Duke Nukem 3D

aka: DN3D, Death Tank Zwei, Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown, Duke3D
Moby ID: 365
DOS Specs
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Aliens have landed in futuristic Los Angeles and it's up to the Duke to bring the pain and show them the door. After the initial entries of side-scrolling platform games, Duke Nukem 3D introduces a first-person perspective to the series and turns the game into a full-fledged shooter with 2.5D graphics.

Duke's arsenal includes pistols, pipe bombs, laser trip mines, Nordenfelt guns, a chain gun and various rocket launchers, but also his mighty foot to kick enemies. The game sports a high level of interactivity. Many objects in the environment can be broken or interacted with, such as pool tables, arcade machines, glass, light switches and security cameras. The protagonist is also able to hand strippers dollars to have them remove their top.

The main character regularly delivers commentary on the events through one-liners. There are twenty-eight levels, divided over three episodes, set in locations such as streets, a church, a space station, a Japanese villa, a football field and many modern environments. Enemies mainly include aliens, mutated humans and members of the police force that have been turned into Pig Cops. Next to weapons, Duke also has access to medikits, steroids to enhance his speed, night vision, protective boots, a hologram known as the "holoduke", and a jetpack to reach higher areas. Most of the gameplay is action-oriented, but there is also an amount of puzzles needed to progress or access secret areas.

The game includes network play through the IPX protocol, for deathmatch and cooperative games.

While the port for the Sega Saturn features, among other things, a new secret level called Area 51, the Sony PlayStation version adds a whole new 7 level long episode called Plug 'N' Pray with new enemies and rearranged music.


  • デューク ニューケム トータル メルトダウン - Japanese PlayStation spelling
  • 毀滅公爵 - Traditional Chinese DOS spelling

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Credits (DOS version)

46 People (38 developers, 8 thanks) · View all

Original Concept
Graphics / 3D Programming
Music / Sound Programming
Level / Scenario Design
Libraries / Utilities
Graphics / Artwork
3D Modelling
Sound Effects
Executive Producer
Acting / Voiceovers
[ full credits ]



Average score: 83% (based on 56 ratings)


Average score: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 332 ratings with 18 reviews)

The first game that can be legitimately called a Doom killer

The Good
Duke Nukem 3D is the game I regard as Doom's spiritual descendant. It has all of Doom's good elements (atmosphere, design, and of course mindless fun) while adding something that was totally lacking from the original: style! At first glance it appears to be a rather unassuming FPS that is little more than a 3D rendition of the Duke Nukem platform games that preceded it, but as you step on dog crap and hear Duke say "shit happens," or walk into a topless joint filled with women who will happily strip for cash, you realise this game is something unusual.

Duke 3D became (in?)famous in part because of all the mature content it features. But that's not all it has going for it. Step away from the boobs and profanity for a second and you'll find one of the most fun and inventive shooters ever to come down the pike, and one that is still a blast to play today. Lots of games since have tried to recapture the Duke Nukem 3D spirit (i.e. Serious Sam) but none have ever made the splash the original did.

Game design is a pretty simple equation. It comes down to what a developer/publisher is most prepared to dedicate his time and effort to. At the same time id Software was making a technological wonder with generic gameplay, Quake, 3D Realms was making a game that emphasized content over everything else. And believe me, it paid off. Duke 3D is a blast from beginning to end. At no point does it become generic or annoying. This is partly due to great level design, and also how damned original the game feels. I don't mean "original" in that it turns every FPS game play convention upside down, but that it has millions of small touches that makes Duke 3D an almost unique experience.

Notice the pool table in the first level? You can roll balls around. See the Duff Beer Blimp in the background of the last boss fight? Try shooting it with a rocket. Lights can be turned on and off with switches, and can even be destroyed by gunfire. Toilet won't flush? Pipe-bomb the sucker. Small gimmicks and tricks, you might say. But the stuff I listed above is only the tip of the iceberg, the entire game is full of small personal touches that transform it from a generic shooter to an immersive, original experience that contains the first truly interactive environment found in a 3D video game. Just about everything in the game (toilets, mirrors, fences) can be interacted with in some way. This is part of what makes Duke 3D so special, it's one of the most detailed games around.

