone be impressed with the stupidity and bland showing-off as shown by Ocelot. He’s the most annoying of the bunch, mainly because he appears for no apparent reason and all too often, without actually carrying any point to his presence in the game.

It doesn’t end there. Each member of the Cobra team is a new landmark in creating the most absurd and videogamish character ever. They do not, even in the least, fit into the game set in Russia during the Cold War, more so with the background given to them being… Wait a minute. Nonexistent. Cobra Unit is something taken from the mind of the same 12 years old anime fan. Because even the real, good anime films, nowadays, do not resort to such kind of horribleness.

Major Raikov and General Volgin shows how little do people in Japan know about Russians. No, they don’t look like a cute anime-male character with white long hair and, no, they do not look like a walking conduits of electricity with unintelligible tattoos on their face.

However they do know how an average American secret agent looks like. No-nonsense kind of approach and a grim attitude. Snake doesn’t speak much, and, actually turns out to be a very nice guy until the moment he does start to speak. And, oh boy, where should I start? First, is it me or Naked Snake doesn’t know any other grammatical construction instead that of interrogative sentence? And if he doesn’t ask questions, he still sounds like asking somebody.

“We have deployed a nuclear device.”
“Nuclear device?”
“Yes, it’s located in Groznyj Grad.”
“Groznyj Grad?”
“Yes. Want me to show it on you map?”
“My map?.. I mean, why should I trust you?”.

Well, you got the idea.

More so, the actor who did the voice-job for Snake is very good at only two intonations. They are very good intonations but voice-acting actually implies some acting, not just reading with the same voice regardless of their content.

And I am not even going start on the lack of motivations or reasons behind Snake's actions. His relationship (especially the way it starts) with EVA is clearly not a very good example of outstanding storytelling.

EVA. A good character, as far as you don’t look past the boobs, which Mr. Kojima, apparently considers to be the main character trait for his female characters. I agree, it worked for the first time, when she had half-naked herself for no apparent reason in the middle of the jungle. But really how much of the same boobs in the same bra can one actually take, before he starts to notice that the character itself is very flat otherwise. And again the overall irrationality, that dominates the game, shows it's nasty grin. There was simply no way for her to do all tricks she has done right under the nose of Volgin. It just doesn’t work that way in the world where villains are something more than boy-loving bastards in fancy boots.

And to finish it all – The Boss. The most applauded character at first appears to be very interesting and intriguing. But, as in case with Snake, it's just because she doesn’t get to speak much. When she actually does, she discovers herself not to be that much different from her colleagues. Her final speech is an incredible illustration of un-related banality disguised as a profound revelation. Of course, everything is relative on the war, but how does that explains your own situation, Ms. Boss?

The MGS3 characters have a nasty habit of talking too much without actual point to it. A trait not that uncommon to many Japanese games I’ve played.

But back to The Boss. The tragic story of this character is the centerpiece of the game. If it doesn’t get to your heart, Snake Eater is pretty much wasted upon you. This is my case exactly. Yet again the absurd and illogical storyline with the plot twists, being probable only if we assume the villains of the game to be complete retards, entirely eliminates any meaning, The Boss’s sacrifice was supposed to have. The Boss, regardless of her dim-witted name, could have been an excellent character. Not in this game, though.

Anyway, who actually cares about stories and characters in games these days? It’s a grit-teething gameplay that people want with breathtaking action and suspenseful stealth. Or not that breathtaking and not so suspenseful, as Snake Eater conveniently proves . While providing some interesting elements like healing system (similar to Call Of Cthulhu: Dark Corners Of Earth) and eating/hunting twist, the game fails to offer anything that could have threatened established leaders of either stealth (Splinter Cell, Thief) or action (pretty much every other major game) genres.

Not to say, that gameplay is boring. Some sequences were, actually, quite enjoyable (the battle with an old sniper being the most interesting one) but the limitations the game self-imposes on itself can’t provide any twists, worthy of notice, to the already stale formula of either genre. Duck, stand up, shoot, duck. You won't find anything else to boil the blood or tickle the nerves here. Yawn!

And the last but not least, I don't like the games telling me that I am stupid. I like them to tell me that I am smart, agile, strong and very women-friendly. However, developers of Snake Eater have made a most inaccurate assumption that I am the same 12-years old boy, who barely knows what Russia is. All the common historic facts are explained over and over again, and the way EVA describes everything in the end for those "who hasn't figured it out yet" is simply distasteful and lacks subtlety, which is very important in these cases.

