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Mortal Kombat

aka: Dragon Attack, MK, Mortal Kombat Complete, Mortal Kombat: Competition Edition
Moby ID: 599
Arcade Specs
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Description official descriptions

Five hundred years ago, an ancient and well respected Shaolin fighting tournament, held every 50 years, was corrupted by an evil and elderly sorcerer by the name of Shang Tsung. Shang was accompanied by Prince Goro, a warrior of the Shokan race (a four-armed half-human / half-dragon). Knowing that if ten tournaments in a row were won by the Outworld champion, the Earth Realm would be conquered by evil and fall into darkness, Shang entered Goro in the tournament and had him defeat the great Kung Lao. Goro has been reigning supreme as the undefeated fighting champion for five hundred years now. As the last tournament required draws near, Raiden, Thunder God and protector of the Earth Realm, enacts a plan to tip the scales in the humans' favor, Seven fighters step into the arena on Shang Tsung's mysterious island: Shaolin warrior Liu Kang, Special Forces operative Sonya Blade, the mercenary thug Kano, fame-seeking actor Johnny Cage, the ice-wielding Lin Kuei warrior Sub-Zero and his undead adversary Scorpion, and Raiden himself.

Mortal Kombat is a side-scrolling fighting game. Fighting is set as one-on-one combat, allowing each player to perform a variety of punches, kicks, and special moves in order to defeat their opponent. When the opponent faces their second round loss, the winner can perform a finishing move called a "Fatality" on the loser. The Fatality is a move unique to each fighter that graphically kills the loser in a blood-soaked finale.

Mortal Kombat began its life as a 2-player arcade title. It is notable for its use of digitized actors to represent the game's fighters, as well as its use of copious amounts of blood during gameplay.


  • モータルコンバット - Japanese spelling
  • 真人快打 - Chinese spelling (simplified)

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Credits (Arcade version)

40 People (14 developers, 26 thanks) · View all

Mortal Kombat Cast of Characters
Goro Character Design by
Stop Motion Miniature by
Background Graphics
Executive Producers
Senior Hardware Technician
Cabinet Design
Special Thanks to
[ full credits ]



Average score: 78% (based on 83 ratings)


Average score: 3.6 out of 5 (based on 364 ratings with 22 reviews)

Another Nail in the Sega CD Coffin

The Good
In the early 1990's, Midway gave us a new, uber violent fighting game called (drum roll, please), Mortal Kombat! It may seem a bit silly today, but teenage boys and girls across the land were quickly awestruck by the digitized characters, blood, gore and graphic violence. Parents and politicians were noticeable less amused and content ratings were subsequently adopted. Given the success of the coin-op arcade game, it was only a matter of time before the game was released for the home console systems. The Sega Genesis version had two things going for it. While its graphics and sound were not as close to the arcade (in comparison to the Super Nintendo version), it was left, with a secret code, uncensored and had tighter, more responsive controls. Thus, when it was announced that Mortal Kombat was going to be released on the Sega CD, gamers had their hopes up for something that was better than the cartridge games.

The Bad
Mortal Kombat for the Sega CD features the Sega Genesis graphics with some additional character animation, better sound effects and music. The television commercial used to sell the original cartridge Mortal Kombat games is featured as a muddy, pixilated full motion video clip. The other major addition to the game is the frustratingly frequent loading time.

The Bottom Line
Mortal Kombat for the Sega CD highlights the severe hardware limitations of the system. Even for a first generation, CD-ROM game system, the Sega CD featured inferior graphic capabilities, slow data access and little internal memory. As a result, many titles were released for the Sega CD with, in comparison to their cartridge counterparts, only cosmetic additions. Sadly, Mortal Kombat is one of these titles to fall victim to the hardware limitations of the Sega CD, coupled with a desire to rush the game onto the shelves, with minimum effort.

SEGA CD · by ETJB (428) · 2010

Butchered. The only way to describe this port

The Good
The Game at its heart is mortal kombat. Nothing can change the familiar gameplay of it. So lets start off with the good of this port.

Graphics are very faithful to the arcade. The colors are stunning and look great. The game also has great backgrounds just like the arcade.

The voices are also here in most of their glory. A good amount of the voices were captured. If I remember correctrly it's missing a few from the arcade but for the most part it gots them down pat.