Obviously, that kind of stuff isn't enough to make a game on its own. But Duke 3D takes the rabid addictiveness of games like Doom and builds upon it with several new gameplay conventions that are still in use today. The game is non-linear, there are often quite a few ways to get to the exit (such as crawling through an air vent to avoid a tough group of enemies, or blowing a hole in a wall) and lots of different paths you can explore to find goodies and secrets. You also have an inventory, and unlike Heretic's it actually doesn't suck. You have a varied arsenal of weapons (including the classic pistol/shotgun/machinegun combo, as well as weirder stuff like a shrink-ray and freezer) that is perfectly balanced and well-rounded, even in the later stages of the game you'll still be falling back on your pistol occasionally. As you'd expect the enemies in Duke 3D are downright insane, I burst out laughing when I saw a pig cop riding a spin-deck.

Add to this a collection of great levels that actually make you want to play them again, a solid multiplayer mode that remained popular years after the game had become obsolete, and enough pop culture references to expand the trivia section threefold if someone went and documented them all, and you have one of the best old-school shooters around.

In short: this game gives weight to John Romero's famous statement "design is law." Contrary to what industry pundits think, we gamers aren't mindless sheep who play whatever game has the prettiest graphics. If a game has what it takes to rise above the pack, and combine new elements with well-grounded traditional ones, we reward it.

(This isn't related to the game itself as such, but I feel the need to commend Ken Silverman for designing the Build engine. It's incredible that a teenager who was just out of high school and was failing half his classes at university was able to produce such a dynamic, powerful and flexible piece of software with practically no outside help. Build also comes with what must be the easiest editor ever made for a 3D game. Finally you didn't have to be a theoretical mathematician or UNIX operator to design your own levels for an FPS. Ken Silverman became the god of virgin geeks everywhere for allowing them to plague the internet with their billions of crappy custom levels and mods. Oh well...)

The Bad
Most of the problems Duke 3D has some with the genre. If you disliked Doom and hate key-hunt puzzles don't expect Duke 3D to be much different. Duke 3D is simply a nice package of old-school FPS action with some extra huevos thrown in. It's got lots of original touches, but it isn't like it's trying to revolutionize the genre.

And of course there are a few small nits and nats (too much ammo, boss fights are boring, puzzles are dependent on trial and error) but let's not focus on what Duke 3D did wrong but on what it didn't do wrong. Face it, with a game like this a million things could have ruined it, and it's a testament to the designers' work that the game is as good as it is.

The Bottom Line
Some excellent games get released during the wrong time and thus are ignored (Grim Fandango won multiple awards but failed to attract gamers because of the FPS phenomenon), and other mediocre games sell quite substantially if there's a multimillion dollar hype campaign backing them...just look at some of the recent Star Wars games. But Duke 3D is neither over-rated nor under-rated. It deserves every gram of success it received. Duke 3D is a classic and one of the greatest FPS games ever released, no buts ifs or maybes allowed.

DOS · by Maw (832) · 2007

Possibly the only 2.5D classic to nearly overtake Doom

The Good
I don't know where to begin, because it's really just about everything to do with the game. The levels are all well designed and, despite sticking to the game's theme, provide enough variance to keep oneself interested from start to finish. I didn't find one of the game's 29 (40 in the Atomic edition) levels to be boring, poorly made, or unwelcome. Often one level will continue roughly where the last level left off - this is a definitive improvement over Doom which just starts every level at a random point unrelated to the level before. There are also quite a lot of secret levels - and, at least for the most part, they successfully distinguish themselves from the main levels. Not to mention, in addition to the main game, there's a whole and still rather active user community that has pumped out plenty of good custom material for the game over the years.