The Bottom Line
Talent: 3/5

The team behind the game shows unprecedented skill and talent. Special mention goes to visual and programming folks, who achieved an impossible with the aged PS2 hardware. However, the game’s writing and story do not step anywhere outside the boundaries of everyone’s favorite 12-years old kid's imagination.

Ambition: 3/5

The game’s pretentious style and narrative, although failing to reach its point more often than not, is something I can respect. As they say, it’s a try that counts. However, the developers haven’t even ventured to do something interesting with the gameplay. So all the ambition was wasted on the cut-scenes, which is, as I have stated above, not such a bad thing either.

Pteity (Pushing The Envelope - ity): 1/5

A lot of games nowadays present great cutscenes. Some of them are better, some worse. But it takes much more than style and professionalism to make others follow you. It takes content and meaning to those stories you try to tell via your cut-scenes. And I don’t want to see any other game following in MGS3 footsteps in terms of its content and meaning. Gameplay distinctively lacks originality as well. So only 1 point for a little technical wonder this game represents.

Effort: 4/5

Once again, it’s evident that no one was trying to play a lazy dog. Everyone at Konami did their share of work responsibly and with heart. Even Hideo Kojima, however far-fetched his ideas might be, obviously has put a part of his soul in the game and it shows. 4 points for effort, regardless of how misplaced it is.

Adequacy: 0/5

Nothing, I repeat, nothing feels right in this game. Characters -- speaking in nonsense and making over-exaggerated theatrical gestures without any point to them. Storyline -- bringing the word ludicrous a whole new meaning. Setting treatment that really makes me question the sanity of those responsible for the story in this game. Everything is out of place and out of simple common sense. Oh... And did I mention that they actually expected me to collect green frog figurines (!) while on the mission? For God's sake!

Total: 2.2/5

Some people might respond to this review with the accusations of lack of sensitivity on my part towards the culture not similar to my own, namely Japanese. I have two things to answer to that. The first being that the game doesn’t deal with Japanese culture at all and the mere fact that the game was developed in Japan doesn’t give the developers an exclusive right to ridicule history and make characters behave like very bad Shakespearean actors.

And the second thing is that, in reality, many Japanese games actually do have a sense of reason, appropriateness and common sense. Shadow Of Colossus is a very recent example of that. And even Final Fantasy series , which also can be very inadequate at times, doesn’t fall to the point of being just plain stupid.

So how about that word I asked you to count in the beginning of the bad section of this review? Do you remember, the one beginning with “r”? Only one, you say. Well, it’s still enough to characterize Snake Eater most fully and comprehensively.

Ridiculous, indeed. Make it two.

PlayStation 2 · by St. Martyne (3648) · 2007

Too much drama for me.

The Good
I liked the graphics in this game. Everything looks sharp & fluid. A lot of work was put in for MGS3 to have some much detail.

The sound was awesome. You like you're hiding in the bushes with birds, frogs, and snakes moving around you. You can hear the wind blowing though the trees and grass.

Like the other MGSs, the characters are beyond words. The characters really draw you into the story. You just have to know where they've come from and whats going to happen to them next.

The Bad
There is a lot I didn't like about this baby.

First, though the graphics are great, several times the game would freeze and twice it crashed during while I was playing. I found it very annoying MGS3 would freeze right when I was focusing on a enemy to shoot before he got to me. The PS2 just can't handle the load without dropping a few balls, stop, go back to pick them up & then continue. Its not good to freeze during the action!!

Then there's the length you actually play the game. It's too damn short. I sent more time watching cut scenes than controlling Snake.

I didn't like all the stuff I had to keep up with. I have to feed Snake, cure Snake, take things out of Snake's bag, change Snake's clothes. . . What The Hell?! I thought I was playing MGS not the Sims!

And finally, I didn't like the drama. It was like I was watching a soap opera. I don't remember the other MG games being this bad. I wish they would just get to the point and let me play. Does Snake really need a love interest? He's Snake not James Bond.

The Bottom Line
Though I have a few issues with this game, Metal Gear Solid 3 is okay. I my opinion is not a great game. Hell, far from it! I would recommend as a rental before buying. You can beat this game in a day easily and the extra stuff you unlock isn't that great.

3/5 - Average.

PlayStation 2 · by jgusw (3) · 2005

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Big John WV, nyccrg, Patrick Bregger, chirinea, Wizo, COBRA-COBRETTI, Van, DreinIX, Jacob Gens, Baron79, Jeanne, Zerobrain, lights out party, Alsy, vicrabb, Flu, Tim Janssen, yenruoj_tsegnol_eht (!!ihsoy), Alaka.