The Music is highly reminiscent of the arcade. This is a GOOD Thing. The arcade had quite a few memorable tunes. The Goro fight music is one of the most memorable mortal kombat fight themes ever.

The gameplay is intact. You know. The moves and the combos. If you can do some kombat in the arcade you can kombat on home.

This game pissed off Joe Liebermen

The Bad
NOW for the bad

BUTCHERED GAME PLAY. When I say butchered let me put it where it counts. The blood is replaced with "sweat" and the fatalities are cut out. Sub Zero's spine rip is now a freeze and a highpunch that breaks the ice. Johnny Cage's Uppercut fatality is now a wussy shadow kick that paralyzes them I guess. Raiden just shocks you and you faint. Kano still does his heart removal move but the move shows a grey thing. What is that? His sweat gland?

They censored Fatality to Finishing Move

Gameplay is not as smooth as the genesis or the arcade. Though the graphics are better the smoothness is a bit off compared to genesis or arcade.

The overall butchering makes it so this game is only mortal kombat in name but not in heart and soul

The Bottom Line
Overall this game is butchered horribly. The gameplay still stands quite a bit but the censorship is so bad that you don't get the full effect. A full 6/10.l I'm being pretty generous too.

SNES · by Mr. Huh (105) · 2005

Better known as "Mortal Kash Kow"...or "Horse Rubbish"!

The Good
Ummmmm......I'll have to get back to you on that.

The Bad
I could just say the simple fact that it exists and be done with it, but I can't. So I'll explain what I didn't like about this pile.

First off, I can NOT stand the engine nor the gameplay implimented within the engine. Ever since this game was released in arcades, the hype surrounding it was stuff like buckets of blood when you so much as tickled your opponent, super-cheezed (spell wrong intentionally) combos, and of course, the Fatalities. But the problem was, it was sometimes WAY too easy to smack down your computer opponent, and other times, the computer would fight using such cheezy tactics that you just want to knock the machine over. And bringing a second player doesn't make things better; instead, it just becomes a contest of "who's cheezier?". UGH.

And...the story continues on the PC with this home port.

Sure, the port is near-perfect, but it's also very buggy at some spots (like refusing to run on certain configurations), and it's also a bitch to control. I'd like to know who was smoking what on the development team when they decided to make a SEPERATE Block button in the MK series. If you ask me, a new Commandment for game developers should be written: "Thou shalt pull back to block!" A seperate Block button doesn't help you at all, unless you're looking to get your head kicked off by some hotshot Hollywood punk in bad sunglasses.

Speaking of which, this game just reeks of generic design. Your characters include: two ninja-looking guys (Sub-Zero and Scorpion), an Army woman (Sonya), the typical good guy (Liu Kang), the evil guy with the red eye (Kano), a god who looks like an old rice field worker (Rayden), and the Hollywood hotshot (Johnny Cage). All of them are digitized actors doing goofy looking moves, and they all animate horribly and look like crap. Oh yes, and they also all look TYPICAL! Oh, and the boss characters: the four-armed and pissed off Goro, and the shrivelled up old prune, Sheng Tsung. These two guys just aren't any better. The stages are a little better (the Shaolin courtyard looks pretty cool with all the monks in the back), but sadly, they didn't save this waste.

What about sounds and music? Well, I hated both. The music was just a bunch of fast beats, and didn't get your blood pumping or make you want to listen to it outside of the game. The sounds were just a lot of loud thwacks, yells (most of them so idiotic sounding that I was laughing out loud at their general crappiness), and squishes. Your typical MK sounds. Bleh.

The Bottom Line
Well, let's say it this way: MK is nothing more than just a "Kash Kow" for Midway. None of the games have ever had any true innovation to the genre, and it has been very stale ever since this release. And yes, I know: what series CAN stay fresh for a long run? But in short, I'd recommend you look elsewhere for your fighting game kicks on the PC.

To find the answer to the above question: it Kan prObably be Found...but not here.

DOS · by Satoshi Kunsai (2007) · 2001

[ View all 22 player reviews ]


1001 Video Games

Mortal Kombat appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.