The game looks better, and has more detail, than any FPS released prior. I even might say it looks better than Quake because it is way more colorful. The music is not only good and fits on virtually every level, but EVERY one of the game's levels has a unique track.The controls are easy to configure from setup and take no time in getting used to. Difficulty is quite high on the highest difficulty setting but fairly casual on the lowest, giving a choice for all levels of experience. There are ten weapons and each of them are unique and good for different purposes. This is not a game where you'll just be blowing your way through with one "weapon of choice" throughout. In fact on the higher difficulties you virtually have to make good use of all the weapons the game has on offer.

There is a diverse selection of powerups and, like the weapons, you will be making use of them. Given the right weapons and/or powerups, can freely jump, fly, look around, destruct numerous things, etc. - everything you could possibly want or ask for in the 2.5D universe. There is not an enormous selection of enemy types but there are enough, and not only do they take different strategies themselves, but even the same enemy may demand different strategies based on what surroundings it's in.

And who could not discuss the game's attitude? There are numerous classic one-liners and jokes/pieces of humor, and while they are often quite mature and may not be to the taste of EVERYONE, this is an element Duke Nukem 3D always did, and still does, implement best. Some of the one-liners occur naturally and others occur by interacting with features in the game. And there is a "parental lock" to cut some of the most mature humor out of the game.

But let me reiterate, of all the game's positive points, the most important, by far, is how much FUN the game is. Sure all the positives contribute to the fun factor, but without a good base to use them one, the fun would never have been as well done. And that really is the most important factor to ANY game. It you're not enjoying yourself, you simply will not be eager to come back, no matter how good any other part of the game is. So likewise, all this game's positives would have meant a lot less if it wasn't fun - but thankfully it is not only fun to play, but exceeds in that aspect with flying colors.

The Bad
Okay, I can't, and won't, say there is absolutely NOTHING to put in this category. But, I'm not even sure I could say that for Doom!, so don't read much into it. Anyways to the few points, other games like Doom occasionally had a slightly better, or more consistent and varied, atmosphere. That's still not saying Duke lacks in this department, however. Some of the enemies are very "sneaky" or hard to avoid taking damage from, but on the other hand the game's not too tough or unbalanced - and it's always fair if you play it well - so you could debate if that even counts. Finally, the selection of addon levels/mods for the game, despite being quite plentiful, still doesn't come up to the same level as Doom. And some of them are a little harder to get running, but the EDuke source port and/or a well-configured DosBox that comes with the version of the game distributed on GOG.com helps alleviate much of this. It might, however, be for the reason of custom content that I'm not willing to officially call the game better than Doom. But it could also be for the fact that it wasn't such an incredible leap in technology, which in and of itself is not really a positive or a negative in my view.

But let me end by saying this - once you're into the game and are having a blast - you will, more likely than not, pretty much forget anything I brought up in the last paragraph.

The Bottom Line
Well, a long review, but a timeless classic to this level deserves no less. I don't hesitate to give it the top rating, because a game doesn't have to be literally PERFECT to get top marks, it just has to be really, really good, and Duke Nukem 3D satisfies that requirement and then some. Unless you can't handle Mature games, you absolutely owe it to yourself to play Duke Nukem 3D if you are even remotely into shooter games, or for that matter into games at all. And there aren't many games I can say that for. */5

DOS · by Brandon Lade (3) · 2012

The Most Original and Fun FPS Yet

The Good
Normally, I make it a habit not to contribute a review for a game that more than 3 other MobyGames members have already reviewed. At the time of this writing, there are 17 previous reviews for Duke Nukem 3D (DN3D). Still, in this case, I must make an exception.

First-person shooters for the PC had already been been done to death when DN3D was released, and there have since been many more FPS games that have been technically superior. They look better, they sound better, they have better multi-player support, they feature in-game cut-scenes and scripted events. But none of them holds a candle to DN3D from a pure gameplay point of view, in my humble opinion.

How many games since DN3D have gone beyond the tired old "bigger, badder gun" weapons formula and come up with anything as innovative as a freeze gun, that freezes your opponents solid so that you can shatter them with a single bullet, or even a kick or a bare-knuckled punch? Or a shrink gun that shrinks your enemies to the size of a mouse so that you can squish them under your heels? Or counter-measures like the HoloDuke; a decoy that lures your enemies out of hiding in order to attack a mere holographic projection of yourself?

The environments are almost totally interactive. See a light switch? Turn it on or off. A movie projector? Same deal. Use that closed circuit monitor to see where the bad guys are hiding. Pee in that urinal. Blow up that fire hydrant and drink from the water fountain gushing from its remains. Doing this even increases your health by a point! Walk over a recently-dispatched foe and track bloody footprints across the floor. See a pool table? Knock the balls around! A pinball machine? Play with that.

The level design is also excellent. Levels are interesting and believable. The adult movie theatre has an arcade, bathrooms, a ticket booth, a projection room and a concession counter. Levels aren't just a bunch of haphazardly thrown-together rooms. There's a logic behind their design.

Levels are also nicely varied. Some levels are indoor "corridor crawls". Others cover wide open expanses with mountains and ridges. Others have deep pools of water that must be explored.

There's a non-linearity to the level design. There are always lots of areas to explore and lots of secret areas to find. You're not corralled into following a single, linear path as is the case with many more recent shooters.

There are all kinds of tongue-in-cheek pop-culture references; an area featuring what looks like the corpse of Indiana Jones, an area containing the monolith from "2001: A Space Odyssey" (complete with the choir as you approach the monolith), a level that's layed out like the interior of a starship from Star Trek and more.

DN3D had no compunctions against poking fun at its rivals of the day. One hidden area features a dead Space Marine from the original "Doom" and you can even blow up Id Software's headquarters.

The game is unashamedly politically-incorrect. Levels are rife with adult movie theatres, pornographic peep-shows, strip clubs, stag shops and half-naked women in bondage. Cops are portrayed as wild pigs with "L.A.R.D." stenciled on the backs of their flak jackets (an obvious satire on the L.A.P.D.) Duke struts around, grunting challenges like "Come get some!" and "Suck it down!" This is a game for adult males to work off some of that extra testosterone. Women and children need not apply.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a proponent of games or any other media that objectifies or stereotypes women. But DN3D flaunts its political incorrectness. "Let us guys have our guilty pleasures!" it veritably cries, "We don't hassle you about Oprah, do we?"

I for one prefer DN3D's unabashed honesty to more recent games that feature overly-endowed, scantily-clad female "heroines" running around waving broadswords.

DN3D does give ample warning of its baser sensibilities. It says "Warning: Adult Content" right there on the title screen before the game even begins. You don't like it? Play something else. There is also a parental lock feature, for parents who don't mind little Johnny blowing up aliens, but want to shield him from the nasty stuff.

Most of all, DN3D is FUN! It is hands-down the single most fun FPS that I have ever played, and it's right up there in my top five list of most fun games ever, of any genre.

The Bad
By today's standards (2006), the graphics certainly look dated, especially the 2D character sprites. However, they were good enough given the technology of the time.

Sound is also a little weak; especially the music which sounds very FM synthesized, in spite of MIDI cards being supported. It's not that it's bad; it's just underwhelming.

Although the environments are generally very interactive, there are still boarded-up or locked doors that you can't take out, even with a rocket launcher. In fact, there are some doors that you can't destroy with your rocket launcher, but which open to a gentle push! Huh??? This is a common level-design flaw which completely shatters the suspension of disbelief and jarringly reminds you that you are, after all, just playing a game.

While it's cool that you can gain health by drinking from a fountain or a fire hydrant, you can actually restore yourself to full health by doing this. It actually becomes a form of cheat! The game designers should have limited how much health you can accumulate in this way. Better yet, after drinking a certain amount of water, they should have caused the health to start gradually dropping until you could find a toilet or urinal to use!

The Bottom Line
Duke Nukem 3D stands as a shining example of how to incorporate good gameplay and plain, old-fashioned fun into a first-person shooter design. I can only hope that Duke Nukem Forever's seemingly indefinite delay is owing to 3D Realms taking the time to get it right once again. If they can bring the game up to today's technical standards and maintain the gameplay and the fun factor, they'll have a juggernaut on their hands.