Character choices

The manual states that "arcade machine statistics show that Johnny Cage is the least played character, while Sonya Blade is the most frequently chosen". This is backwards; history has proven that Johnny Cage is the most frequently chosen, while Sonya is the least.


Mortal Kombat was one of the games Senator Joseph Lieberman centered his arguments on during the 1993 investigation by the United States Congress on extreme violence in video games. The investigation caused SEGA to develop the Video Game Council, which would later evolve to the Entertainment Standards Review Board (ESRB). Since then, even with the ESRB, video games have actually increased in violence.


  • Jean Claude Van Damme was originally slated to play the part of Johnny Cage, but the deal fell through due to Van Damme being busy with his movie work. Johnny Cage's clothing is almost identical to that of Van Damme's character's from the 1988 movie Bloodsport. Moreover, Cage's split punch is directly taken from a move Van Damme does in the movie. The original data files for Johnny Cage still bear the name "vandamme".

  • According to Ed Boon in statements to EGM Magazine, the original Mortal Kombat was created by four people in just eight months from start to finish.

  • The original name for the character Sub-Zero was going to be Tundra.

  • Johnny Cage's real name is John Carlton (according to the game's storyline). The name was taken from the Midway game programmer John Carlton, who worked for the NBA Jam arcade series.

  • The original name for the character Johnny Cage was going to be Michael Grimm.

  • The original name for the character Goro was going to be Gongoro. According to John Tobias, the team decided to shorten it.


On the diagnostics screen of the first arcade version of Mortal Kombat, there was a listing in the audit menu for "ERMACS". This led players to believe there was a hidden character called Ermac. ERMAC actually is short for "Error Macro", and no such character appears in Mortal Kombat. Midway put a scrambled message in the sequel Mortal Kombat II, which appears at the bottom of the screen after beating the game: "CEAMR ODSE NTO EXITS" (an anagram of "Ermac does not exist"), and the hidden character Jade randomly appeared right before a match with the message "Ermac Who?". For Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, however, a new playable character called Ermac was created.

Game Boy version

Johnny Cage is missing from the Game Boy version.

German index

On March 31, 1994, Mortal Kombat, with the exception of the Game Boy version, was put on the infamous German index by the BPjS. For more information about what this means and to see a list of games sharing the same fate, take a look here: BPjS/BPjM indexed games. In addition to the indexing, on November 11, 1994, the SEGA Mega Drive, SEGA CD, SEGA Master System, and Game Gear versions were also confiscated for violating §131 of Germany's penal code (for showing gruel violence against humans, etc.) However, due to the 10 year limitation for confiscations, those four versions are no longer confiscated since November 11, 2004.


The game Mortal Kombat spawned numerous sequels, two films, a TV series, and even a cartoon.

Nimbus Terrafaux

It was rumored that there was a secret unlockable character in Mortal Kombat, called Nimbus Terrafaux. Later it was revealed to be a creation of Electronic Gaming Monthly as part of an April Fool's Day joke, despite the fact that Ed Boon had originally mentioned the character in an interview with the magazine. After this the magazine intentionally published false information on this character, complete with doctored screenshots and even a fabricated storyline.


Pre-orders of the console versions in the UK included a limited edition "Kombat Kit" as a give-a-way bonus. The kit included a poster, character cards, tattoo and pin-badge.


As the story goes, on November 1992, while preparing an upgrade to fix several bugs, Ed Boon shut himself in his office for a weekend and added the secret character Reptile all by himself. However, no indication was ever given of his existence. It wasn't until a later revision of the game (which added Reptile popping up before matches to give clues of his existence in the game) and a July 1993 VideoGames Magazine article in which Boon and John Tobias specifically clarified how to find Reptile, that the mass public became aware of the existence of a character that was already in the game for months.

In order to fight Reptile, the player has to be in The Pit scenery when the silhouettes glide past the Moon (it happens every 6th game). The player can not use the block move during the whole match, has to win all the rounds with Flawless Victory and perform a Fatality move in the end.


  • Raiden really is the Japanese God of Thunder. His appearance in myth is quite different though: he has red skin and a demonic face, his feet have two claws on them, and he carries either a wheel or drums on his back. He also is thought to eat human navels so people are advised to lie on their stomachs during storms. (from Davis, F. Hadland. Myths and Legends of Japan. New York: Dover, 1992. 1913.)