DOS · by Halmanator (598) · 2006

[ View all 18 player reviews ]


Subject By Date
Playstation port Freeman (65204) Aug 3, 2016
Does the original release include both prequels? Foxhack (32098) Aug 30, 2010
What's wrong with me?? I'm enjoying this!.. Unicorn Lynx (181746) Apr 27, 2010


1001 Video Games

Duke Nukem 3D appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.

Action Figures

In 1997 ReSaurus released Duke Nukem action figures. The only series released consists of: Duke Nukem, Night Strike Duke, OctaBrain, PigCop, BattleLord and the limited edition S.W.A.T. Duke Nukem.



The Australian OFLC, the Office of Film and Literature classification, refused to classify the uncensored version, which was distributed in the US as well as the UK. The local distributors were told that the game would not pass inspection of its uncensored form, so they released a crippled version with all violence, nudity, and language removed. Furthermore, the adult lock feature was permanently switched on.

Later, die-hard gamers developed a crack that allowed access to the uncensored version, and gamers were playing the proper game in no time. When the OFLC found out that this was happening, they recalled the game for reclassification and all copies of the game were withdrawn from sale around the country.

A court found that the censors had exceeded their authority, and irritated by the controversy, the distributors encouraged people to sign a petition that asked for an R18+ classification to be added to computer games.

In April 1997, the censors decided to release the US uncensored version of the game, but it is unclear why the OFLC changed their minds.

Source: http://anthonylarme.tripod.com/phantas/phdanger.html


In 1999, a 24-year old Brazilian went on a shooting rampage in a Sao Paulo movie theater, killing 3 and wounding 8 more. It was made out to be influenced by a Duke Nukem 3D level as he was a computer buff... but he also suffered depression and traces of cocaine were found in his system. As a result, a judge banned the sale of the game in Brazil along with Doom, Mortal Kombat, Requiem: Avenging Angel, Blood, and Postal for being too violent and affecting the minds of gamers negatively.


On June 29, 1996, Duke Nukem 3D was put on the infamous German index by the BPjS.

Note: Indexed products by the BPjS/BPjM are illegal to sell or make available to minors in Germany and it is illegal to advertise for it in any form. But there is absolutely no law forbidding any adult to buy such a product. The only exception is when a game was in addition also confiscated (or put on the so-called "List B" for BPjM games), but this is rather seldom the case.

In this particularly case here, Duke Nukem 3D was just indexed, but not confiscated.

However, due to the fact that advertisement also means the presence of a product on the shelves of a store, the product will disappear from the public. But it can be bought in supporting stores "under the desk" (per request).

BPjS/BPjM = German Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften/Medien = Federal Examination Office for Youth-Endangering Publications/Media.

United States

Wal-Mart required special editions to be made before they would sell it. Identical to the original game in most aspects, they toned down the gore and removed nudity by permanently switching on parental lock.

Config File

The config file is ASCII text and very easy to understand and modify. However, even though it should be possible to support VESA modes greater than 800x600 by modifying the config file, it crashes the game.


According to information from 3D Realms' own forums, at the beginning of the development of the game, they briefly considered making it a "first-person sidescroller". Not so hard to figure out why this idea was almost immediately abandoned.

Hidden Bonus Game

The Sega Saturn release features the hidden bonus game Death Tank Zwei, a multiplayer game for up to seven players. Gameplay is comparable to Worms, but the player only controls tanks and the game is real-time. To unlock it, either destroy each and every toilet in the game or open a savegame from Quake or Powerslave.

Lame Duke

The developers released Lame Duke on the first anniversary of Duke Nukem 3D. This was a very early beta version that was spread for free on the internet. It was called "lame" because it actually is lame, almost everything changed compared to the released version.

Parental Lock

Putting on the parental lock doesn't really remove the strippers; it just makes them invisible. They can still block the player's way, and pressing the spacebar against them, Duke will still give them money and say "Shake it, baby".


The game also left his mark on the world of console gaming with conversions to most game platforms available at its time, sadly none achieved a success similar to its original incarnation. The PSX's conversion although faithful was seriously flawed to the point of being unplayable. The N64 conversion added new weapons, levels, and enemies (some even 3D-rendered) but completely G-rated the game removing the girls, the "Duke-talk", etc. Interestingly enough the most faithful conversion ended up being the SEGA Saturn one.

Speaking of the Saturn version, it does not use a port of the Build engine. Instead, the game was recreated using the SlaveDriver engine, which was also used in Powerslave. Lobotomy Software made both games.


Duke says "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta gum". This is almost the same as something Roddy "Rowdy" Piper says in the John Carpenter movie They Live: "I've come to kick ass and chew gum - and I'm all out of gum!"

Some other quotes from Duke, such as "Groovy!", are inspired by Ash, the main character of the Evil Dead movie trilogy, played by Bruce Campbell. Campbell was not very happy about this though, and he has been very vocal about the issue. Consider this interview with Verbosity:

V: Are you familiar with the game Duke Nukem 3-D? If so, are you aware of the similarities between its lead character and Ash in the way of mentality and catch phrases? Are you flattered by this sort of "borrowing" of your work?

BC: What can I say? Maybe they're just cheese-balls who can't conceive of an original idea and feel compelled to rip off Ash. Imitation is indeed a form of flattery, but paying a guy is an even better form.

(Full text)

Or, this interview with IGN for Men:

IGN For Men: "The Duke Nukem videogame character is obviously an homage to you, at least your attitude..."

Bruce Campbell: "What?!"

IGN For Men: "The Duke Nukem character?"

Bruce Campbell: "Really?"

IGN For Men: "I would say so."

Bruce Campbell: "I'm kidding, I'm well aware of Duke Nukem."

IGN For Men: "Have you been approached for the movie at all?"

Bruce Campbell: "No, and I would say no because of the way they've handled it."

IGN For Men: "How have they handled it?"

Bruce Campbell: "Well, they're rip-off artists. Let them get their own damn material. It's called hiring a writer. They're blatantly ripping it off and if I was any kind of litigious guy they would've gotten a phone call by now. It's depressing and I think it's wrong. That's why Tachyon: The Fringe will kick little Duke's ass any day."

[Campbell lend his voice to Tachyon's main character Jake Logan. -- Editor]

(Full text)


  • Duke Nukem 3D was released at the same time as id Software's Quake. Although both were very different games with a unique level of innovation, there still was some stiff rivalry between them. This is expressed best by the Duke himself in level E3L4 (LA Rumble). In the centre of the level, there is a replica of the Texas HQ of id Software. On a small ledge in front of the building, there is a sign "quake site". Jump on the sign to set off an earthquake. The Duke responds: "I ain't afraid of no quake".
  • The first level of the game is very closely based on John Carpenter's cult movie, Escape from New York.
  • In the third level of the first episode, there's a secret passage in the prison chapel that leads to the rat-infested body of the main character from DOOM. He's even in the same death pose as in DOOM. Upon seeing him Duke says "That's one doomed space marine". 3D Realms continued this trend in Shadow Warrior where they nailed Lara Croft to a wall.
  • In the chapel, there is also a hanging monk up towards the ceiling. It's a Deathfire Monk from Rise of the Triad: Dark War, portrayed by Allen Blum who designed this level.
  • In the Hotel Hell level there is a secret place where Indiana Jones is speared to a wall, on which Duke comments: "We meet again, Dr. Jones".
  • The third level of the second episode, "Warp Factor", has two hidden secrets, both of which refer to the TV show Star Trek: The Next Generation. After revealing both, the player can visit the bridge of the Enterprise, NCC-1701D, as well as Picard's "Ready Room".
  • The 7th level of the second episode, Tiberius Station, was named after the fictional character James Tiberius Kirk from the original Star Trek.
  • A secret in the 8th level of the second episode, Lunar Reactor, makes a reference to a scene from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes where Luke is hung upside down from a cave. Unlike in the film, Luke didn't quite make it, and only a bloody corpse is left. Duke comments, also referring to the movie, "Now this is a force to be reckoned with!"
  • In the 9th level of the second episode, Dark Side, near the end of the level the player will find a black obelisk. The obelisk is a reference to the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  • In the level Freeway (a secret level in the third episode) there is a reference to the original Terminator movie, namely the scene where the Terminator gets squashed in a press. At some point in the level, the player will get to a building with conveyors. Following them deeper into the building will lead them to an RPG, and there a dead robot from the movie in a similar squasher can be seen. On entering it, Duke will prompt "Terminated!" Near the end of this level, the player will face a police car on its side with the number 54 on top. This is a homage to the TV show Car 54, Where Are You?
  • The blimp in E3L11 advertises for Homer Simpson's beer (although slightly misspelled).
  • The game came out during the OJ Simpson trial and there is one billboard reading "Innocent?" and three reading "Guilty!" to be found. Also, in E1L2 there is a bar with a TV that shows the OJ Simpson car chase.
  • There were Coke cans in the first two Duke Nukem games but not in Duke Nukem 3D, because 3D Realms was afraid of Coke coming down on them for using their cans.
  • Duke Nukem 3D is perhaps the earliest game to include an in-game reference to one of the creators' email address. In the first level go into the bathroom and have a close look at the bottom right corner of the wall with the urinals on it. It reads "stryker (at) Metronet.com". This was Allen Blum's email address for a while. Don't bother emailing it now as it became non-functional many years ago.