  • According to Ed Boon, the main characters are all caricatures of some of their favorite characters from martial arts and sci-fi movies: Kano, with his infra-red eye, is based on Arnold Schwarzenegger's make-up in The Terminator. Liu Kang is, obviously, the likeness of Bruce Lee. Raiden, the electric God of thunder, is based on the lightening-wielding character from Big Trouble in Little China. Sonya was loosely based on martial arts star Cynthia Rothrock.

References to the game

  • In the movie Billy Madison starring Adam Sandler, a little first grader refers to Mortal Kombat for his Genesis as the best video game ever.
  • In the animated TV-show Megas XLR, in the episode "Rearview Mirror, Mirror (Part 1 of 2)", at some point in the beginning, Megas does Sub-Zero's "Spine Ripper" fatality on a robot.


    Because the original code was written in C, the PC port is a flawless conversion in terms of gameplay. The same bugs and tricks in the arcade coin-op are applicable in the PC version, since it was built with the same source code.

    Thrill Kill

    In 1998, Virgin Interactive was ready to release Thrill Kill, a gory four-player fighting game which was supposed to unseat Mortal Kombat as the goriest fighting game. The AO-rated game was never released.


    This game specifically is credited for making Nintendo change their no-violence policies and generally "giving some slack" in what regards their strict content control policies. The reason: the SNES port of Mortal Kombat is censored, with modifications such as making completely new finishing moves (Raiden burns his opponent to harmless ashes instead of making his head explode, Sub-Zero deep freezes his enemy and then breaks him instead of pulling out his spine, etc.). As a result of this Nintendo lost millions of dollars in what is arguably one of the best-selling videogames ever and missed out on a title that became a certified blockbuster in all its other incarnations (by way of comparison the Genesis port of the game outsold the SNES port by approximately 3 to 1). The Genesis port requires the player to input a code to get blood and some of the fatalities from the arcade version. The SEGA CD port skips this and has blood on from the get-go and all the fatalities from the arcade version.


    • EGM
      • November 1997 (Issue 100) - ranked #5 (Titles That Revolutionized Console Gaming) (Arcade version)
    • GamePro
      • 1993 (Vol. 6, Issue 2) - Game of the Year (Editor's Choice)
    • Retro Gamer
      • September 2004 (Issue #8) – #55 Best Game Of All Time (Readers' Vote)
    • VideoGames Magazine
      • March 1995 - One of the Worst Ten Games of 1994 (SEGA CD version)
    • The Strong National Museum of Play
      • 2019 – Inducted into the World Video Game Hall of Fame
    Information also contributed by Alexander Michel, Bhatara Dewa Indra I, Big John WV, Caelestis, CaptainCanuck, Kartanym, MegaMegaMan, quizzley7, Robbb, ShabbyPie, Steve ., Terrence Bosky, Tomer Gabel, Xoleras, Zack Green and Zovni.
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    Related Sites +

    • Mortal Kombat Nightmares
      Covers all the games of the Mortal Kombat saga. Includes information on the upcoming Mortal Kombat games, fan fiction, and interactive q&a.
    • Video memories of Mortal Kombat
      The Angry Video Game Nerd, James Rolfe, talks about his memories of the Mortal Kombat series. Mostly the arcade versions but he also discusses the changes made to the SNES and Genesis versions of Mortal Kombat.

    Identifiers +

    • MobyGames ID: 599
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    Are you familiar with this game? Help document and preserve this entry in video game history! If your contribution is approved, you will earn points and be credited as a contributor.

    Contributors to this Entry

    Game added by IJan.

    Dedicated console added by mars_rulez. SEGA CD added by Kartanym. SEGA Master System, Amiga, Game Gear added by festershinetop. SNES, Genesis added by Satoshi Kunsai. Antstream added by lights out party. Arcade added by The cranky hermit. Game Boy added by quizzley7.

    Additional contributors: Trixter, Kartanym, Unicorn Lynx, chirinea, Sciere, Alaka, ~~, LepricahnsGold, Cantillon, Medicine Man, Patrick Bregger, mailmanppa, FatherJack, firefang9212, Dave Zanko, SoMuchChaotix.

    Game added December 19, 1999. Last modified September 30, 2024.