Sound and Music

The game applied a real-time audio effect to its sounds. When going underwater, a calculated reverb was applied to all sounds.

The metal group Megadeth made a cover of the theme song.

Source Code

After many years of requests from fans, 3D Realms released the source code for Duke Nukem 3D on April 1, 2003.


Action Forms was working on a hunting game spin-off of Duke Nukem 3D called Duke Nukem: Endangered Species. The game was to feature hunting strange animals in suburban locales but was canceled.


  • Computer Gaming World
    • November 1996 (15th anniversary issue) - #37 in the "150 Best Games of All Time" list
    • November 1996 (15th anniversary issue) – #13 Best Way To Die In Computer Gaming (poultry)
    • November 1996 (15th anniversary issue) – #7 Most Memorable Game Hero (Duke Nukem)
    • November 1996 (15th anniversary issue) – #15 Most Rewarding Ending of All Time
  • Electronic Gaming Monthly
    • March 1998 (Issue 104) - First-Person Shooter Game of the Year Runner-Up (Readers' Choice)
  • GameSpy
    • 2001 – #13 Top Game of All Time
  • GameStar (Germany)
    • Issue 12/1999 - #26 in the "100 Most Important PC Games of the Nineties" ranking
  • PC Gamer
    • April 2000 - #13 in the "All-Time Top 50 Games" poll
    • October 2001 - #12 in the "Top 50 Games of All Time" list
    • April 2005 - #15 in the "50 Best Games of All Time" list

Information also contributed by Ace of Sevens, Alan Chan, Apogee IV, Ashley Pomeroy, Black Wolf, ClydeFrog, Emepol, Entorphane, Frenkel, Kasey Chang, keth, Maw, mike hunt, Mr. Me, PCGamer77, robotriot, Scaryfun, Sciere, Scott Monster, Spartan_234, WildKard, Xantheous, Xoleras, Yakumo, Yeah No, Zack Green, and Zovni.


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Duke Nukem: Time to Kill
Released 1998 on PlayStation
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
Released 2002 on Windows, 2010 on Xbox 360, 2013 on Macintosh...
Duke Nukem Forever Collection
Released 2012 on Windows, Macintosh
Total Meltdown
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  • MobyGames ID: 365
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Trixter.

SEGA Saturn added by keth. iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry added by Sciere. PlayStation added by Brolin Empey. Android added by Kabushi.

Additional contributors: Satoshi Kunsai, Jeanne, NeoMoose, Atomic Punch!, Alaka, Maw, lights out party, BdR, j.raido 【雷堂嬢太朗】, Paulus18950, Cantillon, Medicine Man, Patrick Bregger, Plok, MrFlibble, FatherJack, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Game added November 2, 1999. Last modified July 8, 2024.